Are there people that get on TRT and have no or very few side effects?

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Hi! I keep reading and hearing from interviews, forums, posts in different sites reports from different people just to gather information before I take the plunge.

I keep finding reports of people dealing with side effects some of them are serious. I've seen a lot of people having issues managing their hemoglobin and other blood related issues. Some even had strokes and or heart attacks. Other people are dealing with blood pressure and some with prostate enlargement even a few with prostate cancer (I know that trt does not cause cancer however it might accelerate it)

All those issues are worrisome to me since I'm looking at the long term, next year I'll be 50 so my goal is quality of life and longevity without having to compromise one for the other ( I know that's everyone's goal)

I've been prescribed testosterone last week however I didn't start yet because my triglycerides are 4 times above normal and I want to see my cardiologist first and get more blood work done. I went 100 vegan and cut all sugar and lost 20 lbs in 2 months. I train 2 a day 5 to 6 days a week. I don't kill myself I train within my limit.

My endo says that my levels and hormones are appear to be from concussion and ptsd (I was a first responder for 15 years seen a bunch of people die, about to die or already dead almost been killed 3 times, no injuries from it just mental trauma. I also did competitive karate i have about 25 to 30 fights, 7 years mma no fights,7 years boxing no fights but sparring, and wrestling) he prescribed 130 test enanthate 1 a week. For what I read that seems like a lot to me, I would much rather start at 40 or 50 a week. I think I might be a hyper responder (I did anavar, half a dose 10 years ago and got impressed results) even now with low t I still build muscle.

I been lifting naturally for 31 years (did 2 cycles of oxandrolone for a tournament). I still lift 4 times a week plus wrestling (for fun and self defense) and boxing 2 to 3 times a week, I just hit the bag.l haven't sparred in 7 years. I do have kids so everything was working fine until 6 years ago when I had my last of 5 kids. I don't drink or smoke. No meds either, trt will be my first one but I'm worried about all this issues and all the doctor appointments some people have to go through. As you can see I have 5 kids and we are busy. I'm dealing with the ptsd and depression so I'm off work doing therapy.

I also find that there is so much conflicting information our there. To be honest it's a bit overwhelming.

Sorry for the long post but this is the most credible forum, everyone seems to be here to have a long healthy life, not to be jacked. If you have any input please let me know. Thank you!
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
been on TRT 1+ year. other then creeping hematocrit (doing donation), feel amazing! my gym recoveries are very good, prior to that it was awful, i could not go more then 1-2x week.
libido is huge, sort of every day thing, before that 1x week, when wife forced me. i'm 44y old.
TRT can help depression massively, I had none really, but low mood overall and anxiety. both improved massively as well.
good luck!
Interesting timing for this post because I was at one of my chiros this morning and he inquired how I was doing. "Great, ever since I switched to EoD". He also mentioned that one of his patients stopped TRT because it wasn't addressing his PTSD. I got the sense that he was considering treatment, without saying he was considering treatment...

To date, the only things I am concerned about are hemoglobin however I am a regular donor for Canadian Blood Services so that is kept in check. Drink lots of water to balance hematocrit (% of blood volume) and that's about it. I don't snap anymore, calm, cool and collected.

I monitored my T for about a year and it went down steadily no matter how much I spent on predatory supplements. Taking T lead to a complete change after about 6-8 months.

57, over 1 year on TRT. Measurements in nmol/L
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been on TRT 1+ year. other then creeping hematocrit (doing donation), feel amazing! my gym recoveries are very good, prior to that it was awful, i could not go more then 1-2x week.
libido is huge, sort of every day thing, before that 1x week, when wife forced me. i'm 44y old.
TRT can help depression massively, I had none really, but low mood overall and anxiety. both improved massively as well.
good luck!
Thank you
Interesting timing for this post because I was at one of my chiros this morning and he inquired how I was doing. "Great, ever since I switched to EoD". He also mentioned that one of his patients stopped TRT because it wasn't addressing his PTSD. I got the sense that he was considering treatment, without saying he was considering treatment...

To date, the only things I am concerned about are hemoglobin however I am a regular donor for Canadian Blood Services so that is kept in check. Drink lots of water to balance hematocrit (% of blood volume) and that's about it. I don't snap anymore, calm, cool and collected.

I monitored my T for about a year and it went down steadily no matter how much I spent on predatory supplements. Taking T lead to a complete change after about 6-8 months.

57, over 1 year on TRT
Thank you, yes great timing!
On Jatenzo for almost 2 years, no issues related to the TRT. People are can still have medical issues on TRT, that doesn't mean TRT is the cause.

A lot of men going on TRT have other health problems which is why the testosterone is low in the first place.

I have hematocrit at 53% and hemoglobin at 18.4 and no issues. BP 113/65.
Hi! I keep reading and hearing from interviews, forums, posts in different sites reports from different people just to gather information before I take the plunge.

I keep finding reports of people dealing with side effects some of them are serious. I've seen a lot of people having issues managing their hemoglobin and other blood related issues. Some even had strokes and or heart attacks. Other people are dealing with blood pressure and some with prostate enlargement even a few with prostate cancer (I know that trt does not cause cancer however it might accelerate it)

All those issues are worrisome to me since I'm looking at the long term, next year I'll be 50 so my goal is quality of life and longevity without having to compromise one for the other ( I know that's everyone's goal)

I've been prescribed testosterone last week however I didn't start yet because my triglycerides are 4 times above normal and I want to see my cardiologist first and get more blood work done. I went 100 vegan and cut all sugar and lost 20 lbs in 2 months. I train 2 a day 5 to 6 days a week. I don't kill myself I train within my limit.

My endo says that my levels and hormones are appear to be from concussion and ptsd (I was a first responder for 15 years seen a bunch of people die, about to die or already dead almost been killed 3 times, no injuries from it just mental trauma. I also did competitive karate i have about 25 to 30 fights, 7 years mma no fights,7 years boxing no fights but sparring, and wrestling) he prescribed 130 test enanthate 1 a week. For what I read that seems like a lot to me, I would much rather start at 40 or 50 a week. I think I might be a hyper responder (I did anavar, half a dose 10 years ago and got impressed results) even now with low t I still build muscle.

I been lifting naturally for 31 years (did 2 cycles of oxandrolone for a tournament). I still lift 4 times a week plus wrestling (for fun and self defense) and boxing 2 to 3 times a week, I just hit the bag.l haven't sparred in 7 years. I do have kids so everything was working fine until 6 years ago when I had my last of 5 kids. I don't drink or smoke. No meds either, trt will be my first one but I'm worried about all this issues and all the doctor appointments some people have to go through. As you can see I have 5 kids and we are busy. I'm dealing with the ptsd and depression so I'm off work doing therapy.

I also find that there is so much conflicting information our there. To be honest it's a bit overwhelming.

Sorry for the long post but this is the most credible forum, everyone seems to be here to have a long healthy life, not to be jacked. If you have any input please let me know. Thank you!
The people who are making YouTube videos, writing articles, or pursuing TRT forums are generally those who are experiencing issues from TRT. Healthy, happy patients don’t seek solutions for issues they don’t have. The majority of males do not experience significant side effects on TRT.
I would deal first with your pertinent problem of high triglycerides - typically caused by eating too much carbohydrates which convert in the liver to triglycerides. Vegetarian diet is high carbohydrates and low in protein, which may not be optimal in your case.

I don't see in the initial post any symptom of low T, so are you going to TRT hoping that it would solve any problems? It is definitely not the panacea that the internet makes it.
I would deal first with your pertinent problem of high triglycerides - typically caused by eating too much carbohydrates which convert in the liver to triglycerides. Vegetarian diet is high carbohydrates and low in protein, which may not be optimal in your case.

I don't see in the initial post any symptom of low T, so are you going to TRT hoping that it would solve any problems? It is definitely not the panacea that the internet makes it.
Thank you. My symptoms are mostly brain fog, depression, libido goes on and off, no ed. Sleep is terrible I go to bed at 11 I'm up at 2, 3 or 4. No sleep apnea. I'm also irritable. Trust me I'm not 100% sold on trt I don't think it can fix everything, it actually looks like a lot of work to be honest. I'm low maintenance, trt seems completely the opposite.
Do your labs indicate you need TRT? Your symptoms are not specific to lack of testosterone - they can have billion other causes.

TRT may actually exacerbate some of them - the insomnia and irritability, can make you more anxious and paranoid due to upregulation of the nervous system. Response to TRT is very individual and only trying it can show if it matches your expectations. There is an initial "honeymoon period" in the first few weeks/months when you feel great, then it settles to what it is going to be in the long run and it is usually not as good as the "honeymoon".
Do your labs indicate you need TRT? Your symptoms are not specific to lack of testosterone - they can have billion other causes.

TRT may actually exacerbate some of them - the insomnia and irritability, can make you more anxious and paranoid due to upregulation of the nervous system. Response to TRT is very individual and only trying it can show if it matches your expectations. There is an initial "honeymoon period" in the first few weeks/months when you feel great, then it settles to what it is going to be in the long run and it is usually not as good as the "honeymoon".
Yes I read about the honeymoon. In my last test my total was 294 which seems low but still within range. My endo told me that if I was an 8
cylinder car I was running on just 1, then again he has a business to run. Like I said I made it this far without it, I much rather not do it, specially considering the risks and how dependent you are once you start. I have kids I don't want to be a burden or leave before my time.
Hi! I keep reading and hearing from interviews, forums, posts in different sites reports from different people just to gather information before I take the plunge.

I keep finding reports of people dealing with side effects some of them are serious. I've seen a lot of people having issues managing their hemoglobin and other blood related issues. Some even had strokes and or heart attacks. Other people are dealing with blood pressure and some with prostate enlargement even a few with prostate cancer (I know that trt does not cause cancer however it might accelerate it)

All those issues are worrisome to me since I'm looking at the long term, next year I'll be 50 so my goal is quality of life and longevity without having to compromise one for the other ( I know that's everyone's goal)

I've been prescribed testosterone last week however I didn't start yet because my triglycerides are 4 times above normal and I want to see my cardiologist first and get more blood work done. I went 100 vegan and cut all sugar and lost 20 lbs in 2 months. I train 2 a day 5 to 6 days a week. I don't kill myself I train within my limit.

My endo says that my levels and hormones are appear to be from concussion and ptsd (I was a first responder for 15 years seen a bunch of people die, about to die or already dead almost been killed 3 times, no injuries from it just mental trauma. I also did competitive karate i have about 25 to 30 fights, 7 years mma no fights,7 years boxing no fights but sparring, and wrestling) he prescribed 130 test enanthate 1 a week. For what I read that seems like a lot to me, I would much rather start at 40 or 50 a week. I think I might be a hyper responder (I did anavar, half a dose 10 years ago and got impressed results) even now with low t I still build muscle.

I been lifting naturally for 31 years (did 2 cycles of oxandrolone for a tournament). I still lift 4 times a week plus wrestling (for fun and self defense) and boxing 2 to 3 times a week, I just hit the bag.l haven't sparred in 7 years. I do have kids so everything was working fine until 6 years ago when I had my last of 5 kids. I don't drink or smoke. No meds either, trt will be my first one but I'm worried about all this issues and all the doctor appointments some people have to go through. As you can see I have 5 kids and we are busy. I'm dealing with the ptsd and depression so I'm off work doing therapy.

I also find that there is so much conflicting information our there. To be honest it's a bit overwhelming.

Sorry for the long post but this is the most credible forum, everyone seems to be here to have a long healthy life, not to be jacked. If you have any input please let me know. Thank you!

When it comes to side effects shutdown of the hpta, reduced fertility/testicular atrophy, and an increase in your hemoglobin/hematocrit is a given.

The addition of hCG which mimics LH will help prevent/minimize testicular atrophy and maintain fertility.

RBCs/hemoglobin/hematocrit can be managed by blood donations but it is a slippery slope.

Regarding some of the cosmetic sides such as (acne, increased body hair, male pattern baldness, water retention/bloat, and gyno).

When it comes to acne, male pattern baldness, and gynecomastia genetics will play a big role as some men are more prone to this.

Many can struggle with acne (especially body) or notice accelerated hair loss when using therapeutic doses of T, especially when running too high an FT level, but when it comes to getting gynecomastia it is far from common.

Although excess e2 can play a role in water retention (bloat/puffiness) it is not solely to blame.

Androgens increase the retention of electrolytes.

The use of exogenous androgens will result in the retention of sodium, chloride, water, potassium, calcium, and inorganic phosphates.

Bloating/edema can be common in some and to what degree depends on many factors.

Most of the initial increases in weight gain on trt are water-related whether extra-cellular/intra-cellular.

Many men on trt can gain 5-15 lbs of water weight within the first month.

The majority of gains when first starting trt are due to extra-cellular water (between the muscle and skin) which shows up as bloat/puffiness and intra-cellular water (inside the muscle cell) which will make the muscle look fuller and harder due to increased glycogen stores.

The majority of men that end up struggling with elevated RBCs/hemoglobin/hematocrit let alone some of the cosmetic sides are due to running too high an FT level.

Keep in mind that many of the men on those forums struggling with sides are overmedicated and running very high/absurdly high trough FT levels!

Stuck on that more T is better mentality!

To be honest, when it comes to cardiovascular and prostate health having a healthy TT/FT level is critical.

Low-T is detrimental to your overall health (physical/mental).

The main reason testosterone is used for replacement therapy over nandrolone let alone any other AAS is that testosterone drugs provide a hormone that is already produced in the body.

T's metabolites estradiol and DHT are needed in healthy amounts to experience the full spectrum of testosterone's beneficial effects on (cardiovascular and prostate, brain, libido, erectile function, bone, tendons, immune system, lipids, and body composition).

*Natural testosterone is viewed as the best androgen for substitution in hypogonadal men. The reason behind the selection is that testosterone can be converted to DHT and E2, thus developing the full spectrum of testosterone activities in long-term substitution

*Preparations of native testosterone or its esters (aromatizable T) should be used for TTh

Regarding cardiovascular/prostate health and TRT some of these threads may help put your mind at ease!

Hi! I keep reading and hearing from interviews, forums, posts in different sites reports from different people just to gather information before I take the plunge.

I keep finding reports of people dealing with side effects some of them are serious. I've seen a lot of people having issues managing their hemoglobin and other blood related issues. Some even had strokes and or heart attacks. Other people are dealing with blood pressure and some with prostate enlargement even a few with prostate cancer (I know that trt does not cause cancer however it might accelerate it)

All those issues are worrisome to me since I'm looking at the long term, next year I'll be 50 so my goal is quality of life and longevity without having to compromise one for the other ( I know that's everyone's goal)

I've been prescribed testosterone last week however I didn't start yet because my triglycerides are 4 times above normal and I want to see my cardiologist first and get more blood work done. I went 100 vegan and cut all sugar and lost 20 lbs in 2 months. I train 2 a day 5 to 6 days a week. I don't kill myself I train within my limit.

My endo says that my levels and hormones are appear to be from concussion and ptsd (I was a first responder for 15 years seen a bunch of people die, about to die or already dead almost been killed 3 times, no injuries from it just mental trauma. I also did competitive karate i have about 25 to 30 fights, 7 years mma no fights,7 years boxing no fights but sparring, and wrestling) he prescribed 130 test enanthate 1 a week. For what I read that seems like a lot to me, I would much rather start at 40 or 50 a week. I think I might be a hyper responder (I did anavar, half a dose 10 years ago and got impressed results) even now with low t I still build muscle.

I been lifting naturally for 31 years (did 2 cycles of oxandrolone for a tournament). I still lift 4 times a week plus wrestling (for fun and self defense) and boxing 2 to 3 times a week, I just hit the bag.l haven't sparred in 7 years. I do have kids so everything was working fine until 6 years ago when I had my last of 5 kids. I don't drink or smoke. No meds either, trt will be my first one but I'm worried about all this issues and all the doctor appointments some people have to go through. As you can see I have 5 kids and we are busy. I'm dealing with the ptsd and depression so I'm off work doing therapy.

I also find that there is so much conflicting information our there. To be honest it's a bit overwhelming.

Sorry for the long post but this is the most credible forum, everyone seems to be here to have a long healthy life, not to be jacked. If you have any input please let me know. Thank you!

A fellow Canuck!

I remember you from the first thread you posted on Excel.

A fellow Canuck!

I remember you from the first thread you posted on Excel.

Thank you, you always give so much insight! I appreciate your help. I'm still dealing with those issues from the past.

My main concerns are: RBCs/hemoglobin/hematocrit and it's managment. I still need to go through the article you provided properly. I only managed to read the prostate one in detail.

I will post my blood work so people can see it here.

When it comes to trt I believe that a little goes a long way there is a member here that is using only 50 a week has very little sides and doing great.

I don't want to get big or muscular (I'm already built some people even think I'm on trt) I'm just considering this for quality of life, some energy and longevity along with health to me that means minimal visits to the doctor and hopefully make to 85-90 in one piece.

I also want to increase my productivity I've never been lazy I always had long days and I loved it but now it's different I do a couple of things and I'm done, not tired I just don't feel like doing anything.

Thanks again, I will re read your post and the material you included a few times so I dont miss anything.

And yes a fellow Canuck!
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