Testosterone Cypionate vs Enanthate Ester break down

I successfully switched over to Enanthate from Cypionate and I feel much better. I was wondering if the esters in these two Testosterones broke down the same. I guess what Im trying to say is, I know that the Cypionate has a longer chain ester than the Enanthate but when you body is breaking down the ester at some point does the cypionate become the same as the Enanthate chemically or are they broken down differently. Is the difference I feel only the preservatives? Both had the same carrier oil.

Just wondering what the differences were once injected. The goal is for the body to get the testosterone but what are the differences when the body starts working on it. Sorry I don’t know enough about chemistry.

How long have you been on the Enanthate after switching? A lot of men feel better on Enanthate as well from all the readings and anecdotes I've seen over the years. My self also switched to Enanthate but from Sustanon and feel way better and well improved my BP/RHR as well. Heard similar story from another guy using Sustanon, which obviously is a mix of 3-4 different esters and not like Cypionate, but seems some people do tolerate different esters differently. Same as some can run grams of Testosterone and feel good with their BP in normal range while others feel like a complete mess even at low TRT like dosages with elevated BP and other issues. You will find tons of discussions that its pretty much the same but real life anecdotes says differently and you will never know unless you give it a fair try.
I've been on Enanthate for 8 weeks now. I had been on Cypionate for over 10 years with Anxiety and Panic attacks. The difference is day and night. After about 2 Weeks I could start to feel the difference and within 4 weeks I was like a new man. Now Im actually getting what I wanted out of TRT to begin with. I can't believe I suffered for almost 10 years. I was just wondering why I feel so much better. After 2 weeks I was sure it was placebo but I just kept feeling better.
10 years damn man thats a real struggle SMH glad you feeling better. Not sure what the issue here is but my wild guess would be the carrier oils or something that is added there or elsewhere as I'm not a chemist either. Plenty of posts discussing and arguing the exact same issue but the proof is in the pudding. Some guys just feel night and day difference. The guy I've talked was on NHS prescribed Sustanon made by Aspen, Ireland for 12 months IIRC and he was suffering with the same issues and elevated BP and RHR, anxiety, night sweats, etc. He changed to Enanthate and all his problems went away after 4 weeks he was a new man, exactly like you posted. I don't believe in conincidence so theres def something there and since we all are unique and so different it always pays to think outside the box and explore all possible venues searching for answers.
I successfully switched over to Enanthate from Cypionate and I feel much better. I was wondering if the esters in these two Testosterones broke down the same. I guess what Im trying to say is, I know that the Cypionate has a longer chain ester than the Enanthate but when you body is breaking down the ester at some point does the cypionate become the same as the Enanthate chemically or are they broken down differently. Is the difference I feel only the preservatives? Both had the same carrier oil.

Just wondering what the differences were once injected. The goal is for the body to get the testosterone but what are the differences when the body starts working on it. Sorry I don’t know enough about chemistry.


Look over the PKs (pharmacokinetics) they are basically interchangeable other than the fact that some may have a bad reaction to the ester, excipients, or carrier oil used but this is not common.

*The purpose of the ester is to control the release rate of the steroid from the oily depot and it is cleaved as soon as it hits the bloodstream releasing free testosterone.

TU/TC/TE/TP (oily depot)----->ester cleaved (ECF)----->FREE TESTOSTERONE (blood)

Injectable Testosterone

The most widely used testosterone formulation for many decades has been an intramuscular injection of testosterone esters (figure 5), formed by 17β-esterification of testosterone with fatty acids of various aliphatic and/or aromatic chain lengths, injected in a vegetable oil vehicle (653). This depot product relies on retarded release of the testosterone ester from the oil vehicle injection depot because esters undergo rapid hydrolysis by ubiquitous esterases to liberate free testosterone into circulation. The pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of androgen esters are therefore primarily determined by ester side-chain length, the volume of the oil vehicle, and the site of injection via hydrophobic physicochemical partitioning of the androgen ester between the hydrophobic oil vehicle and the aqueous extracellular fluid (654).

I've been on Enanthate for 8 weeks now. I had been on Cypionate for over 10 years with Anxiety and Panic attacks. The difference is day and night. After about 2 Weeks I could start to feel the difference and within 4 weeks I was like a new man. Now Im actually getting what I wanted out of TRT to begin with. I can't believe I suffered for almost 10 years. I was just wondering why I feel so much better. After 2 weeks I was sure it was placebo but I just kept feeling better.
I felt the same weirdly. Enanthate worked better for me. could be carrier oil? You should see if your enanthate uses a different oil. I'm curious.
I know people will say it's bullshit and it probably is but I did read a book by a steroid guru from back in that day who swore test cyp was inferior to enanthate
Can't remember his reasoning
But antidotaly the people with the most issues with trt always seem to be on test cyp
I know it's probably wrong but who knows
I know people will say it's bullshit and it probably is but I did read a book by a steroid guru from back in that day who swore test cyp was inferior to enanthate
Can't remember his reasoning
But antidotaly the people with the most issues with trt always seem to be on test cyp
I know it's probably wrong but who knows
To me it’s a night and day difference.
I've been on Enanthate for 8 weeks now. I had been on Cypionate for over 10 years with Anxiety and Panic attacks. The difference is day and night. After about 2 Weeks I could start to feel the difference and within 4 weeks I was like a new man. Now Im actually getting what I wanted out of TRT to begin with. I can't believe I suffered for almost 10 years. I was just wondering why I feel so much better. After 2 weeks I was sure it was placebo but I just kept feeling better.
Definitely not placebo. Whatever is going on is legitimately making u feel better.

What‘s ur protocol and injection frequency and route of administration?

is it all the exact same as when u were on cyp?

what brand of cyp were u on, and what brand of enanthate are u currently taking?

When I can get Pfizer cyp, I use that, but whenever that‘s on back order, I personally use pharma enanthate. Currently using Hikma. Been using that for a while now

Enanthate has a shorter half life, compared to cyp. Not by much tho, maybe 2 days shorter, but at least 1 day shorter. Wonder if the half life has anything to do with how ur feeling. Lots of guys feel a ton better on prop than cyp, for example
I would like to try enanthate. But my PA at the VA freaks any time I mention anxiety, and then refers me to my psychiatrist who then refers me back to primary care.

Can somebody give me some other symptoms of cypionate that I can use to get my PA to make the change?

Enanthate has a shorter half life, compared to cyp. Not by much tho, maybe 2 days shorter, but at least 1 day shorter. Wonder if the half life has anything to do with how ur feeling. Lots of guys feel a ton better on prop than cyp, for example
I've often thought to myself that something with a half life between propionate and enanthate would be the jam for me, if something like that existed.
I would like to try enanthate. But my PA at the VA freaks any time I mention anxiety, and then refers me to my psychiatrist who then refers me back to primary care.

Can somebody give me some other symptoms of cypionate that I can use to get my PA to make the change?

I wouldn't give any specifics as to why. Just tell him you would like to try enanthate with your next refill. If he needs a why, just say something like "I've talked to a few friends who say they feel better on enanthate and I would like to try it to see if it makes any difference for me."
I've been on Enanthate for 8 weeks now. I had been on Cypionate for over 10 years with Anxiety and Panic attacks. The difference is day and night.
There are a couple of members, including myself, my personal experience is cypionate is more potent than Enanthate.

I’m extremely sensitive to certain things, testosterone, and medication in general. So maybe it takes people like us to feel a difference.

Bodybuilders have been saying for years that they get less fluid retention from Enanthate than with Cypionate.
I've often thought to myself that something with a half life between propionate and enanthate would be the jam for me, if something like that existed.
Testosterone Phenylpropionate is basically what ur lookin for. It exists, just not super common


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same, man no idea why. Thought it was all in my head maybe until reading this thread.
I can’t explain why either but I tested it multiple times. In the beginning of my trt journey I felt so bad taking it. I would keep going on and off of cyp. And would just feel awful. Then 4 years ago I said screw it one last try but I’ll try enanthate and it was a much better experience. But honestly I don’t think I was ever on a high enough dose. Then I switched to cream and felt even better how ever I keep my levels higher on cream. I’m getting pretty tired of the 2x a day application so I’m going to try going back to injections at a higher dose. Fingers crossed. But nice to know I have cream in my back pocket.

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