Active Member
Hello. I very much hope the great people and expertise in this forum to be able to help me. And my case is quite complicated.
As described in my other thread I transferred from sustanon to enanthate 9 weeks ago. I felt good in week 5, but now I feel bad and I feel bad in a very specific way that worries me because it is FAMILIAR. Last summer I was on enanthate on a very different protocol and had way lower test levels than now. But now I experience VERY SIMILAR negative to the last summer when I tried 8-9 weeks of enanthate.
The negative I experience is APATHY and SLUGGISHNESS. Hard to explain, but every time I've tried a protocol on this enanthate and one time I tried 8 weeks on UGL cypionate(no pharma cyp here) I felt these negatives. BASICALLY EVERY TIME I"VE TRIED A SINGLE LONG ESTER. And I've tried different dosages, different test levels, IM and sub q(sub q felt even worse). Very different than how you are supposed to feel on testosterone, right?
Only on sustanon I have felt well being, a sense of joy and also inner motivation and drive and emotional energy. Why I wanted to try enanthate again and got off sustanon? - Too much injections. I need to inject the sustanon often to feel stable and sub q doesnt work for me, especially on sustanon - levels are much lower and every injection creates a terrible nodule. So I NEED to inject IM. Daily and even EOD deep IM injections suck. Pain and scar tissue build up quickly and I guess I can be more sensitive to that. And on enanthate injecting 2 times a week is great in terms of scar tissue, pain and so on.
Apart from injection frequency seemingly I feel better on the sustanon in terms of mood and well being. On the other hand sleep and apetite are worse on sustanon.
Now I will not give up on the enanthate so quickly. I will lower my dose with 10mg(130mg weekly now, current total t is 1450+, SHBG 30, albumin 4.5) weekly and I will order from abroad different pharma enanthate with different oil(castor). The enanthate I use now is with olive oil.
Do you think the oil my play something in the sluggishness or apathy I feel on this product?
Or more likely the sustanon with the multi esters somehow stimulates my nervous system and this results in a sense of well being? Like described in this video
I read here people use propionate with long esters. In my country no pharma propionate is available, I can order only from UGL website, but again this means daily injections which will bring me back to the issue I had with pharmaceutically available here sustanon initially.
On TRT I've never had issues with high blood counts or high e2 symptoms, what most people complain of. In terms of markers upon protocol change I get elevated iron, my bilirubin is always high since before TRT, IGF-1 is a bit over the top of the range(around 270-280) and progesterone seems high, 0,2-0,3 ng/ml. It was 0,2 ng/ml even before starting TRT, seems I've been a big progesteron converter to begin with. Im working to setup a consultation online with a knowledgeable US doctor, the endocrinologists that has prescribed my treatment here is a great person, but doesnt have the expertise to tackle any of my issues.
What would you do if you were on my place?
I know madman said when trying a new protocol one needs to wait a few months, but every time Ive started sustanon things happen in a matter of weeks for me... And also what I've read from the forums and heard from the knowledgeable doctors 7-8 weeks they say is enough time to asses a protocol. To be honest I just want to find a protocol that works for me and focus on other things in my life and forget about all this TRT stuff
I feel mentally tired of all this...
As described in my other thread I transferred from sustanon to enanthate 9 weeks ago. I felt good in week 5, but now I feel bad and I feel bad in a very specific way that worries me because it is FAMILIAR. Last summer I was on enanthate on a very different protocol and had way lower test levels than now. But now I experience VERY SIMILAR negative to the last summer when I tried 8-9 weeks of enanthate.
The negative I experience is APATHY and SLUGGISHNESS. Hard to explain, but every time I've tried a protocol on this enanthate and one time I tried 8 weeks on UGL cypionate(no pharma cyp here) I felt these negatives. BASICALLY EVERY TIME I"VE TRIED A SINGLE LONG ESTER. And I've tried different dosages, different test levels, IM and sub q(sub q felt even worse). Very different than how you are supposed to feel on testosterone, right?
Only on sustanon I have felt well being, a sense of joy and also inner motivation and drive and emotional energy. Why I wanted to try enanthate again and got off sustanon? - Too much injections. I need to inject the sustanon often to feel stable and sub q doesnt work for me, especially on sustanon - levels are much lower and every injection creates a terrible nodule. So I NEED to inject IM. Daily and even EOD deep IM injections suck. Pain and scar tissue build up quickly and I guess I can be more sensitive to that. And on enanthate injecting 2 times a week is great in terms of scar tissue, pain and so on.
Apart from injection frequency seemingly I feel better on the sustanon in terms of mood and well being. On the other hand sleep and apetite are worse on sustanon.
Now I will not give up on the enanthate so quickly. I will lower my dose with 10mg(130mg weekly now, current total t is 1450+, SHBG 30, albumin 4.5) weekly and I will order from abroad different pharma enanthate with different oil(castor). The enanthate I use now is with olive oil.
Do you think the oil my play something in the sluggishness or apathy I feel on this product?
Or more likely the sustanon with the multi esters somehow stimulates my nervous system and this results in a sense of well being? Like described in this video
I read here people use propionate with long esters. In my country no pharma propionate is available, I can order only from UGL website, but again this means daily injections which will bring me back to the issue I had with pharmaceutically available here sustanon initially.
On TRT I've never had issues with high blood counts or high e2 symptoms, what most people complain of. In terms of markers upon protocol change I get elevated iron, my bilirubin is always high since before TRT, IGF-1 is a bit over the top of the range(around 270-280) and progesterone seems high, 0,2-0,3 ng/ml. It was 0,2 ng/ml even before starting TRT, seems I've been a big progesteron converter to begin with. Im working to setup a consultation online with a knowledgeable US doctor, the endocrinologists that has prescribed my treatment here is a great person, but doesnt have the expertise to tackle any of my issues.
What would you do if you were on my place?
I know madman said when trying a new protocol one needs to wait a few months, but every time Ive started sustanon things happen in a matter of weeks for me... And also what I've read from the forums and heard from the knowledgeable doctors 7-8 weeks they say is enough time to asses a protocol. To be honest I just want to find a protocol that works for me and focus on other things in my life and forget about all this TRT stuff

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