Again the average secretion rate of T in the majority of healthy young males is 5-7 mg/day.
10 mg would be those outliers and even then there is not going to be a big difference in how one would feel/function.
Also need to keep in mind that those healthy natty young men running around with those very high T levels have high SHBG and it is not like they are running around with absurdly high FT levels.
Top it off that these TT/FT levels healthy natty young men in their prime are hitting are at peak which is short-lived, their trough/nadir (lowest point)) of the day would be 20-25% lower.
Natural endogenous testosterone secretion is pulsatile and diurnal.
During the natural 24-hour circadian rhythm of a healthy young male T levels will start rising gradually overnight reaching a peak (highest point) in the early AM followed by lower levels in the late afternoon and reaching trough (lowest point) in the evening.
Fluctuations from peak--->trough would be around 20-25%
One daily peak/trough.
This is key:
(i) elevated and near peak TT level during nighttime sleep, (ii) peak TT level around the time of morning awakening, (iii) moderately elevated TT level during the initial hours of wakefulness, (iv) reduced TT level in the late afternoon, and (v) lowest TT level in the evening.
Hourly serum testosterone levels in normal young (n = 17) and older (n = 12) males. The circadian rhythm is lost in older males. Blood samples were obtained using an indwelling peripheral venous cannula, which allowed free movement and normal sleep.
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Data from: Bremner WJ, Vitiello MV, Prinz PN. Loss of circadian rhythmicity in blood testosterone levels with aging in normal men. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1983; 56:1278.
Look over the mean TT and work your way up to those outliers!
Nuff said.
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Keep in mind that the majority of men on TTh are using intramuscular/subcutaneous injections using various injection protocols (once weekly, twice weekly, M/W/F, EOD, daily) and in no way are mimicking the natural 24hr circadian rhythm of a healthy young male.
Steady-state, many are running levels well into the supra-physiological range 24/7 let alone the hpta is shutdown.
The closest you could get to mimicking the natural 24hr circadian rhythm would be using the T patch (most closely mimics natty T) or transdermal but again your hpta is still shutdown.
Any form of exogenous T except Natesto will have a significant impact on the shutdown of the hpta.
Top it off with the fact that when using exogenous T we are forcing levels upon ourselves that the body would never produce naturally.
Artificially inflated T levels we say!
Unfortunately many men are overmedicated due to being brainwashed by that more T is better mentality you know everyone and their brother needing to hit that trough TT 1000+ ng/dL with a very high/absurdly high trough FT to boot.
You can blame all those so called men's health forums loaded with those blast n cruizers, bumNation, Facepalm, I just don't Geddit, Gootube, those so called GURUs and those run of the mill dime a dozen T f**king MILLS!
F**king shitshow!
My reply from an older thread:
Unfortunately most caught up on that more T is better mentality will continue to struggle as they will always be searching for something that will never be there.
Many will refuse to settle for feeling NORMAL and be chasing that so-called OPTIMAL until the cows come home.
Never-ending merry-go-round.
You have people on the forums going on and on about
so-called optimal let alone everything being in balance yet these same individuals are trying their damnedest to micro-manage estradiol/DHT/prolactin/DHEA and the laundry list goes on yet
when it comes to T are running levels well beyond what their body could ever produce endogenously let alone what level they were genetically at in their PRIME (late teens/the early 20s).
No male in his prime (late teens/early 20s) was producing absurdly high peak or trough TT/FT levels let alone 24/7 (steady-state).
Top it all off that your HPGA is shut down and
most are not replacing physiological levels of T they are FORCING levels upon THEMSELVES WELL BEYOND what one could endogenously ever produce.
Unfortunately too many want to be jacked up on T 24/7.
When it comes to building muscle high T levels steady-state is where it's at and there is no denying such.
The sad fact of the matter is many are brainwashed into thinking that more T is better.
For many years we have been stressing the point that many are overmedicated when it comes to testosterone therapy.
Too many caught up on that neanderthal mindset you know that more T is better mentality.
Unfortunately many are jacked up on T from the get-go let alone many are also dick riding that so-called OPTIMAL bulls**t!
Too many get caught up in expecting to feel great 24/7 once on trt as if testosterone is going to cure all that ails them.
So much misinformation spewed on the numerous forums/gootube.
*neanderthal mindset that more T is better
*HIGH T = raging libido/titanium erections
*HIGH T = OPTIMAL as in that fairytale everyone is know the one with raging libido/titanium erections 24/7, unlimited amounts of energy, stellar mood (Mr. Rogers neighborhood), packing on muscle like the hulk with the recovery abilities of wolverine