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  1. P

    No Libido and orgasmic anhedonia on TRT , need you advice

    Hi Guys i'm 40 years old. around 2.5 years ago i lost around 20lb of muscle for no reason so i went to do a blood test at Urologist clinic , found out i have low T other then the muscle loss i didn't had any issues. sometimes i feel like i wish i wouldn't did this blood test , because since...
  2. Z

    Letting e2 run wild

    My old dr was a dr who was all about not treating E2. He said let it go as high as you want and it won’t be a problem. Well I am seeing a new dr now and my e2 sensitive was 45. My libido has been super low, my anxiety kind of high, also my junk shrivels up to nothing along with my scrotum...
  3. N

    Thinking of lowering T dose closer to my natural levels.

    So this is just me spot balling here but I've been on trt since late 2016. I'm 45 now.I mainly went on trt so that it would be easier to run a higher dose once or twice a year without having to pct. I also figured the added ability to hold muscle, extra energy, well being, etc, of trt would be...
  4. A

    Low fertility the cause of low libido? Some studies.

    I recently came across these studies: These men are not on trt, but could it be possible that fertility and libido are...
  5. Hormetheus

    Med student here. I have been on TRT since 21. Here is what I have learned about ED, libido and hormones.

    What I take for TRT. I am a med student in my last year. For years I have been on TRT. Because there is just so much misinformation around, I wrote some stuff about what I have learned along the way. What I found works best for me: 2x 50mg Test cyp per week (s.c. with 30G insulin syringe) 2x...
  6. S

    Does variation in peak/trough equate to libido?

    I have been on TRT for about three years. In January I switched to daily injections in an effort to control hematocrit, acne and sleep issues. I began at 20 mg per day and have slowly decreased my dose down to what is now 14 mg per day under the theory that the lowest possible dose is best. I...
  7. T

    Your experiences with increasing testosterone dosage?

    This is a re-post to an extent. But what I want to hear is some of your stories on increasing testosterone. Here is mine (without much facts, just how I experienced and read it): I was taking 50mg testosterone gel and had levels at 24nmol/l or almost 700ng/dl. I increased to 100mg and...
  8. C

    Brain estrogen creation 'critical to maintain full sexual activity or desire in males'

    A tip of the hat to "PakMan" at PeakT for the reference to this article. The underlying work is on mice, but may have implications for humans. Summary: Researchers have uncovered specific regions of brain tissue where aromatase is present, that drives male sexual desire. Aromatase converts...
  9. H

    Numb Penis, Anorgasmia during Sex, Low Cortisol, High Prolactin on TRT

    Have been on clinic TRT after AAS abuse as a 24 year old male for 3 years. My natural levels were 691 at age 24 prior to my reckless, careless decision to hope on anabolic steroids at 24. Since then I've tried to come off several times but always ended up inevitably relapsing when the pct or...
  10. A

    Permanent crash of estrogen?

    I’m still having low e2 symptoms 5 weeks off ai I’m really nervous It’s gonna be perment? I lost my emotions and dopamine appetite energy
  11. C

    Kisspeptin suppression under TRT: Can it affect mood and libido?

    TD;LR: Kisspeptin may affect how we act and feel. It seems plausible that a TRT-induced reduction in this hormone is a problem for some men. I’d previously asked if suppression of GnRH by TRT is a problem. The literature at least hints that it is possible. The situation with kisspeptin may be...
  12. G

    weak ejaculation... not much there

    Hi guys new to the board. I started TRT 2 months ago and everything has been going great except for one thing. My libido is subpar and my ejaculate is so so weak and small. It never shoots out anymore and it is not very satisfying. I'm getting wayyyyyy more nocturnal erections now, sleeping...
  13. Robotics

    10 days in - Libido and Erections kicking in - Honeymoon?

    My biggest concern is maintaining Libido. I have been on TRT in the past. I was off for several months. I was also low shbg, so TRT did not feel so effective for me at the time (libido was the biggest problem). My shbg is now closer to normal, closer to mid 20's and injecting 10mg a day, no ai...
  14. Robotics

    Low Libido, Low SHBG Protocol HELP - LABS x3

    Has anyone dealt with something similar? Libido seems to be illusive and hard to find. I am a low SHBG and struggle with libido/erections. daily injector IM (9mg x 7 = 63 mg week) The only time I have felt normal in that sense (libido) is usually when I am coming off TRT (for a week or two). Or...
  15. D

    New Labs - Still Lacking Libido

    Hey all, Just received my latest lab work from Lab Corp. I was expecting some different results since I have been having some libido issues. Not sure where to go from here, everything looks like it is in an acceptable range or better. Trying to figure out the missing puzzle piece to my libido...
  16. N

    I'd like to hear some success stories about finding the right TRT protocol that solved your ED issues.

    I've been at this for 3 years on various doses and combinations of test, AI, and HCG, with ED issues being my last remaining unresolved side effect. Im unable to get bloods with the current state of the world so I'd just like to hear some encouraging stories from those were able to get things...
  17. J

    Hypersexual Disorder and Luteinizing Hormone

    A study of men with hypersexual disorder finds that they have higher luteinizing hormone (LH), but not higher testosterone levels. Interesting becuase it shows a connection between LH and libido. The full text of the article is available. "LH plasma levels were significantly higher in patients...
  18. A

    Adding ai to test prop?

    I have been working with a doctor online! And he recommended I try test prop injections Ed! So I did I also kept my ai dose the same 2 mg a week(I felt fine no signs of crashed e2) he recommended I let my body restart since I’ve been throwing it off with all these protocols he said let my...
  19. J

    Just started Trt, having second thoughts

    Hi all. Forgive me please if my post is long and incoherent, I am typing as I go, trying to summarize everything with a single question. I think I always had low/ish T. My right testicle was in my abdomen when I was little, never really trully developed, is about 2,5 cm long only, still...
  20. U

    Thinking about trying Clomid for libido

    I'm currently on 200mg cypionate split into two injections per week @ 100mg per injection. I take HCG once a week (400IU's) to keep away the atrophy. All in all, I feel great. Great sense of well being, lots of energy, sleeping good, etc. The one thing is my libido isn't where I'd like it to be...
  21. S

    Trouble with libido lately

    I have a similar post on another forum, but trying to make sure I don't overlook anything. The last month or so I've had a hell of a time getting any sexual interest going. It's odd because the last 1.5 months I've done a really great job at cleaning up some bad habits (nicotine, alcohol, poor...
  22. 5

    New guy, 10 mos. TRT, dosage/ED/libido questions

    Hey all - I've been on TRT for 10 months and just found this forum today - what a MASSIVE wealth of information! I've been relying on a single thread on another forum that's totally unrelated to health, and it's been a huge help, but nothing like this. I could really use your help today; TRT...
  23. R

    Low SHBG Success Story - Almost 4 Years of TRT

    I know there are many low SHBG posts and most are negative for the most part. I wanted to share some things that I have learned through some experimentation over the last 4 years seeking more libido that have helped me dial some things in to my current protocol: 19mg T-Proprionate ED .25mg AI...
  24. N

    Lab results. Diagnosing ED/Libido

    So trying to figure out why I'm having on/off ED issues. Currently on scripted 200mg test E and 1mg adex, split into twice weekly doses. I pin sub Q Mon nights and Fri mornings. Blood was taken Thursday afternoon. Anything here that might be linked to ED/libido? I see Progesterone is at the...
  25. W

    Fundamental Protocol Changes

    For men that never achieved subjective success in regards to libido and ED from initial TRT protocols, I have read some having achieved success with scrotal T Creams. Has anyone else done a complete change to protocol in a different manner and found success? If so, what did you do. For this...
  26. D

    New member - pre TRT blood test results

    Could I get some advice/suggestions on my blood Test results? I got the first test done in July 2019 through (UK) and a few repeat tests in Nov 2019 through my GP (GP said everything looks normal). These were done fasted at 9am Symptoms -Low/Loss of Libido -ED (weaker...
  27. K

    A Med that Boosts Dopamine that in Turn Boosts Libido?

    After taking it for less than 2 weeks, I've given up TRT androgel testosterone therapy since hair loss is a symptom I cannot risk possessing. Recently I read an article about a med that docs prescribe to boost dopamine levels in the brain that in turn boosts libido. Sadly I can't find this...
  28. K

    Does TRT Cream Cause Hairloss??

    I was prescribed testosterone cream for low testosterone. My t level is at 280. The cream is androgel. Got 2 questions: 1) I've been on it for 2 weeks now. Does it cause hairloss? If so I''ll discontinue using it. 2) Although I've been on it for 2 weeks, for the first 3 - 4 days I noticed my...
  29. C

    What is Optimal Estradiol Range for Libido/Erection

    Before I started testosterone my erections were weak. Viagra was my best friend. When I started injecting testosterone my erections and libido increased. But is there a way to make it better? I keep hearing people say that high estradiol increases libido/erections. Other places say high...
  30. E

    Libido is Only High When Starting Therapy

    Can someone help me with this observation? My libido is always the highest when my testosterone levels are rising - on the upswing. If you think of my levels as a line chart, it would be during the beginning of the curve. Once I plateau (and my levels are high) my libido is back to normal. It's...
  31. B

    low DHEA-S via labs, supplement?>

    value was 220, range was 196-440 some people say 500-600 is optimal, i bought 25mg caps of DHEA, wondering worth it to start? [ dont have photo of labs on me] next how does TRT effect DHEA levles? my DHEA_S Level was checked prior to starting TRT FYI on 3/16/19 as far as symptoms looking...
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