So, here's my conundrum: when I use Natesto with hCG, I do not get headaches, nausea or really any side effects. The headaches and (transient) nausea only occur with injections. Why bother with injections if side effects are low on Natesto? Good question.
I have a pattern of using Natesto for a while, feeling like I am "missing" some treatment benefit, and then migrating back to injections. When I migrate back to injections, I try to do them in a way I have not tried before, hoping for better tolerance. For example: cypionate vs. enanthate; split dosing; different oils, etc.
I have yet to find an answer, but I suspect it is something as simple as fluctuation in hormones that my system is not used to yet. I am hopeful that if I stick with a regimen for more than a few weeks, I will acclimate. The current regimen I am trying is 50mg enanthate twice a week and 100IU hCG daily. I have done this before, but only ran it for three weeks, so I think it warrants a bit more time.
I have felt in the past that blood pressure could play a role. While I think BP can be one trigger for a headache, I don't think it's the only trigger, because I am now on a beta blocker (for migraine prevention) and my pressure is pretty stable.
For anyone interested, I tend to tolerate Xyosted better than enanthate from a multi-use vial. My theory is that it's the lack of preservatives or alcohol that makes it more tolerable. Unfortunately, Xyosted is limited to 50, 75 or 100mg. So, my doc and I figured out a way to get 50mg filled twice a month, which I am currently using.
Probably more than you wanted to know, but I thought I'd share, in the event the information may be helpful to anyone.
Excel Male is by far the most civilized and established place to get good information. Lots of great minds wiling to help each other here, but every once in a while, I decide to go out and do some bro science research. It appears that a lot of guys report headache with injections. No real good answers out there, but most tend to report back that they go away with time. Sooooo, that is my current goal: stabilize levels and hope side effects go away.
I could bore you with more details, but that's the gist of it!