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  1. K

    Any new discoveries on Low SHBG curse ?

    I m just checking with the community to see if there is a new discovery with Low SHBG individuals ? Any new treatment ? Any new strategies to raise it ? It is a bad curse .
  2. J

    Really Need Help - Low Estrodial

    Hey everyone. I’ve been on TRT for years. I’m dialed in at 902 ng/dl. Two shots per week (60mg on Monday and 60mg on Thursday for a total of 120mg). Done Sub-Q I’ve had three different Estrodial blood tests and they have come back 1 pg/ml, 0.6 pg/ml and 0.8 pg/ml. How is this possible? I’m not...
  3. C

    5 Weeks TRT - symptoms and questions

    Hi Team - 5 weeks in 200mg Test 1x weekly due to total T being at 319 most of my life (I’m now 49). I’m 6’1, 221 lbs and after 5 weeks, weight same, but gained 4 lbs of muscle, lost 4 lbs of fat. My clinic uses Inbody scan and it shows my percent body fat going from 26 to 22.6. I have felt...
  4. B

    PCT regiment coming off 2 years TRT

    I am 44 years old and have been on TRT for approx 2 years (from initial 150MG down to current 70MG weekly for 2 years). I find that I have too much stress, anger, agitation and anxeity while on TRT. I have tried everything lowering the dose, taking AI, switch from pinning once per week to 2x per...
  5. M

    Hair loss, TRT, Oral Minoxidl, Testing?

    So I have been doing TRT for 15 years. For the past 6 months I have reduced my levels down to .3ml per week of 200 mg/ml Test Cypionate from Hikma (thru Kroger). The shots are always Subq. (Test results are below) I kept stepping down because of hair loss. I'm just about at 3 months using...
  6. C

    Traveling Internationally with TRT

    Hi all, I am traveling to South Africa for business in ten days, and I will be there for a month. After that, I will be in another US state that's different from my home state. The trip is already going to mess up my protocol, as I will need to drop the 3,000iu weekly HCG I currently take for...
  7. Fernando Almaguer

    New study Hematocrit relationship to MACE (major adverse cardiovasular events)

    I found this on the good doctor Rasamad's IG page and I was wondering if after 24 months of starting TTH if we are good with cardio risks.
  8. W

    Testosterone, B12 and HCG all in 1 shot?

    Just switched from cream to shots for testosterone. I’ve been doing HCG and B12 subq. I’m not a fan of needles so I’m asking if it makes sense to buy a 2 or 3ml syringe and put all 3 in the syringe and inject IM at the same time? Testosterone, B12 and hcg all at once? I’d probably have to...
  9. M

    Wondering if my TRT prescription schedule makes sense at all

    So I had low test for quite a few years that was first tested when I was about 29. I have been on methadone since age 19. Though I have been on opiates for a long time, I was always a “functional addict” as I was a an athlete and was drafted into the QMJHL back in 2005. I always stayed in shape...
  10. C

    Need to discontinue nandrolone and just continue test cypionate

    I have some bloodwork. I will have to do in the next two months or so. I ran across the General three week time frame to discontinue show decreased testosterone levels on bloodwork. Is this correct or do I need longer than three weeks off of nandralone?
  11. C

    Healthy man...low tests and low shbg :(

    Hi, How come I have low shbg and low tests..I do long distance cycling, not overweight...healthy 40y man Free tests is 258 pmol/l [220-800] Shbg 18 nmol/l [18-54] S-testostrone 13.5 nmol/l [8-32] Is trt is the only way to go? Or do I have other options also?
  12. RotnGun

    American Journal of Medicine bashing TRT

    I thought that I would post the link below "strictly for entertainment purposes". If you read down further on the page, you will see a whole bunch of articles on how awful anabolic steroids are. Talk about hypocrites :(
  13. E

    Would it be a mistake to try TRT? Attached bloodwork. 30 YO disappointing libido

    30 YO. 5’11” 150 lbs. workout 4x/week. Married with 2 kids. Experiencing a disappointingly low libido. I’ve been using Gene’s NO stack (Citrulline, Tadalafil) daily for the last few years to combat this successfully for the most part, but recently libido has been declining to a disappointing...
  14. R

    Creatine and rbc H&h ?

    So my question is basically does one on trt who has an elevated H&H hematocrit and hemoglobin around 54 and 18 and habitually works out with weights 4/5 days a week want to use creatine without causing any side effects . I know creatine does a lot of wonderful things like increase atp and...
  15. A

    Why do so many Quit TRT?

    seems most people who get on TRT eventually quit. Why? If you quit, how long were you on and what made you get off? are you happier now that youre no longer on TRT?
  16. B

    Measuring insulin syringe

    5. line would be 30 mg right? It’s a 0,5 ml insulin syringe 40 Iu. What’s confusing me it says 40 iu but then on the syringe it says 20 IU?!? So with my math 30 mg on these syringes would be 30 mg.
  17. I

    High irritability after 1st dose testosterone 36M

    36m from Bulgaria 2012 I start to have aniexity and depression, but yes because of low mood and libido. Also lw energy From 2012 to 2015 neurologist treat me wit escitalopram and rivotril not cure me, just smooth symptoms but make worae libido and no errection. And Symptoms are depressulion...
  18. T

    Zero libido

    I have been on TRT for years and everything has been good with one major exception; I have zero libido. I get morning wood and can perform (typically using Cialis) but there is absolutely zero desire and finishing takes a lot of concentration. Very little sensitivity. I have on occasion (less...
  19. B

    Considering starting TRT. My blood work is attached.

    All, I have some Low-T symptoms most notably brain fog, no drive, ED, and no libido. I believe some of this may be due to me not getting quality sleep. I usually sleep 6-7 hours per night, but even if I get 8 or more hours, I still feel tired. As far as the libido goes though, I can't...
  20. H

    New Member: Worse Off than ever after years of TRT, HCG now not working, debilitating insomnia - Please Help !

    Hello everyone, I'm a 33 year old man from north west NJ. I was diagnosed with low T in 2014 by my primary care physician via blood work and put on 125mg testosterone cypionate a week divided into 2 shots. Fast forward to the summer of 2023 and I had to stop taking it sadly because one side...
  21. R

    Recovery after stopping cold turkey

    Looking for advice / guidance after having severe side effects 9 months into treatment, followed by abrupt discontinuation and severe withdrawal. Almost 5 months later, still not back to pre-TRT self. Some background: 37 yo M Was on 180 mg testosterone cypionate weekly, split into injections...
  22. Y

    Hcg as a restart?

    Hey guys, I’m 33 and have T in the 300-350 range with most low t symptoms. Been on a regimen of 100mg weekly for 2 months and it has helped. I don’t completely mind the thought of doing this for life but also think maybe I should try a restart to see if maybe I can produce normally after...
  23. R

    TRT allergy

    Hi All. I recently started TRT with a clinic after reviewing bloodwork. My protocol was 140 mgs test cyp and 1,000 hcg divided 2x a week. Well after 2 weeks and 5 injections, all my injections became sore, red and itchy. I tried my stomach and quad areas. Im using a 27 gauge 1/2" and doing sub...
  24. C

    Would I be making a mistake?

    Posted this to Reddit, and got some interested responses, but wanted to post here as I've been reading here all day. Over the past 18 months, I’ve been on a journey to naturally increase my testosterone (T) levels. While I’ve tried various methods, including sleep improvement, diet improvement...
  25. Y

    Using clomid while on trt to retain testicular function

    Hello, I know this has been asked more than once here but I have Only seen conflicting, old information. I am hoping someone can help. i am 33 and have low t. I was on trt but recently was prescribed clomid. The generic version is being discontinued and my insurance doesn’t cover it, so it...
  26. Y

    Options for retaining testicular function while on trt

    Hello, I am a 33 year old male and have low t. I have been on trt for the past 2 months but after meeting with a urologist today he put me on Clomiphene, given my concerns about fertility. The issue I am running into is that my insurance (Medicaid) won’t cover fertility drugs and the pharmacy...
  27. E

    What other supplements are you taking in addition to your TRT regimen?

    Most of us don't stop at TRT. Once started, we look into other ways to optimize health and wellness. What other supplements are you taking in addition to your TRT regimen? I'd love to know what else everyone is on and why. Also, does quality matter, or do you buy the cheapest you can find?
  28. W

    Lowered Test raised HCG

    I lowered my Test from 200 mg to 160 mg, and raised HCG from 500 iu this week to 1000 iu. If my total test range prior to this adjust was peak 1000 ng/dl, what would you estimate it to be on this protocol?
  29. D

    Subq/IM differences and issues. Has anyone experienced this?

    Having trouble dialing in due to one issue. I feel great on Subq injections and my dose is 70mgs a week split into EOD injections. This brings my total T - 729, free t - 156.7 and E2 - 38. My problem is that my constipation returns exactly after 4 weeks of doing subq. I had constipation before...
  30. E

    Just Started TrT and am Very Confused

    Hi, new guy here. After years of trying to combat declining T with diet, fat loss, weightlifting, etc. I finally decided to give TrT a try. At 73 years of age my T had been slowly declining to where I recently got the following report: T=328, SHBG=54.7, Free T = 4.63, Albumin 4.4. In...
  31. S

    FYI for those on statins

    As most members on here know I’ve always did better on very low dose once weekly injections. I take no other meds with trt. About 10 months ago I started a low dose statin 5mg eod. I have no perceivable side effects from the statin. Long story short, after about two months I started feeling...
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