Blood Tests

Iron Supplementation Protocol to Raise Ferritin FAST While on TRT
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Hi all, I started TRT in 2001 and have been giving blood over the years and have always had issues with recovering my ferritin. Long story short, I got tired of waiting for others to do the research, so I did it myself, created a protocol, hired...

Minimizing Erythrocytosis during TRT (Daily injectable Testosterone vs. Gels vs. Kyzatrex)

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All, I react very badly to injectable T (56 hematocrit @ 100 mg split 3x per week SubQ). My ferritin suffers greatly here and sits in the 20's to low 30's. I want it to be above 70. Testosterone have given me a severe case of periodic limb...
Iron Supplements: How to get the most benefits without feeling sick
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Have you tested your iron levels lately? Are you currently taking iron? Are you taking it every day? (spoiler alert: you don't want to take iron every day!) Iron may be a standard, almost boring supplement to think about, but having adequate...

Emerging data and advances in prostate cancer screening

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In this 9-minute presentation, Sigrid Carlsson, MD, PhD, MPH, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, New York, reviews groundbreaking advancements in prostate cancer screening and data from the past year. [/URL] Advances in Prostate...
Updates on Testosterone Deficiency in Men Living With HIV and the Cardiovascular Implications
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Fig. 1 Proposed mechanism of testosterone and HIV on the systemic vasculature. This figure exemplifies the similarities of both TD and HIV on the vascular system and therefore the potential to enhance CVD risk. Both conditions lead to vessel...
Estradiol Testing in Men
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  • 5 Estradiol in Men: Optimal Testing Recommendations Measurement of estradiol in men (and children) should be performed by a...
Growing Role of Lp(a) in Cardiovascular Risk Assessment
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* Lp(a), a low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-like particle with an apo(a) attached to apoB molecule, is now recognized as a potent genetic risk factor, with levels above 50 mg/dL (125 nmol/L) linked to cardiovascular complications, including...
Iron Deficiency Without Anemia – Common, Important, Neglected
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Iron Deficiency Without Anemia – Common, Important, Neglected (2019) Esa Soppi* Department of internal medicine, Eira Hospital, Laivurinkatu 29, FI-00150 Helsinki, Finland Abstract A serum ferritin concentration of <30 µg/L is the most...
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  • 7 Watch our video to learn about the importance of accurate hormone testing. Tests to measure the level of a specific hormone in the body are the third most common diagnostic in medicine today yet some current...
Dr. Larry Lipshultz - Urologist and Testosterone Therapy Expert in Houston
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My guest today is one of the country’s most respected medical experts on TRT, otherwise known as testosterone replacement therapy. He’s an authority in using testosterone to help males improve muscle tone and strength, and enjoy more energy and...

Testosterone Q&A | Dr Louise Newson- Women's HRT Doctor in the UK

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In her latest Instagram Live, Dr Louise Newson answers questions about testosterone. Introduction Today, I’ll be discussing testosterone. Although I’ve already covered this topic in a previous Instagram Live, which is available on my YouTube...

Testosterone Therapy in Canada

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@Marcel We have always been far worse off than the US when it comes to the treatment of men for testosterone deficiency. Although...
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