lab results

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  1. L

    Lab results on follow up

    I've finally gotten my results back and here they are (3 mth f/u): TT - 990 (MS) FT - 178 (Dialysis) Estradiol - 44 (LC/MS) Free T3 - 3.2 SHBG - 37 Hematocrit - 54 Hemoglobin - 17.2 LH - <0.2 Reference Range: 1.5-9.3 mIU/mL I'm feeling great and I would not change anything in my protocol...
  2. B

    Lab Results - Advice and interpretation

    Hi guys, Can you help me interpret the following results and if I should hop on TRT? For my ALT levels, I know they are a bit high. My previous lab tests never showed an issue and I think I know why they were a bit high and I have already started to try to lower them. I am thinking about...
  3. M

    TRT monotherapy. 5 week lab check due to nipple symptoms. Thoughts/Guidance please.

    Hey guys, I've been on TRT monotherapy, no other drugs, for 5 weeks now. I went ahead and pulled some labwork at week 5 instead of waiting till week 12. Why did i pull labs early? Answer: I started to have bilateral axillary soreness about 2 weeks in. That subsided and was immediately...
  4. C

    Need to discontinue nandrolone and just continue test cypionate

    I have some bloodwork. I will have to do in the next two months or so. I ran across the General three week time frame to discontinue show decreased testosterone levels on bloodwork. Is this correct or do I need longer than three weeks off of nandralone?
  5. D

    Testosterone assay experts... puzzling results

    I am following up on my most recent protocol: Daily T cyp/prop results I am taking T cyp/prop blend at 4:3 ratio, 56mg daily, and HCG 400iu E4D. I wanted to see peak and trough, so got two blood draws. One was covered by insurance through labcorp, the other I bought on discounted labs since it...
  6. aneuman

    Testosterone Cypionate and BPH - advice needed

    Hello guys, I've been under a protocol of Enclomiphene Citrate and HCG 3 times a week. Here are the breakdown of the results: Pros: Better mood. Used to have a short fuse before, now I'm more calmed. More optimistic Sleep has improved. Not ideal, but acceptable. Wake up many times, but manage...
  7. S

    Pre-Defy consult lab work

    These labs are from 02/06/23, taken five days after injecting a weekly dose of 200mg test enanthate IM. I understand the dose is too high, and no need to discuss that. I temporarily stopped TRT after that injection, pending the Defy consult. Too many things out of control symptom-wise. Too...
  8. M

    Cortisol Levels Lab Results

    What is an optimal AM Cortisol. I had these labs drawn at 10AM. The normal Quest range is noted, but it is not always optimal. I am currently not taking any TRT or supplements but considering DHEA and Pregnenolone as both have previously tested low. My DHEA level is at the bottom of the Quest...
  9. K

    Can I get your opinions on my lab results?

    Hey guys. I was just wondering if you guys would look over my labs and give me your opinion. I haven’t started TRT yet. 42 years old one testicle. RXed Androgel but haven’t started. Thank you all so much. I’m new here and really enjoy the site. I have been reading in the search section for...
  10. R

    Considering TRT--Lab Results, Questions

    I'm in my late 30s and have been having all the symptoms of low T for at least 5-6 years, but never thought that could "be it" given my age. I've had some sexual issues recently and decided to test the hormones. An at home lancet blood test (tested by a lab, not a card test) gave a 283 ng/dl...
  11. J

    Help With Recent Bloodwork Results on TRT/ HcG

    Hello- 51 yo male here, been on TRT for several years using Cypionate, recently added HcG in past year for testicular atrophy. I currently follow this protocol: Test Cyp 50 mg combined with HcG 500 units both drawn up for 1 ml. total in a 29ga 1/2" syringe injected into shoulder area on M/Th...
  12. J

    First labs since beginning TRT (Test Cyp)

    Quick backstory. 33yo, 5'11" 180lbs. First experienced low T symptoms at age 27, confirmed by labs (one lab reading was as low as 196 total T with normal range 264-916 and free T of 3.9 with normal range of 8.3-30.1). Endocrinologist initially thought it was stress-induced/adrenal fatigue as I...
  13. WestB87

    34yo father of 4 sons. Lab work results! Low T, High DHEA and IGF-1.

    Hey Guys, I’ve been lurking here for a few months now while I researched my potential issues that have been increasing in frequency and magnitude. I’m a 34 year old father of 4 in what could be considered good physical shape, though that hasn’t been the case for many years. I’m 5’6” and 170lbs...
  14. M

    Low e2 - Lethargy, Lack of motivation and heartburn (acid reflux)

    My main symptom that I felt after starting TRT (second day) is crazy heartburn. Some people mentioned my e2 is low some say the jump in T caused the release of stomach peptides that increase stomach acid production. Which it kind of makes sense since I experienced (still do) extreme hunger all...
  15. M

    Help - Premature Ejaculation and lab results

    Hey all, I have been on TRT now for around 5 years and never had too many problems besides the occasional ED from my e2 levels being off that required some Cialis. I am 34y/o 6'5" 230lb male that works out frequently and has visible abs. Since December of 2020 year I have acquired premature...
  16. S

    Dropped AI a month ago...

    Got the new numbers from my low point (day before I stick) (I used the lab from this page): T: 876 E: 37 Free Test: 126 SHBG: 37 So not sure how to interpret these myself, and could use the help of this fellowship. I've been on T for a year now. I used to take an AI once a week a day after my...
  17. C

    First labs after starting TRT - WOW!

    I'm on 120mg/week enanthate sub q (2 x 60mg/week) and nothing else (other than OTC supplements). I can't believe how much my T levels increased. I met with my doctor this morning and he is adding a low dose AI to bring down the E a bit but otherwise everything looks great. And most importantly...
  18. A

    I feel best on a protocol that puts me above range... advice?

    So ive tried a few dosing protocols and have a journal where I log the side effects after 6-12 weeks. 20mg eod puts me at Total Testosterone 830 ng/dl (250-1100) Free Testosterone (151 pg/mL (35.0-155.0) Sensitive Estradiol 27 pgmL (< or = 29) I feel flat and low energy.. also irritable...
  19. A

    Thoughts on my most recent bloodwork? IS my E2 too high?

    Just got my bloodwork back for 30 mg eod been on this protocol for about 3 months TESTOSTERONE, TOTAL: 1257 ng/DL (250-827) TESTOSTERONE, FREE: 226.6 pg/mL (46-224) ESTRADIOL,ULTRASENSITIVE: 61 pg.mL (< or = 29) SHBG: 30 n/Mol (10-50) I feel pretty good, but Ive been breaking out like crazy...
  20. A

    Thoughts on my bloodwork?

    Just got my bloodwork back for 30 mg eod been on this protocol for about 3 months TESTOSTERONE, TOTAL: 1257 ng/DL (250-827) TESTOSTERONE, FREE: 226.6 pg/mL (46-224) ESTRADIOL,ULTRASENSITIVE: 61 pg.mL (< or = 29) SHBG: 30 n/Mol (10-50) I feel pretty good, but Ive been breaking out like crazy...
  21. D

    High total T, high SHBG, low free T and low estradiol

    Hi folks, I am a newbie, not on TRT, have never taken T or steroids, am 66 years old and have been working out since a teenager. Just got blood tests done at Quest (thanks, Nelson, Discount Labs worked great) and got back: T total 984 Free T 59.1 Bioavailable T 111.2 SHBG 89...
  22. R

    Lab results help and dosage suggestions

    Just got back my lab results. The doctor reviewed them. I told him that I had some left breast pain on the side of my left breast not the nipple area before I started TRT and noted that my left breast was more saggy in appearance, than the right side. He said he was not concerned by it. I...
  23. D

    Blood Work results Thyroid questions and slightly elevated estrogen and prolactin also low shbg

    So I'm a long time lurker on the forum first off I wanna say that thanks to this forum. I have been able to recover from the damage. I have done to my body with steroid abuse during my competition days. My situation is a typical low SHBG case but I have managed to find a protocol that works 90%...
  24. P

    TRT Progress - 6 weeks in

    Hey everyone, Started TRT about 6 weeks ago, and just got my first set of labs after my first injection. Wanted to post results here as a follow-up and ask for feedback. PROTOCOL Testosterone cypionate 200mg/mL: 0.3mL twice weekly Anastrozole 0.5mg/mL: Mixed in with the testosterone Human...
  25. D

    Blood-work is back, any suggestions?

    Greetings guys, I'm 39 years old, have been on TRT for 5 months now, I have had some up and down during the therapy. My main complaint has been random low moods and crazy anxiety, almost like wanting to jump out of my own body type of anxiety. Symptoms improved after I reduced my dosage and...
  26. T

    Idea for Uniform Lab Results

    I've been reading a lot of posts with lab results, and there is no uniform way they are presented. Someone will post a pic with their personal info left on by accident, someone will type a list, someone will run everything together, someone will leave out critical information. So my question...
  27. N

    New TRT Patient -- Thank You, Fighting an Invisible Enemy, Your Thoughts !!

    I am a 51 years old, 250 pounds (17% body fat), retired GI, who exercises regularly (weights and cardio 4-6 days a week), eats clean, and doesn't smoke or drink. I have experience all of the classic low T symptoms for several years. It's difficult to say when this began as they slowly...
  28. L

    Laphroaig's testosterone panel 2/22/2019

    Hi Guys, I've been reading and learning on Excelmale for 5 years, this is my first lab post. I'm 53 years old, and have been trying to dial in forever. I went to daily injections 1 1/2 years ago, which was a game changer. Currently I take 22mg Testosterone Cypionate daily, 250 iu of HCG three...
  29. T

    New Labs Your Thoughts

    I donated blood about three weeks before my most recent labs. I still have high RBC, Hemoglobin, and Hematocrit. My doctor has given me a script for phlebotomy. What gives? Current protocol: 30mg Monday/Thursday 200iu HCG Monday/Thursday 81mg aspirin daily Fish Oil Coq10 Cardio 6 days a...
  30. E

    Problems with LabCorp Sensitive Estradiol Machine

    Just an FYI that apparently LabCorp’s only machine for testing sensitive estradiol broke down, causing a backup on processing lab results. My most recent blood draw for TRT labs was September 24 and still no results. I called Defy yesterday to see if they had received anything, and was informed...
  31. B

    More labs...pretty good drop in hematocrit

    So I have lowered my T injections from 80mg every 3.5 days to 60mg every 3.5 days due to trying to mitigate high E2. My hematocrit from 49.3 down to 43.8 in 7 weeks time. While that is good E2 barely moved at all. From 75 to 73. Just thought I would share what impact T has on...
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