Nelson Vergel
I collected questions and answers posted on in the last 10 years about the use of human chorionic gonadotropin in men who want to prevent loss of testicular size and fertility while on testosterone replacement therapy or that want to use hCG alone as a way to boost their testosterone blood levels.
These are the top HCG related posts on that will be covered in the upcoming hCG Manual I am writing.
HCG-Is It Worth It ?
Testicle Size: Testosterone Injections vs hCG vs T gel
Dosing and freq of T and HCG
how to use hcg with T Gels
First blood work after adding testosterone to HCG solo treatment
How to mix my HCG?
HCG monotherapy: Good first option for a Secondary case?
Now on TRT plus HCG to preserve fertility
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, Pregnenolone and DHEA By Gene Devine
Why is it good to take HCG with testosterone replacement?
Dr. has no problems with me buying hcg from him but wont give me a handwritten prescription for it
HCG use in testosterone stimulation and restoration
Reputable Online supplier of HCG
Getting OFF testosterone questions
Prions in hcg
HCG How long until it starts to work
Testosterone and HGC
Converting HCG units - mcg to IU
How to travel with T and HCG?
HCG Injections: Morning or night. Does it matter?
struggling with hcg solo treatment, feel very sick, please help
hCG Expiration
Clomid vs hcg
Testosterone and hCG Mix
Sublingual HCG
Two Studies That Used HCG with Testosterone
Cost and availability of HCG
Good Online Source For HCG Inj
HCG Starting Dose
How to mix 11,000iu HCG vial?
HCG and Hematocrit
Testopel and HCG to Keep Testicle Size
HCG--Does it expire/lose potency if too old or not refrigerated?
Article: Why many doctors do not prescribe HCG or anastrozole
Can you inject HCG and hgh together?
Best days to use HCG, when inj. testosterone bi-weekly?
Cycling HCG
2 questions about hcg mono
Effects of Three Different Medications on Metabolic Parameters and Testicular Volume
HCG is not working anymore. Do I have antibodies to it?
Can HCG make your penis grow?
Types Of HCG
Attached file (You can download it if you are registered)
These are the top HCG related posts on that will be covered in the upcoming hCG Manual I am writing.
Introduction to HCG Usage
HCG is used alongside TRT and for fertility purposes, particularly pre-IVF. In this discussion, we'll dive into the different experiences and evidence surrounding HCG usage. Keep watching to learn more.HCG and TRT: A Personal Experience
In my experience and what we observe in clinics, HCG is often used with TRT. While many preach its necessity, it largely depends on personal response. For some, like Nelson Vergel, it significantly improves sex drive and libido, while others may not have the same experience. Dosage can vary, and it's often a matter of trial and error to see what works best.The Impact of HCG on Libido and Testicular Size
Nelson Vergel shares his strong bias in favor of HCG, noting that despite its recent popularity, he personally went many years without it while on testosterone. Although he felt fine, he noticed a dramatic increase in sex drive when he started using HCG. Testicular shrinkage and decreased sperm volume are common without HCG, but some experience pain during sex due to testicular atrophy. While not universally effective, HCG can enhance libido and help maintain testicular size for some men.The Science Behind HCG and Fertility
Dr. George Tillyattle shares research findings on HCG's role in fertility. Studies have shown that HCG, particularly when combined with FSH, can improve sperm count and quality in about two-thirds of men on testosterone replacement therapy. However, there are still challenges, such as ensuring adherence to treatment protocols.HCG’s Influence on Estrogen and Water Retention
Some men experience side effects like water retention, acne, and increased estrogen levels with HCG. Despite this, for those who respond well, the benefits outweigh the drawbacks. The right dose of HCG remains controversial, with studies suggesting that while it works for many, it’s not effective for everyone, especially those with longer exposure to testosterone or older age.HCG’s Role Beyond Fertility
Emerging research suggests that HCG may have broader implications beyond fertility, possibly influencing cognitive function and neurosteroids. Nelson Vergel discusses how his productivity and brain function have improved since starting HCG, raising the question of whether early use could have provided even greater benefits.Conclusion: Individualized Treatment with HCG
HCG’s effectiveness varies from person to person, making it essential to tailor treatment to individual needs. Whether for fertility, testicular maintenance, or enhanced libido, HCG can be beneficial, but it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. For those using it for fertility, enduring side effects may be necessary to achieve desired outcomes. Ultimately, personal experience and professional guidance should inform HCG usage.HCG-Is It Worth It ?
Testicle Size: Testosterone Injections vs hCG vs T gel
Dosing and freq of T and HCG
how to use hcg with T Gels
First blood work after adding testosterone to HCG solo treatment
How to mix my HCG?
HCG monotherapy: Good first option for a Secondary case?
Now on TRT plus HCG to preserve fertility
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, Pregnenolone and DHEA By Gene Devine
Why is it good to take HCG with testosterone replacement?
Dr. has no problems with me buying hcg from him but wont give me a handwritten prescription for it
HCG use in testosterone stimulation and restoration
Reputable Online supplier of HCG
Getting OFF testosterone questions
Prions in hcg
HCG How long until it starts to work
Testosterone and HGC
Converting HCG units - mcg to IU
How to travel with T and HCG?
HCG Injections: Morning or night. Does it matter?
struggling with hcg solo treatment, feel very sick, please help
hCG Expiration
Clomid vs hcg
Testosterone and hCG Mix
Sublingual HCG
Two Studies That Used HCG with Testosterone
Cost and availability of HCG
Good Online Source For HCG Inj
HCG Starting Dose
How to mix 11,000iu HCG vial?
HCG and Hematocrit
Testopel and HCG to Keep Testicle Size
HCG--Does it expire/lose potency if too old or not refrigerated?
Article: Why many doctors do not prescribe HCG or anastrozole
Can you inject HCG and hgh together?
Best days to use HCG, when inj. testosterone bi-weekly?
Cycling HCG
2 questions about hcg mono
Effects of Three Different Medications on Metabolic Parameters and Testicular Volume
HCG is not working anymore. Do I have antibodies to it?
Can HCG make your penis grow?

The Use of HCG to Prevent / Reverse Testicular Shrinkage and Preserve Fertility
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (From the book Testosterone: A Mans Guide, Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) (not to be confused with human growth hormone, or HGH) is a glycoprotein hormone that mimics LH (luteinizing hormone), produced in pregnancy by the developing embryo soon after...

US State Regulations on Testosterone and HCG
Click Each State to View Its Rules & Regulations Related to Testosterone and HCG. Testosterone is a Schedule III controlled substance in all states. HCG is not (NY, AL are the only states that regulate HCG as a schedule III) If no information is posted on your estate, then that means there are...

How to Find a Good Doctor that Prescribes Testosterone, HCG and Anastrozole
Many primary care doctors in the United States feel comfortable prescribing testosterone in the present. Unfortunately, many doctors still do not know much about the proper management of testosterone replacement or are afraid to prescribe it. Here are several resources that can help you if you...

Why is HCG Beneficial to Men ?
Why is HCG Beneficial to Men ? Basic Information on HCG: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) refers to glycoprotein a hormone that imitates luteinizing hormone, which is produced by pregnant women by a developing embryo immediately after conception. The role of HCG is to prevent the...

What Every Man Should Know About HCG, Testosterone and Testicular Size.
What Every Man Should Know About HCG, Testosterone and Testicular Size. Testosterone is one of the most important hormones for a man’s health. While most people see it as the men fertility hormone, it does so much more: It plays a role in the development of facial and body hair It promotes...

Is HCG safe for long term use
Hi Folks, I am thinking at start TRT + HCG and would like to know what is the long term side effects of using HCG. I know few people use HCG only when they trying to conceive but what if i keep using HCG for like lets say 5 years. Does it cause any problems? The reason for not trying TRT alone...

Nelson Vergel 's Testosterone plus HCG Protocol
The Use of HCG to Prevent / Reverse Testicular Shrinkage and Preserve Fertility • HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) is produced by human placenta, sterile product derived from urine of pregnant females. Recombinant DNA formulas are produced by pharmaceutical companies and compounding...

Types Of HCG
What is the best dose of HCG? Dr Saya presents two case studies.
Community - I am sharing and have attached the write-up of a recent small case study I have conducted on quantitative serum beta hCG concentrations relating to hCG injections. This study is limited to dosages of 150iu and 500iu, although I hope to obtain more data in the near future. P.S...

Why is HCG Important for Men on Testosterone Replacement Therapy?
Nelson Vergel from explains the benefits of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) use in men with low testosterone beyond fertility and testicular atrophy reversal. For more details go to: and watch

Where to get HCG w/o a prescription?
My endo nor pcp will not do anything to do with HCG though they do allow me to take clomid. Where can I get some legit HCG? I have gotten HCG online in the past but I don't think they were legit. I had an increase in A1C level after using the HCG I got online. Thank you

The FDA Ended Your Access to More Economical hCG and FSH
UPDATE ON DECEMBER 1, 2021: The FDA has just made it a lot more difficult for couples seeking fertility to start a family. They have shut down the only affordable access to fertility hormones made by compounding pharmacies for over 40 years . All compounders were ordered to stop making...

Can increasing HCG take the place of TRT temporarily?
Been on 2x "100mg Test C" & 2x "500IU HCG" for nearly 3 months and loving the results (mind, body, etc.). Due to Covid19 my lady and I are forced to move our first pregnancy forward to about 3 months from now. To prepare for this shall what protocol recommendations are recommended? Shall I cut...

HCG prescribed: where do i get it cheaply
I just got my HCG prescription for 2 vials of 10000 um. My insurance said no because of it being a bulk powder or something. Where can i get it cheaply. Ive seen the coupons for $105 a vial at CVS. Is that the cheapist. I don't think i can sustain that cost monthly dor too long...

Daily HCG - any benefit?
There was a post about this over a year ago, and had some good info, but I'd like to get a more current perspective of HCG dosing. I've read several posts on other sites that claim daily HCG dosing has a lot of benefits (better libido, erection strength, energy). However, I've read that doses...

When HCG is Added to TRT
Hey, I have been reading threads thru out the years since I've been on TRT. I appreciate everyone's advice and stories of their own. However, I haven't seen a question like mine. I have three children and after my youngest was born, 4 years ago, I began to experience low T symptoms. After blood...

T + HCG + (FSH or HMG)?
My NP is giving me the option of HMG or FSH. I already take about 500iu of HCG per week (split into two, any more aromatizes). Any reason to go for FSH over the HMG....cost, effect?

HCG and Trimix Support Program for Men

Expiration Date for TRT/HCG
How long after first use of a bottle of TRT/HCG until it expires and can no longer use it? The bottle of TRT has been kept in a dark cabinet, the HCG in the fridge.

Blood test for HCG ??
HCG Beta Subunit, Quantitative (Cancer) Blood Test This test is used as a tumor marker for certain cancers. It is used to evaluate and monitor male individuals with testicular tumors. This test is also used to determine the presence of hCG in individuals with gestational trophoblastic disease...

Clinic switched to Gonadorelin from HcG. What to do?
They did a quick bait and switch with a day's warning prior to sending out my package. This tanspired into me reading a lot about Gonadorelin and realizing I'd much rather stick to HCG for the sake of fertility and my future health. They're not willing to send a Rx to Empower, or any other...

HCG and Testosterone Cypionate and wife is pregnant!!!!
Attached is my recent sperm analysis (July 1st, 2020) and my HCG & T protocol. For the past 2.5 years I’ve been taking 300 IU’s .1 2x week HCG and 80mg .4 2x week T Cyp. My testes have mild atrophy, but decent sperm load and I notice a difference the longer I go without HCG. I decided to get...

T Cream + Hcg
To the guys on here who have had great success with cream protocol. Do any of you use cream plus hcg with great results? I know some guys use cream plus injections but I am wondering about cream plus hcg... or if most, or all, with great success with cream are using cream only, with nothing else.

Lowering test to add hcg
Has anyone here felt better, mainly libido and sexual function, by lowering their test dose so that they're mid range instead of upper end, and adding hcg? If so can you share your experience and numbers/doses?

HCG dosage for bringing testicle size back
I've been searching for info regarding HCG dosing, but it seems to be really mixed so I'm asking for opinions/knowledge/links to research/etc. My trt doc prescribed hcg to bring my balls back to life, since I'm looking to quit trt. My dr told me to take 5000iu 2x/week. Apparently it takes big...

Best Gadgets & Accessories for Men on Testosterone, hCG, Trimix, etc
I hope you enjoy my video! Best Accessories and Supplies for Men on Testosterone Replacement Therapy Introduction Hello, everyone! Nelson Vergel here from and Today, I’ll share my favorite gadgets, accessories, and tools for anyone on Testosterone Replacement...

Your experience with HCG, could you take it or leave it?
Hello, I'm new to TRT with HCG but not testosterone replacement. Recently put on HCG as part of new TRT protocol. I really want to pick each of your brains in hopes to hear some arguments for the use of HCG mainly outside of either fertility and aesthetics. I've never used HCG in the years Ive...

HCG Storage
Hi, My HCG which is pregnyl shows that the reconstitute solution is good for 28 days. That means, once the powder is mixed with solution then it can be used max 28 days right provided its kept in fridge. I use less dosage like 600iu per week and my HCG last for 2 months. What should i do...

HCG Availability | COVID
Hey guys, Which websites are still shipping HCG to the US? I have used reliablerxpharmacy, safemeds4all and premiumrxdrugs in the past. Thanks!

Stopped hCG and feel no difference?
Hi, My current protocol is 4 pumps of androgel daily with 500iu's of hCG every other day. I've hit over 1300 total T on this protocol: My labs on 4 pumps of Androgel and 500iu's of hCG EOD With the pandemic, I couldn't get the hCG and I only had one bottle left so I stretched it out. For the...

I get anxiety when using hCG with TRT
I've tried starting HCG several times over the last two years with similar results. By day 7 I start to have anxiety from it. I've tried 500 eod, 350, and 250 with the same results. I keep trying because it helps with my mood and well being the first couple of days. The doc seemed stumped...

Need Help! After MANY pharmacy calls, no hCG alternative. Now what?
Being on a protocol for MANY years that is working great for me, I have made calls to many pharmacies and inquired on many forums on the web regarding any hCG alternatives on the market. We all know that hCG will be coming off the market and supply will run out and it is not going to be...

Gonadorelin alternative to hCG - Kisspeptin a peptide that is not approved for compounding
After doing some digging since a clinic i know is no longer using hCG, a called a few pharmacies and found out they are going to be offering Gonadorelin and NOT Kisspeptin. Kisspeptin is a peptide and it is NOT approved to be compounded and states like California will not approve it, while...

My clinic & hCG no longer being available - Empower Pharmacy?
So it seems my clinic's pharmacy is no longer providing hCG so they want to change my protocol which i would rather not do. I see everyone mentioning Empower pharmacy but it is illegal for them to even continue to produce hcg from my understanding and they are breaking the law based on the...

Treating Low Testosterone with Clomid, hCG and Aromatase Inhibitors: A Review of the Data
Abstract Testosterone deficiency is defined as a total testosterone level

HPTA Recovery Log to Re Start Testosterone Production
Hello everyone. Following my failed attempt at restarting my natural testosterone production, I'm back on HRT in the form of 500iu HCG 3x p/w. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Current issues: Always cold, especially extremities Absent Libido...

Kisspeptin-10 as a replacement for compounded HCG?
My Dr told me that their pharmacy can no longer compound HCG, but that he is going to start using Kisspeptin-10 as the alternative without increasing my monthly fee. He told me that Kisspeptin acts like GnRH and stimulates the Pituitary to release both LH and FSH. I've done some reading online...

Bacteriostatic Water for HcG mixing.
Hey gang. Quick question. Is the recommendation that any leftover bacteriostatic water be discarded? The kit that I got recently got has two vials of hCG powder but only one vial of bacteriostatic water (multi use 30ml) Typically I would just reconstitute one HcG vial at a time with the 5ml of...

Do you like HCG?
I’ve searched for hours and read countless answers from people, yet it’s hard to gauge the split on who likes HCG versus who doesn’t. Plain and simple. Don’t think about “well I liked it until my kid knocked the vial over” or “well the UGL one sucked but”. As of today, do you like (and...

HCG Half life IM vs SubQ?
So I am finding some info about IM HCG injections having way shorter half life compared to SubQ but can't really find solid info on this. I was always under the impression they had little difference at the typical doses for TRT and even Monotherapy. Does anyone know of any data on this? I am...

Lowest Dose of HCG to Avoid Atrophy
What's up guys, Seems like numbers are all over the place on how much HCG is needed to avoid atrophy. Some people are able to get away with very minimal doses while other need more of a significant amount. For those that use HCG just to avoid atrophy what is the dose/frequency that works for...

High HCG dosage causing increase in heartbeat
Hello Everyone, My private doctor started 1250mg per week since 2 weeks. He wants to know whether hcg monotherapy works. Anyways, the reason i am writing this is i feel like i am going to get heart attack. Just running few steps cause my heart to pump crazy. Do anybody experienced that? Even...

Does HCG raise estradiol more/faster than straight testosterone cypionate?
I’m doing 60 mg TC x 2 weekly and just added again 375 IU HCG 3 X weekly. Does the HCG add/raise estradiol faster/more than just the testosterone? Latest estradiol sensitive at labcorp came back at 48, range < 45. Not to concerned, just curious. Thanks All.

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HCG Archives - ExcelMale

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