Basic question--I tried the search feature but could not find definitive information on the following.
The specific question: Is there a dosing of Testosterone Enanthate (in mg per week) below which you can expect to preserve what is left of natural testosterone production? Does the introduction of ANY exogenous testosterone completely shut that production down--or is the shut down proportionate to the dosing.??
If you are aware of any research on this subject please direct me.
Other than nasal T gel (Natesto) any form of exogenous whether T pellets, oral esterified T (Jatenzo), transdermal gels/creams, injectable esterified T when used in therapeutic doses to treat low testosterone will have a strong impact on suppression on the hpta.
Formulation/PKs, dosing protocol/minimum effective doses needed to raise T levels in order to achieve a healthy FT level in order to provide relief/improvement of symptoms will results in suppression of the hpta.
Long and medium-acting injectable esterified TU/TC/TE/mixed will have the strongest impact.
Even short-acting injectable esterified TP can still have a strong suppressive effect on the hpta
Next would be oral TU (Jatenzo) and transdermals.
Nasal T gel would be the least suppressive due to the PK/dosing protocol.
Because the
oral testosterone need hundreds of mg, it requires a specially formualted tablet to get absorbed by the lymphatic system. I'm on Jaetnzo @237 mg twice daily, or 3318 mg per week.
FIGURE 1 | Percent change in mean gonadotropin levels (LH & FSH), from baseline through 6 months of testosterone treatment. Nasal testosterone (blue), dosed t.i.d., adapted from (15), n = 33. Topical testosterone (orange), dosed daily, adapted from (9), n = 123. IM injectable - 100 mg testosterone enanthate, (red), adapted from (10), n = 10. All changes from baseline were statistically significant. Nasal testosterone—FSH p = 0.03, all others p < 0.001. Standard error calculated using the delta method
Novel methods for the treatment of low testosterone (2023) Julius Fink & Shigeo Horie Abstract Introduction Testosterone replacement therapy is a promising and growing field in modern healthcare. Several novel testosterone preparations aiming at providing an efficient drug without side...
Figure 6: Effects of different types of T preparations on FSH (dark grey) and LH (light grey). Data from [22] [14]
Well only 8mg of straight Prop peaked me at 1200 TT ! since Tprop would quickly taper off question is how long after injection. TBH the blood levels are way overvalued by most in T community. most of the action happens at the receptor you can't measure that. i completely ignore all those...