doubts about aromatase inhibitors

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Greetings to everyone from Portugal!!

I´ve been on TRT with TE 250mg/ml every two weeks since I was 18. I´m now 32 years old.
Recently I changed my TRT to T undecanoate 1000mg/4ml. I was never fond of this long acting ester. I tried it once many years ago when it hit the portuguese market and went back to TE immediatly because I didn´t like the way it felt.

But I decided to give it another try after all this years. I´ve always had problems with high hematocrit and high levels of oestradiol. I corrected the hematocrit issue after reading Nelson Vergel´s book (great book by the way)!

I took the first 3 shots with 8 weeks apart and the main goal is to stretch that time until a 12 week period.
Before my third shot I did some blood test:

Total T 683 ng/ml; Free T 24.22 pg/ml; E2 63.7 pg/ml; hemoglobin 17,4 g/dl; hematocrit 50,1%

I was quite amazed by the T levels because I didn´t feel so well. But I could´t help noticing, that my E2 levels were almost 3 times higher than my free T levels, so I asked my doctor if I could try an AI and he refused.
So I asked my pharmacist if he could get me some arimidex, which he did, and took it for 2 weeks only, half a pill every 3 days and felt great. I stopped it because I don´t have any frame of reference and I don´t want to lower my oestardiol to dangerous levels.

So what I´m asking is, can I develop some kind of resistance to arimidex?
And finally, let´s say that I start taking it (half a pill twice a week) and finally correct the levels of E2. If I stop taking it, is there any chance of the levels of E2 go "off the charts" as I stopped inhbiting aromataze?

Sorry for my english I hope you understand it!!
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Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
Has I said in my frst thread, there are no compound testosterone products in Portugal!

I was thinking of buying 5ml sterilized vials and fill them with 5 ampoules of testoviron depot (250mg/ml) and then using 0.5 ml every week (125 mg TE)...
Is it safe to open an ampoule and immediately store it in a esterilized vial?? Does it not become contaminated?

Best regards

Hi Jonhie,

I am also living in Portugal and I know your problems. My protocol is 80-100mg per week so I just pre-load 1-2 syringes with 80 or 100mg and just keep them for the next uses. I even kept all the 250mg of testosterone from the ampule in one syringe and just changed to new needles after injection. The liquid is too little to be kept it in a vial (I´ll guess).
I even do same with Hcg administration and so far with no problem and I will start to use the protocol like Nelson uses, but with less Hcg per injection.
(I have no prescription for the Hcg (Pregyl) but I can buy it from the local pharmacy. I can´t get bacteriostatic water though, so I mixes the Hcg with only sterilized water (NaCI 0,9% and keep it max for 2 week in fridge. I am looking for to buy Benzyl alcohol so I can make bacteriostatic water. That way I will keep the Hcg for 3-4 weeks in the fridge with no problem. Just be sure when you do all these things that is done in a very clean environment/surface and you won´t have problems. No garanties!

I stopt taking Arimidex since it completely drains my Esteriol even with tiny dose like 0,25 per week. I prefer to have it a bit higher than too low. The only side effect so far has been having a bit of a red face when is goes too high.

If you have better suggestions pls let me know..

Good Luck!
Beyond Testosterone Book by Nelson Vergel
Truth, aromatase inhibitors are very powerful antagonists in men and can plummet estrogen very quickly.

This is one drug where a man should start very very low and only add more if blood work warrants.
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