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  1. J

    I guess after being off trt for years ive rebounded

    So i was on trt from late 2005-2014ish… forgot when i just stopped… got tired of it… phlebotomies and chasing blood work… maybe my liver is actually converting cholesterol for once? Since its been high since 2005ish… 177 ldl and a total of 246 or higher… tried a statin one time within a few...
  2. C

    My fertility journey

    Hi. Long time since I have posted any.. We are now going for a second one. First one came on first try, so I am hoping for the same this time.. Crossing fingers :) Fist time: 115mg test enanthate Mon/Wed/Fri and 500IU HCG EOD (late December all the way to June (2022) when we started...
  3. J

    FSH+hCG+TRT Semen Analysis

    I was on Test Cyp 70mg 2x a week + hCG 750 IU 2x a week when I did my first semen analysis. I did the 2nd semen analysis after adding 75 IU FSH 3x a week, changing hCG to 1000 IU 3x a week, and keeping test cyp the same at 70mg 2x a week. I also tested 17-OH Progesterone LCMS at the same times...
  4. R

    Should I be starting TRT? (I'm in a predicament, this is why)

    Hello everyone, I'm in a predicament with my decision whether I should start TRT or not. The decision is dependent on certain factors that would potentially deny me access to TRT in the future if I make a decision for one or the other route I could see myself going forward with. First of, some...
  5. phalloguy100

    Natesto (nasal testosterone spray)

    Hello! I’ve been on compounded testosterone cypionate in grape seed oil for a few months now. It’s working a lot better than cream or gel. However, it’s hard to stay compliant because I truly do not look forward to those shots (25mL/50mg subq three times per week with 27g needle). It always...
  6. 4

    labs after 1.5 months on TRT injections

    I tried enclomphiene for a while before moving to injections in late May. Urologist put me on 100mg, I take 50 mg. Split tues morning and Friday evening. Labs were taken just before Fridays shots(trough) I came in at 541 total. Free was measured at FTI 47 percent. Range is 34-106. E2 was 34. I...
  7. D

    Looking for Restart Thoughts

    33 yr old, regular lifter, 190lbs, 13% bf. 4-5x/ week exercise with cardio/hiit. Ran two cycles of AAS five years ago, been on TRT ever since (sustanon), Gonadorelin (I don't like it) and adex. Looking to come off TRT/Restart so my wife and I can have another kiddo. Here's my proposed plan...
  8. N

    Natural Test Shut Down

    Howdy, Basic question--I tried the search feature but could not find definitive information on the following. The specific question: Is there a dosing of Testosterone Enanthate (in mg per week) below which you can expect to preserve what is left of natural testosterone production? Does the...
  9. T

    Trt please help(with bloods)

    Hi all, Really need everyones help. I've been on trt for the past two years. Before this time I was on long cycles (6 months to a year) because of competing. In 21 I won my pro card, but decided it was enough, and just wanted to stay healthy. Since June 22 I've been on 170mg of cyp( once per...
  10. S

    Traveling with TRT

    I was wondering if it's okay to load a syringe with test to be taken at a later date?
  11. H

    HCG Triggered severe hyperthyroidism on TRT

    So I had been cruising on TRT with no issues for about 8 years. Starting at .25 ml twice a week from 200mg/ml vials of cypionate. Reducing this down to .14ml over the course of about 2 years. I wanted to improve my fertility, and began hcg protocol. I was taking between 600iu to 800iu of hcg...
  12. D

    Slightly higher TRT regime (200mg per week) [+ Proviron] and recent blood results just in!

    Hello all, I just thought I would share my latest blood results with you all. I have been injecting Test E three times per week, instead of just one or two shots per week. Total of 200mg per week (for 10 weeks now). Befor increasing testosterone from 120mg to 200mg, I noticed some slighlty...
  13. K


    Gentlemen, there is a cure for Low SHBG FINALLY. And, It is tangible unlike the "keto diet and fasting". There is a newly approved drug that could easily more than double our SHBG and for many of us would mean a new life and TRT working. The drug is called Rezdiffra (Resmetirom) manufactured by...
  14. 4

    enclomphiene moving to Test

    I was on enclo at 12.5mg per day for about 6-7 months. The first month, I felt good and registered a total T of 620 and free test almost midway range. Last test at same dosage came in at 470, and free t, at bottom of range. Knowing that most move to T. And I didn't want to double dosage to 25mg...
  15. A

    How long did it take you to notice any effects from TRT?

    TRT help In short: Today is my second day on testosterone gel (50 mg). I know gel isn’t the best option. I don’t feel any difference mood-wise or libido-wise yet. I know some people say it can take 3 weeks or more to notice the effects of testosterone. The problem is, there’s a detail from a...
  16. S

    100mg 1x per week vs 50mg 2x per week

    Hi, I'm new to the forum and new to try. In 2023 I was diagnosed with low testosterone and was prescribed a topical testosterone gell which didn't work. In fact my counts got lower after using it. So I went to a urologist and he ran some tests and decided I was a candidate for trt via...
  17. J

    Anyone have experience using Natesto?

    Been having low T symptoms now for a while and I want to maintain fertility. Have used HCG monotherapy which raised my bloods but no symptom improvement. My baseline T is always around 500-570. I am using Natesto now for 3 days with no symptom improvement. How long does this take to work?
  18. R

    Bloodwork - Considering TRT, Advice Truly Appreciated

    Hello all, I would really appreciate some advice from you experienced folks here on if my hormone levels could be contributing to my poor quality of life as they are low T-matching symptoms right now (depression, lack of drive, fatigue, ED and still hold good amount of fat on a good diet and...
  19. S

    Does it seem like I have Primary or Secondary Hypogonadism?

    Hello, I have been dealing with low Testosterone. I am a 25 year old male. I was having low energy and struggling ED lately but I thought that was moreso because i was overweight. My results are: Total Testosterone: 165.8 ng/dl FSH: 2.5 LH: 6.590 Prolactin: 17.37 --- Does this seem to indicate...
  20. S

    PCT Log (27 Y/O, 3 years on TRT)

    Hi all. Have used this forum for info before, but thought I'd make a log here to document my attempt at restarting natural production. Will use nmol/L and mmol/L measurements here for total/free testosterone in the format of total/free. To convert to ng/dl, multiply these numbers by 28.85 for...
  21. G

    HCG increasing thyroid.. low T or just High thyroid?

    hi there, I did try HCG however it gave me palpatations (and slight agitated energy, perhaps partially from increase T or estrogen within 30-40 min of first use) even at low 100iu doses. it was a less used brand that was suppost to last for 60 days vs pregnyl 30.. and i wonder if it is slightly...
  22. D

    Advice needed. TRT started

    Hi all, I am hoping for a little advice. I am from the UK. Male 45. I had my bloods done before Christmas and testosterone was low with typical symptoms. I’ve been on TRT now for 10 weeks and I am feeling amazing if I can be honest. I have started TRT treatment privately and I take Test Cyp...
  23. R

    TRT - whats normal

    Tried multiple protocols and high libido only lasts a couple of weeks. Tried Nebido, gel and test e. Nebido and gel did not work well in regards to all symptoms and doctors will not prescibe test e, so I did it myself. Started 125mg test e EW 9 weeks ago. Felt normal by day 3 and libido was...
  24. O

    5 months post cold turkey bloodwork (lower total test numbers)

    Hi all, I have posted here before about my cold turkey journey after ~8 years of exogenous hormone use. I did my first set of blodwork after about 6 weeks of stopping. Just did another set of bloodwork after almost 5 months (143 days) and thought I would update. Unfortunately it looks like my...
  25. M

    Trt too high?

    Brief history. Been on trt for 7 years and have never felt what I would consider dialed in. Up until a year ago I did it myself but joined a clinic to better manage. I had to get off for about 3 weeks before getting labs at clinic. First labs with no trt was T 45 E 11. Started me on 100mg...
  26. D

    Where to get Testosterone prescriptions?

    Been on TRT for almost two years. It's been life changing. I take .9 to 1cc per week of Enanthate injected. Took a while to dial it in, but 800 to 1000 seems to be the sweet spot for me. Then primary care physician retired, new guy want's it to be below 750. "Don't care how you feel, it's too...
  27. C

    TRT newbie looking for advice!

    I started TRT at the end of January this year. 100mg Test Cyp E5D and 500iu HCG 3 times a week. Everything was fine then I started getting high Estrogen symptoms, some acne and losing my erection about 3 mins into sex. I could get it back after a minutes rest but very annoying for someone who is...
  28. H

    Fertility cycle.

    Okay guys. thought I’d run a journal to keep track of my fertility log. I have used AAS since 2010. Came off 2014 to get my wife pregnant and it was a success. Our girl is now 8 I went back on cycle and two years later my wife decided we try again. (2016) Unfortunately it was a struggle coming...
  29. B

    HELP - Doubts about TRT

    Hi guys, 33 year old male here, for the last 4 years I have tested my testosterone and it always comes back in the lower range (oscillating between 200s and 300s). At the end of last year, it tested even I the low 200s. I have depression and anxiety since a young age and a few years ago my...
  30. M

    The benefits of low dose T injections . . .

    I'm 68 and have chosen to pursue TRT primarily to treat fatigue, amongst other things. After a bad 3 1/2 month experience on gel (detailed elsewhere), I've finally convinced my endo to switch me to enanthate; my first injection was Saturday. Thanks to Madman for seeing me through that. The...
  31. C

    Got my blood work done after 6 months on trt

    I just got my blood work results and was a little surprised at the results. My glucose is off the charts now at 106 not sure why I don’t eat any sugar and keep carbs at around 120 gr at the most no rice or potatoes or bread. Also my BUN is high I’m guessing that’s because I’m eating to much...
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