Anyone taking Lisinopril for high blood pressure?

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I’ve tried to no avail to get my BP under control over the last year. It averages 150/95. My doctor wanted me to start 10mg Lisinopril on Thursday of this week. After the first dose it lowered my blood pressure substantially. The thing is I’ve not felt well since starting it. I feel sort of fatigued and also not sleeping well. There’s also a tiny dry cough that I have developed after starting it, which according to the literature can go away after some time. I just wanted to see if anyone had experienced any issues like this after beginning this medication and if so did they subside with time?
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
Fatigue is common with most blood pressure meds. Lisinopril (an ACE inhibitor) is one of the best tolerated, so stick with it for a few weeks if you can. The cough issue may not go away, though.

Here are two other options:

Losartan (an ARB)

The one I am taking (post number 17)

Mild diuretic- Amiloride
Thanks Nelson. I feel a little better today than I did yesterday for sure. Hopefully my body will adjust over the next few days or weeks. There been a few times lately my bp has been as high as 164/104 which certainly isn’t good. Within a few hours of my first dose of this, my BP was 114/71 and has stayed near that range since.

I have been on Lisinopril for over 7 years and it does the trick. As you probably have found, some folks (10% or less) get a dry cough from ACE Inhibitors, so it that is you, you should try something else. I started with HCTZ (a diuretic). I dropped that last year as it was affecting EQ and I had to pee all of the time. Glad I ditched it. No issues with Lisinopril, and it keeps me in the 120/80 range most of the time.

Side note: my doctor said I can also try and Alpha Blocker if I would like. As discussed on this site, those potentially can be helpful for erection quality. Not sure if I want to monkey with things right now but we'll see.

Good luck to you. There are tons of BP meds: find one that works. You risk long term damage in the 150/100 range.

I have been on Lisinopril for over 7 years and it does the trick. As you probably have found, some folks (10% or less) get a dry cough from ACE Inhibitors, so it that is you, you should try something else. I started with HCTZ (a diuretic). I dropped that last year as it was affecting EQ and I had to pee all of the time. Glad I ditched it. No issues with Lisinopril, and it keeps me in the 120/80 range most of the time.

Side note: my doctor said I can also try and Alpha Blocker if I would like. As discussed on this site, those potentially can be helpful for erection quality. Not sure if I want to monkey with things right now but we'll see.

Good luck to you. There are tons of BP meds: find one that works. You risk long term damage in the 150/100 range.
Today has been 4 days and honestly the cough is nearly gone and I’m starting to feel some better. We tried an ARB first that was terrible. My BP is now 122/71 this am. I hope it works out because it has certainly hit my pressure down quick.
The following is from my personal experience and is my opinion. Starting in my 30's, my shitty diet of fast food and too many carbs caught up with me. Typical American crap diet, fairy tales like the food pyramid that I believed at the time. I gained weight. My BP rose, at the highest, it was 160/100 untreated. They started me on Lisinopril/HCTZ. I got the cough, it was horrible. I put up with it because I didn't know I had alternatives. Between the weight gain (metabolic syndrome) and BP combo drug, 90% ED. Never could get completely hard after that. For years in fact. Gradually I did more and more research, turns out HCTZ is a known big-time erection killer. Fast forward many years and lots of reading.....Losartan is the best BP drug with the least side effects (but every drug has sides, and I mean every drug), it does not affect ED, in fact, it can make it slightly better. And as for me, the best drug is no drug. I lost 60lbs (KETO), weaned off the BP drugs, added arginine and citrulline, daily Cialis, and became more metabolically healthy via diet. It can be done. Having to take a BP drug or a beta-blocker (and a good many other drugs as well) is not conducive to a sexual lifestyle that involves penetration. Just saying.
The following is from my personal experience and is my opinion. Starting in my 30's, my shitty diet of fast food and too many carbs caught up with me. Typical American crap diet, fairy tales like the food pyramid that I believed at the time. I gained weight. My BP rose, at the highest, it was 160/100 untreated. They started me on Lisinopril/HCTZ. I got the cough, it was horrible. I put up with it because I didn't know I had alternatives. Between the weight gain (metabolic syndrome) and BP combo drug, 90% ED. Never could get completely hard after that. For years in fact. Gradually I did more and more research, turns out HCTZ is a known big-time erection killer. Fast forward many years and lots of reading.....Losartan is the best BP drug with the least side effects (but every drug has sides, and I mean every drug), it does not affect ED, in fact, it can make it slightly better. And as for me, the best drug is no drug. I lost 60lbs (KETO), weaned off the BP drugs, added arginine and citrulline, daily Cialis, and became more metabolically healthy via diet. It can be done. Having to take a BP drug or a beta-blocker (and a good many other drugs as well) is not conducive to a sexual lifestyle that involves penetration. Just saying.
In my case I've never been overweight, never smoked and ate healthy 95% of my whole adult life. I am just shy of 48y/o now, been on TRT 12 years and have tried pretty much everything to get it down over the last year. So far I would say my erections are even better on this. I feel pretty much normal today and the cough has just about gone. Keeping my fingers crossed that I'm through the worst. I do a few drinks on the weekend but a person has to have some fun LOL.

Agree with you one point for sure: my erections improved after I dropped HCTZ.

I tried every known natural way to lower my BP. My diet was already clean, with a lot of veggies. I am a marathon runner (more a half these days!). Some cases of hypertension are genetic or called "essential" with no known cause. Both my parents had it.

I applaud folks who can lower their BP through weight management and diet. That wasn't me.
I take 10 mg of lisinopril BP, and 20 mg propranolol am, 30 mg pm for essential tremor. No issues at all and little effect on functional capacity exercise wise. Had initially tried an ARB, gave me a headache and was not as effective. BP 120's/70's consistently. Still able to hit age predicted max on a GXT. Very slight dry cough that has largely resolved over time. I also take flomax for BPH and cialis 2.5. The synergistic effect at times has me in the 110's/60's when really chilled out. Use Trimix for ED, the Russians could nuke us and I'd still maintain an erection. I'm a big fan of ACEi or ARBs with HRT in older guys esp if you add in some ND. Nothing good comes from excess ANG II in older guys.
The following is from my personal experience and is my opinion. Starting in my 30's, my shitty diet of fast food and too many carbs caught up with me. Typical American crap diet, fairy tales like the food pyramid that I believed at the time. I gained weight. My BP rose, at the highest, it was 160/100 untreated. They started me on Lisinopril/HCTZ. I got the cough, it was horrible. I put up with it because I didn't know I had alternatives. Between the weight gain (metabolic syndrome) and BP combo drug, 90% ED. Never could get completely hard after that. For years in fact. Gradually I did more and more research, turns out HCTZ is a known big-time erection killer. Fast forward many years and lots of reading.....Losartan is the best BP drug with the least side effects (but every drug has sides, and I mean every drug), it does not affect ED, in fact, it can make it slightly better. And as for me, the best drug is no drug. I lost 60lbs (KETO), weaned off the BP drugs, added arginine and citrulline, daily Cialis, and became more metabolically healthy via diet. It can be done. Having to take a BP drug or a beta-blocker (and a good many other drugs as well) is not conducive to a sexual lifestyle that involves penetration. Just saying.
Nice work my friend
The following is from my personal experience and is my opinion. Starting in my 30's, my shitty diet of fast food and too many carbs caught up with me. Typical American crap diet, fairy tales like the food pyramid that I believed at the time. I gained weight. My BP rose, at the highest, it was 160/100 untreated. They started me on Lisinopril/HCTZ. I got the cough, it was horrible. I put up with it because I didn't know I had alternatives. Between the weight gain (metabolic syndrome) and BP combo drug, 90% ED. Never could get completely hard after that. For years in fact. Gradually I did more and more research, turns out HCTZ is a known big-time erection killer. Fast forward many years and lots of reading.....Losartan is the best BP drug with the least side effects (but every drug has sides, and I mean every drug), it does not affect ED, in fact, it can make it slightly better. And as for me, the best drug is no drug. I lost 60lbs (KETO), weaned off the BP drugs, added arginine and citrulline, daily Cialis, and became more metabolically healthy via diet. It can be done. Having to take a BP drug or a beta-blocker (and a good many other drugs as well) is not conducive to a sexual lifestyle that involves penetration. Just saying.
Great story Neil. Are you still on Keto diet?
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In my case I've never been overweight, never smoked and ate healthy 95% of my whole adult life. I am just shy of 48y/o now, been on TRT 12 years and have tried pretty much everything to get it down over the last year. So far I would say my erections are even better on this. I feel pretty much normal today and the cough has just about gone. Keeping my fingers crossed that I'm through the worst. I do a few drinks on the weekend but a person has to have some fun LOL.
which med are you taking? My BP has been high lately around 150/100.
I take 20mg in the morning and 10 mg before bed, so split my dose. I don't notice any difference. There are studies out there that show that most BP drugs (other than diuretics) work better overall taken before bed if your dose is only once per day.
I was on Lisinopril 10mg a day for about 7 years. Last year one night I ate a bag of Smart Pop popcorn and after eating the bag my throat started to get itchy. I thought I must have a husk stuck in my throat from the popcorn. After about 3 hours my throat started swelling up, I looked in the mirror and my uvula was really big. My wife looked at it and said you better get to the ER ( this was 11:30 PM ) just in case my throat closes up. By the time I got to the hospital ( I drove myself ) I could hardly talk because my uvula was really big. They immediately put me in ICU afraid that I was going to have a breathing tube put in my throat. They started me on a IV of benadryl and I think a steroid. By the next morning I was feeling better. Uvula was going down. A ENT specialist came in and said I had a alleric reaction to lisinopril. I said I have been on it for 7 years with no problems, he said he had a patient that was on it close to 30 years and all of a sudden he had a allergic reation. He also said you dont know how many times I get called in the middle of the night with people having allergic reactions in the throat or neck with lisinopril from the ER department.
They immediately switched my BP med to Valsartan which I have been on now for about a year with no problams.
I am not saying Lisinopril is a bad drug for everybody but just be aware that it can cause allergic reactions for SOME people even after many years. Good Luck

I was on Lisinopril 10mg a day for about 7 years. Last year one night I ate a bag of Smart Pop popcorn and after eating the bag my throat started to get itchy. I thought I must have a husk stuck in my throat from the popcorn. After about 3 hours my throat started swelling up, I looked in the mirror and my uvula was really big. My wife looked at it and said you better get to the ER ( this was 11:30 PM ) just in case my throat closes up. By the time I got to the hospital ( I drove myself ) I could hardly talk because my uvula was really big. They immediately put me in ICU afraid that I was going to have a breathing tube put in my throat. They started me on a IV of benadryl and I think a steroid. By the next morning I was feeling better. Uvula was going down. A ENT specialist came in and said I had a alleric reaction to lisinopril. I said I have been on it for 7 years with no problems, he said he had a patient that was on it close to 30 years and all of a sudden he had a allergic reation. He also said you dont know how many times I get called in the middle of the night with people having allergic reactions in the throat or neck with lisinopril from the ER department.
They immediately switched my BP med to Valsartan which I have been on now for about a year with no problams.
I am not saying Lisinopril is a bad drug for everybody but just be aware that it can cause allergic reactions for SOME people even after many years. Good Luck

I am still having a few coughs here and there with the annoying tickle but was hoping it would go away. Not sure its going to completely go away at this point. I went two days with hardly any cough and have coughed 10-12 times already today.
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