Erection quality issues


I have been on 7-8 years and have done almost all but not all protocols. The thing ive noticed is that when my balls are tight and skin pulled back that is when I have the best erections and sometimes orgasms feel good not dull. And depending on the dose I will suffer from low e2 side effects the main one being headaches and joint aches and thats around 100mg a week. If I take it 1 shot a week my e2 is to low and if i split it into 2 shots a week my e2 even goes lower and i suffer more.

I have done high amout of steroids in the past for bodybuilding purposes so im familiar with estrogen low and high side effects quite well. I am now only on TRT doses of testosterone for the rest of my life. Its been a few years since I quit using high amounts of steroids for bodybuilding.

When I use to much testosterone(120mg/week) my balls slowly sag and the more it sags the poorer the erection and I gain water weight as my e2 increases. 120mg a shot at once it sags a lot and split into 2 does it lowers my e2 and my balls to sag a bit but its still not the best quality erection or orgasms. 110mg also isnt my sweet spot.

My goal is to get that ball tightness with the right balance of e2. The only protocol I have no tried is a 3 day protocol. I was thinking about doing 40mg 3 times a week but sub q. So far I only inject IM. 7 days a week injection is not for me. Thats to hard I would never last doing it for the rest of my life.

Does anyone have any suggestions or can help me get my balls tight and e2 slightly higher but not to high so they sag which ruins my erection quality. I do not use hcg or anything other drug that is TRT related. I have done tons of blood work over the years. My sweet spot is some where between 100mg and maybe 120mg. I am surprised at how much even just 10mg of testosterone makes. From 110mg to 120mg I gain considerable amount of water weight do to higher estrogen.

So in a nut shell for my body:

100mg = 1 shot a week. Good erections and decent quality orgasms but low e2 side effects like dry skin, OCD/obsessive thoughts get worse , headaches and join aches and get acne. 100mg twice a week I just suffer even more from low e2. Makes OCD worse. The 100mg once a week is nearly the perfect protocol for me but its just the low e2 issue. Cant handle all the side effects.

110mg = Feels more like 100mg but with lower amount of e2 side effects. Skin is dry but no headaches. Tiny bit join aches but not much. Erections are not great at all. OCD/obsessive thoughts gets worse but not as bad as 100mg. Acne nearly goes away but not completely. Splitting it up into 2 shots makes little difference.

120mg = poor erections and no low e2 side effects at all. But high e2 side effects I get really depressed and sad and life looks so gloomy with no light at the end. No dry skin at all, no headaches and no joint aches. OCD/obsessive thoughts go back to what it normally is for you, does not increase. Joints feel super powered. I can list heavier at the gym with no pain. But I gain 10lbs of water weight from the e2 increase. No acne. Increased agression, and i get angry easy.
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Acne nearly goes away but not completely. Splitting it up into 2 shots makes little difference.

It just so happens when I was having problems with acne I was also having problems with high E2, the large injections increased the conversion to E2 (70) and DHT equally in my case. My Free T was also supraphysiological but my Total was near the top of the ranges.

The smaller shots (daily, EOD) fixed the acne troubles. If splitting up your shots twice weekly doesn't clear up the acne, try an EOD protocol. I had acne on twice weekly, but not EOD.

I also starting trimming out on a daily protocol and E2 was the lowest I've ever seen it, I imagine DHT probably took a hit as well.
The more frequent injections fixed my erection troubles as well, I never had erections when E2 was <35 and having acne problems.

Yeah thats why I wanted to do a 40mg 3 times a week. Its not a EOD protocol but maybe I should adapt a EOD protocol. Its going to be hard to measure out the oil for EOD. I use a 25 guage. I may have to use a insulin needle for my sub q.
Yeah thats why I wanted to do a 40mg 3 times a week. Its not a EOD protocol but maybe I should adapt a EOD protocol. Its going to be hard to measure out the oil for EOD. I use a 25 guage. I may have to use a insulin needle for my sub q.
Are you on cyp or enan? I would use insulin needles sub q and shallow IM if I were you. Some people don’t absorb enanthate well sub q because of the oil base from what I’ve heard. Are you overall healthy? As I’m sure you know poor erection quality can be the result of underlying heart/health issues
Regardless of what may be said on the Internet, the bioavailability of testosterone from these injections is close to 100% for everyone.
There are definitely are people whose levels drop dramatically when doing sub q over IM. The different carrier oil used for enanthate is just a theory some have thrown around for discussion. I don’t think anyone can argue that IM injections yield about 100% absorption, but some people greatly prefer high injection frequency sub q
There are definitely are people whose levels drop dramatically when doing sub q over IM. The different carrier oil used for enanthate is just a theory some have thrown around for discussion. I don’t think anyone can argue that IM injections yield about 100% absorption, but some people greatly prefer high injection frequency sub q
And to clarify, I personally used enanthate sub q for about 2 years with great success. I’ve just recently switched to compounded cream and feel better than ever. But gotta give this cream quite a while longer before I can be sold on it long term
There are definitely are people whose levels drop dramatically when doing sub q over IM. The different carrier oil used for enanthate is just a theory some have thrown around for discussion. I don’t think anyone can argue that IM injections yield about 100% absorption, but some people greatly prefer high injection frequency sub q
The clinical trial for XYOSTED demonstrated the same overall absorption (AUC) for subQ compared to IM. The apparent half-lives are somewhat different, so if you didn't wait long enough to test after switching to subQ then you might mistakenly think there was an absorption problem.
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There are definitely are people whose levels drop dramatically when doing sub q over IM. The different carrier oil used for enanthate is just a theory some have thrown around for discussion. I don’t think anyone can argue that IM injections yield about 100% absorption, but some people greatly prefer high injection frequency sub q

Yep this is me, same dosage my T level dropped 50% by going subQ and estrogen rised 50% lol.
From the aforementioned clinical trial comparing IM to SQ:

Relative to 200 mg IM TE, the two doses of 100 mg SC TE (week 5 and week 6 combined) demonstrated similar AUC0-inf, suggesting that the bioavailability of TE is similar whether administered SC or IM. ...
The ratios of T to metabolites were similar, suggesting that the conversion rate of T to its metabolites was similar across groups.
Are you on cyp or enan? I would use insulin needles sub q and shallow IM if I were you. Some people don’t absorb enanthate well sub q because of the oil base from what I’ve heard. Are you overall healthy? As I’m sure you know poor erection quality can be the result of underlying heart/health issues
Yes I am healthy. I did get a EKG done few weeks ago. I had allergy issues in a basement where I live so they checked a few things to make sure it wasnt something else. And shallow IM is something I have done before and was fine with it. 5/8th of a inch needle right?
And I think I may try 40mg 3 times a week. Monday, Wednesday and Friday and repeat. 3 times a week is something I have not tried for a long extended time. Anyone see any issues with this? I may just do shallow IM.
Is there any explanation for the e2 being so high? Because it has to convert from testosterone. So it does sound like your getting the testosterone absorption. How did you feel on the subQ when your e2 was high?
I honestly have no idea why it happened. A few of those studies say aromatization is the same on subq, but perhaps in some men it has more active aromatase activity in the fat tissue. And that's too much e2 for me. I didn't feel well at all.

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