High IGF1, Low HDL, Low SHBG, but normal Blood glucose and A1C. Fit and not overweight at all. Thyroids are all good, no fatty liver
Would you say there's a possibility that I suffer from mild insulin resistance? What other tests are out there to confirm this?
It's been years and I'm still trying to figure out why SHBG is low. I recently found blood work from 11 years ago before I started abusing steroids for a long time, and SHBG was 26 before touching any hormones. Now it's at 13. So I don't think mine is genetic related.
Would you say there's a possibility that I suffer from mild insulin resistance? What other tests are out there to confirm this?
It's been years and I'm still trying to figure out why SHBG is low. I recently found blood work from 11 years ago before I started abusing steroids for a long time, and SHBG was 26 before touching any hormones. Now it's at 13. So I don't think mine is genetic related.