side effects

  1. S

    Difference between daily IM vs daily SubQ?

    Been on for about 10 months and have tried multiple frequencies, administration sites, and dosages. All of these trials were based on the need to control elevated H&H. The one that did the trick in mitigating it was daily subcutaneous injections totaling 70mg/week. Labs for this protocol were...
  2. J

    HCG Monotherapy and Hair Loss

    I have been taking a low dose HCG (200 IU 3x week) for about 3 weeks now. Testosterone and Estradiol levels have not changed during the period, but I have been experiencing noticeable hair loss for the past week. Was anyone with similar side effects to HCG able to stop hair loss while still...
  3. V

    My T base DMSO solution for T side effects.

    So first of all I live in a country where you can buy T everywhere by just walking into any pharmacy. And no MDs here understand hormones. Your on your own here. second I go more from how I feel than blood markers. I did however test total T ongoing to find the proper dosage. But first I wish...
  4. F

    TRT Nosebleeds After Shower

    I have a rather interesting side effect, which I can directly attribute to testosterone replacement and I am seeking the opinion of others informally. While my research indicates this is not something to worry about immediately, I will eventually speak to a doctor about it. Anyways, I was off...
  5. Y

    Using clomid while on trt to retain testicular function

    Hello, I know this has been asked more than once here but I have Only seen conflicting, old information. I am hoping someone can help. i am 33 and have low t. I was on trt but recently was prescribed clomid. The generic version is being discontinued and my insurance doesn’t cover it, so it...
  6. L

    Erectile Disfunction on TRT / Please Read

    There are some topics here and in other forums (please Google "TRT and ED" on Reddit or other forums) of men complaining about having ED on TRT after being good and dialed for months or even years and suddently developing impotence out of nowhere. Suspects are: estrogen imbalances, low SHBG...
  7. J

    Blood pressure rises after TRT injection

    Hello all, I have been on TRT (150ml of 200mg/ml a week, split into 3 injections) for about two years. Up until now everything was great. About a month ago I noticed every time I injected my blood pressure rose into the 130/140’s and I would be dizzy for a day. Hematocrit came back at 47, I...
  8. Gianluca

    Need advice on HCG and side effects.

    As some of you know, I included again into my TRT protocol the HCG at 150IU daily using Pregnyl. I have used the HCG for 10 days straight now, and I’d like to know if you guys think I should wait a bit longer or this call for a dose reduction. I have good side effects but to keep the post...
  9. D

    Side Effect Should Prompt New Research Spider venom may be the new Trimix.
  10. M

    Free T low, total t high.

    Free T... My total test came back at 900 on a scale of 250-850. But my free came back low, 11, on a scale of 9-22. shbg is 45, Inj frequency is 2x a week. (80 mg total for week) What else should I be looking at as to why my free T is lower?? THX
  11. M

    My dose has been too high?

    Try and keep this short...5 years ago felt bad, Dr put me on 100 mg of Test cyp 1x a week, did ok for a while, HCT HGB got too high, told to donate every 4 months, still didn't feel right, test levels were great, high in fact around 1000, after another year still felt rough (Yes tested for...
  12. B

    Having a rough time since I lowered my Test dose....

    I lowered my dose from 120mg (was on for over a year) slowly down to 90mg a week over a few months, just recently (2 weeks ago) split it into 3 times a week MWF 30 mgs per. SInce then I feel more emotional, depressed, anxious, my nipples are really sore, I am more TIRED and ACHY all over...
  13. P

    Swollen Testicle

    I was on daily 50mg topical testosterone for a few months. I experienced significant testicular atrophy. I found this to very disturbing and abruptly ceased usage of the gel about 2-3 weeks ago. My testicles have slowly returned to their normal size and color since I have stopped. The scrotum...
  14. Pnw0031

    2 years of insomnia on Test C- various dosages

    Hello everyone, I have been dealing with severe insomnia while on testosterone cypionate for the past two years. Used androgel (sorry I do not remember the dose) for years prior. Testicular cancer survivor, can’t get off trt. I’ve tried various regimes and protocols and tricks and I’m going...
  15. josh220

    Telmisartan and side effects

    Hello guys, I was prescribed 40mg of telmisartan from doc and seems since i have been taking it I can feel my heart beats faster and harder. It is making feel anxious. Has anyone run into side effects with telmisartan? Heard alot of good things about the medication and my doc says it won't make...
  16. M

    Are there people that get on TRT and have no or very few side effects?

    Hi! I keep reading and hearing from interviews, forums, posts in different sites reports from different people just to gather information before I take the plunge. I keep finding reports of people dealing with side effects some of them are serious. I've seen a lot of people having issues...
  17. B

    I am extremely sensitive to Testosterone Cypionate.... Low dose?

    I tried TRT 5 years ago. The doctor started me at 200mg a week of Test Cyp. One shot. Well I was overwhelmed with anxiety and my estrogen crashed. He started me on Arimidex which made my bones hurt like hell. So I stopped. I raised my T levels enough to survive naturally but then Covid killed...
  18. Pacman

    Semaglutide: Preventing/Dealing with Side Effects

    Hi all! I just received my Semaglutide medicine. I am planning to take it later today for the first time. I am excited about it (due to the fact that I have always had weight issues my entire life) but also very nervous (because I tend to have GI issues easily, usually in the form of...
  19. Pacman

    Does nandrolone contribute to (or cause) depression?

    I added nandrolone officially to my regimen about one month ago (I have tried it in the past but never very long). The purpose of adding it was to assist in resolving joint pain, and it works PERFECT!! 10 out 10, joint pain is nearly non-existent! I am doing physical therapy in addition...
  20. Fernando Almaguer

    Testosterone increases soft plaque buildup?

    I was watching a video by Dr. Brad Stanfield on Youtube and he mentioned the benefits over risk for someone who truly is testosterone deficient. Saying that these individuals do need HRT but the majority of men do not. Ok, then he said that studies show soft plaque increases that cannot be...
  21. R

    Enclomiphene Depression

    Been on Enclomiphene (12.5 ED) about two weeks in conjunction with anestrozole (.1 3 days/wk). In only a matter of days I fell into a serious depression that is very uncharacteristic of me. I stopped the AI thinking it might be that, but then noticed within one or two hours of taking the...
  22. F

    Nausea As A Side Effect of TRT

    I have posted a lot of my struggles with TRT, mostly due to headaches caused by injections. But, I have also noticed another side effect that has been pretty consistent: nausea. Sometimes, but not always, I experience nausea 8-12 hours after I inject. It can last at least until the following...
  23. A

    How to lower dose and avoid side effects

    Hi all, Just wondering if you can please provide some advice on lowering my T dose and minimise the side effects whilst doing so. I took some bad advice and having been doing 200mg every week (MWF). I believe it is causing me the current bout of anxiety, OCD and lethargy Im experiencing. I...
  24. C

    Skin issues while on testosterone?

    Has anyone experienced eczema like skin issues while on TRT? I don't mean injection site issues like redness and inflammation but systemic hive like, extremely itchy raised lesions on the back, chest, right and left flank. I have been off TRT for a few months now and the issue has increased. The...
  25. M

    I need knowledgeable opinions on crazy side effects on 100Mg a week TRT.

    Hi guys, I'll cut to the chase, I know everyone's time is valuable but I need help figuring out something and it's driving me crazy. Im 41m , workout 3 times a week heavy lifting. Jiujitsu 4 times a week sometimes 2x a day. Experienced slow recovery and other related symptoms of low T. Lab...
  26. M

    Achy , tensed feeling muscles a side effect

    Has anyone experienced this ? My muscles feel almost like they have been worked to exhaustion . I also generally feel like crap. I’m currently on 20mg Ed schedule of test c. Not scheduled for labs for a few more weeks.
  27. S

    Anyone taking Lisinopril for high blood pressure?

    I’ve tried to no avail to get my BP under control over the last year. It averages 150/95. My doctor wanted me to start 10mg Lisinopril on Thursday of this week. After the first dose it lowered my blood pressure substantially. The thing is I’ve not felt well since starting it. I feel sort of...
  28. G

    Trouble taking a full "satisfying" breath

    Hi there, I could really use some help. I have been on 38 mg Test Cyp EOD for around a year now and recently have begun having an extremely troublesome problem. I donated blood twice for a work function recently (both donations were 56 days apart). The last donation was around 4 weeks ago. Two...
  29. J

    Side effect control

    Is there any supplements that can help get system started back after trt and anything to help with side effects like sore nipples see alot of supplements do any of them actually help thank you
  30. P

    Just getting started and not too sure what to expect.............

    I've got a question for you guys: Could most of you say that your benefits from taking Test have outweighed your risks?? I’m asking because yesterday I just received my first prescription for Androgel 1.62% after doing labs last week and learning that my free Test is 4.5 pg/mL compared to a...
  31. L

    honeymoon phase? Is the forum overly negative? is anyone on here happy with TRT?

    I posted a few months ago. Little background on me. I tested 351ish for total T several months ago with an E2 level of around 7. Free T was also pretty low at 41. I felt pretty shitty at that time. Mostly fatigue and lack of motivation. I worked for the next 2 months to naturally raise the T...