Anxious about starting TRT

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Has anyone been anxious about starting TRT? I have suffered from Anxiety for years and the prospect of life long TRT injections as well as side effects, scares me a lot!

I am only 33 so I want to go on HCG to stay fertile, but that worries me because of the likely increase in estradiol.

Then I am also concerned because the potential of thicker blood as I had a DVT back in 2006.

Last but not least I suffer from Prostatitis, so that always makes me worry about prostate cancer.

I am trying to weigh up the benefits of starting TRT with HCG versus my worries as well as my general shitty well being. I mean I feel crap. Can't lose weight, despite eating well and exercising. No energy. Struggling to concentrate and remember things. Sex is not as good as it used to be. Feeling anxious and depressed most of the time.

Not sure where I am going with this, but I guess I am worried about starting this life long journey.
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
Depression can cause a lot of your symptoms. (ask me how I know...) Depression can be caused by different amino acids in your brain not playing well together. Talk to Dr Saya at Defy. He knows his stuff. Have you had blood work done?? Do you actually have low T?? As far as DVT talk to your Internist as that can KILL you!!
If you do need to be on Test, and its safe for you, don't wait. You will be 50 before you know it and a lot of life will have been lost.
Hi Vision. Thanks for that! My testosterone is 394. That is with taking clomid, which I stopped in mid December (when I did my last blood test) as it didn't really make feel better. So possibly now the testosterone is even lower. I might get another blood test done early next week, before I am meant to start my TRT.

I had a DVT in 2006. Reading that interview with Dr Glueck makes me even more worried about starting TRT.
Kiwi, I understand anxiety, having dealt with it, off and on, for years. One feels as if all the choices you have, each and every one, lead to a (potentially) bad result. Vision's point is on the money - talk to those with the background to answer your concerns about DVT and then make a decision about TRT.
I am also the king of anxiety and worry. I fretted over starting it, then I got worried about being on it, so I switched to creams, then I got worked up and tried to come off, then I didn't like the way I felt, then I went back on , and repeated the process. It is easy to second guess and question. However, if the bloodwork shows you need it, then it could be the best thing you ever did. It could help with anxiety and energy and most of the things you mentioned.

Also it is normal that clomid you feel bad. It is notorious for raising testosterone but making your mood horrible. For me it made me emotional, mood swings, depressed, etc.

As someone who does the exact things you do, my suggestion is no matter what you decide, try with all your might to own that decision and go with it. Most side effects can be managed or avoided.
Clomid can raise E2 too high as well so an AI is often used to control that side effect. Higher E2 can cause anxiety or make it worse. Just something to take into consideration.
Beyond Testosterone Book by Nelson Vergel
Hi there,
I personally was not worried when I started about seven weeks ago. But I was depressed and lacked energy. I have to say that TRT has improved my mood significantly and I have plenty of energy. I am no longer depressed and I am starting to lose weight by introducing healthy eating habits and daily exercise. Just keep in mind that TRT is not a magical pill and it takes weeks before you start to feel better!
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