Post Injection Bump ?

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Hey Team. So did my regular Monday test cyp shot. 42mg using Easy Touch 28 gauge 1/2’ into my right deltoid. I have been doing the deltoids for a while now with no issues rotating. So this morning when I injected I noticed after withdrawing an immediate bump formed. There was some blood drip after withdrawing. No pain, just swabbed with alcohol lightly. I’m pretty sure this happens and nothing to be really concerned about as the oil disperses. Just curious if any of you guys ever had that issue. This was my first ‘issue’ in over 2 years. Obviously I hit a vein or capillary, but I’ve bled other times before just a bit. Also, I did train upper body this morning doing a lot of shoulder work. Took a shower right after then did my injection. Not sure if the working out and increased blood flow to the muscle or inflammation in that area after working out contributed. Likely not as I’ve pinned after workout before.
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Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
It happens to me occasionally too. There was probably some bleeding under the skin. Nothing to be concerned about, I would think there be some bruising.
Thanks. Good news. The lump totally went away after 30 minutes. No bruising or pain. Weird First time when it happens instant bump...I was like WTF is that. I also do shallow IM not SubQ. I am lean in my Delts at least o thought I was. Lol
I am not sure what the risks are between both. They both have pros and cons and individual. Personally , the shallow IM like I am doing in my Delts have been great aside from this wacky incident today. Just easier compared to glute IM with larger gauge that I used to do. I mean glute was fine and I had no issues, but if you can do shallow IM in Delt, to me a no brainer, especially since I am pinning a small amount test each time. If I was doing larger volume, I might consider switching back to glutes, but not sure there is any basis for that on TRT meds and doses.
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