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  1. K

    D-chiro-inositol raises testosterone significantly

    This study confirms that D-chiro-inositol raises Testosterone significantly and lowers E2 and Estrone : Why is this not talked about anywhere ? Is there something wrong with the study ? Am I missing something ?
  2. H

    TRT & HGH - Left Ventricular Hypertrophy Risks

    I'm the wrong side of 40 now, and picked up some non-trivial injuries which are taking months to fully heal. I've got hold of some HGH, which I was planning to use for a couple of months at 3IU/day for a couple of months to speed the injury healing. I've been on TRT for around a decade now...
  3. O

    High Blood Pressure on TRT

    I started TRT several months back. Started 100mg once a week but after first follow up went to 120mg split into twice weekly doses. Everything has been great, with all my hypogonadal symptoms eliminated. But now I have elevated BP. For the first 10 weeks it was hovering at 140/100. (I’ve...
  4. I

    Start TRT with clinic or doctor? Suggestions!

    Hello All, Need your advice. I have low testo: 250 first test. LH and FSH are high , PSA, Thyroid, and prolactin are fine. Int the last 3-4 years I went from 15% body fat to 25% body fat developing NAFLD and despite trying dieting and come back to the gym I feel low energy and not able to be...
  5. R

    TRT Since 2013 - Feeling Worse Than Ever

    Hey guys, I'll be brief, just looking for some feedback. Been on TRT since 2013 due to a testicular injury suffered in the gym. T never recovered past 300 total after surgery, so here I am. First doc was the urologist, 200mg IM every 2 weeks. Felt amazing for like 3 months and then the...
  6. I

    Suggestion based on blood work : TRT or not?

    Hello Everyone, I am a newbie and need your experience and opinion. I am 38 years old male, I have been struggling with weight loss and motivation to go to the gym in the past 2 years. I feel energetic only from 8 am to 11 am (where I try to do most of my work done) and then the rest of the day...
  7. D

    Pharma testosterone cyp overdosed?

    hi guys thank you all for sharing your TRT experiences and knowledge its really useful to hear about everything people have experienced and learnt. Getting things dialled is one the hardest things it seems and to have such a huge evidenced based repository is invaluable. I am on prescribed TRT...
  8. C

    Anxiety and TRT

    Hello, I have posted on here before about my start of TRT. In June of 2022 I developed pretty severe anxiety out of the blue. My background I never really had any anxiety my entire life. Maybe here and there with like big things that happen. I tested low testosterone right after getting...
  9. C

    Looking for some advice...

    Hello, Looking for any feedback or advice if anybody has any for my specific situation. I am a 5-year testicular cancer survivor. I have one testicle left which has a pretty good size varicocele. My first testosterone measurement back in 2016 was around 238. My highest measurement during that...
  10. K

    Any guys on TRT long term and how is it? Newbie androgel but haven’t began

    I was wondering if some guys who have been on TRT a long time can chime in. I’m 42 and working hard to keep my testosterone up. Lost one testicle and had chemo so it isn’t easy but I’m tired lots. I finally got it back up to 450 but I’m still tired. Anyway, I was just wondering because I read...
  11. R

    Supplement usage while on TRT & CJC / Ipa

    Just starting TRT & CJC / Ipa... I'm continuing use of MK-677. Can I also continue use of LGD-4033 and S23 or should I taper off for awhile?
  12. Fernando Almaguer

    Adding in 60 mgs nandrolone a week

    Hello gentlemen (ladies if any), So I am on 20 mgs test eod and 500 ius hcg twice weekly. I am getting some deca from Dr. Lipshultz clinic. Any precautions I should take before getting into this, how long should i do this. It should help joints and help me add a little mass. Thinking of...
  13. H

    What would you do? Further dial in injection or switch to cream?

    Here are my labs on 8 weeks of 100 mg a week split into two injections (we’ll split the injects 5 weeks ago. I thought my levels would be low. They don’t look bad? New Dr wants me to try cream? Old Dr wants me to stay the course with injections. Not feeling good lower sex drive erections aren’t...
  14. B

    Seeking advice TRT Vs. Clomid

    Seeking advice. I am 37 years old. I've been on this journey for 5-6 years after significant chronic fatigue and anxiety symptoms sought to me start doing the thorough medical work up my family doctor refused to do. Prior to any intervention my Total T levels were usually between 390-530 and...
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