Been on trt for 2 years and still no libido ..# libido


Active Member
Hi all I went onto trt in 2017 . Doc prescribed gel for my low testosterone results. Obviously this didn't do anything so eventually I went onto nebido which was every 12 weeks then I went privately to a doctor in the UK who prescribed me testosterone cypionate and HCG.. after 2 months I had to stop the hCG we as my anxiety levels were through the roof. The doctor kept telling me I was optimised as my blood results showed good levels of testosterone and free testosterone but I still felt like s*** with no libido.. eventually left this doctor after wasting hundreds and hundreds of pounds because he didn't listen to how I felt. I moved onto scrotal cream which gave me very high levels of free testosterone still no libido. I am now on test E . I was 200mg a week but it seems I'm a hyper responder and my free t shir sky high. I've reduced the amount to 100 mg a week. I feel better sleep is better but still no libido... My E2 has always been low . Never had a good ratio between test and E2 . I thought that's it that's the key to my libido I need to increase my E2... I started HCG again with no anxiety but I felt shit . I felt totally crap on it and moody and aggressive. Also I'd never raised my E2 . So I decided to stop and try estridol tablet 1 mg a day .. guess what . Still no libido . It's dead. If I try to have sex or jerk off its numb down there. Loss of sensitivity and I can jerk for ages and Neve climax... Has anyone got any idea on what the Fk is wrong .. my prolactin is fine. My progresteron is fine and dht was fine last October ... Please any advice is most welcome ...
200mg test-e per week is a very big dose to start with. You're not a 'hyper-responder' when your T skyrockets with such a high dose. Your new doctor doesn't seem much better than your old one.

What is your full protocol of what you are/were taking and for how long did you stick to this protocol? What were your blood labs on those protocols. Did they also check your thyroid and cortisol levels? You're not giving us much information to work with here.

My E used to be in the single digits and I felt like crap too. But going on TRT to fix my low T also fixed my ridiculously low E. However, if you are not aromatizing you could try estrogel to raise your E
Hi thanks for the reply. . I've been on test E since Jan this year . 200 mg was advised as the doc thought it would raise my e2. The only thing it raised was my test . I started waking at 2 am every morning sweating . I was ready to take in the world... Spoke to doc who agreed to drop 100 mg of test E a week . I have been on this new amount for 8 weeks with HCG thrown in for two weeks at the start 250 iu a week but the reactions were horrible. Moody aggressive and felt like crap on it. So now I am on 1 mg of estridol a day. I have been on this estridol for three weeks and still no libido... I am going to start 2 mg soon as the new tablets arrive . For some reason it won't let me attach the lab results from march 15th so I'll type them out . These results of being on 200 mg a week. U can see the E2 to test ratio is way out . New bloods will be taken Monday coming . Just getting free T and T and E2 done . These labs below are UK ranges

Free test. 2.335 nmol/L
Shbg. 56.2. Nmol/l
Total T. 101. Nmol/L
TSH. 2.26 Miu/l
T4. 18. Pmol/l
T3. 5.5 Pmol/
Prog. 0.59 Nmol/
E2. 106 Pmol/L your total T was more than 3x the upper limit? How much after injection was this taken?

How often did you inject hcg?

Oral estradiol is not a good idea to raise E2 (estradiol). Most of it will be converted to estrone (E1). The half-life is also too short causing your E-levels to rise too fast and crash. Not good for your libido either. A doctor that doesn't know this and that doesn't measure E1 levels when giving oral estradiol is a lousy doctor. If estradiol is the answer, percutaneous absorption is the route to go on.
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The bloods were taken two hours before my next injection was due , so early first thing on the morning . I inject 3 times a week for test and hcg when I was on it , hcg made me feel crap , aggressive and moody .. so e2 cream would be better? can you recommend anything else that I may look at to give me a libido? I feel good in general but just no sexual desire ,,, I wake every night feeling so warm where i have to throw the covers off .. thanks for your reply I really appreciate it .. really ..
Edit: I've looked into oral estrogens since my post below. Dr. Rouzier prescribes oral estradiol because they provide cardiovascular protection through the first pass metabolism that transdermal estradiol does not, however doing so raises the risk for venous thrombosis (0,008% of the cases). I was wrong.

Old post:
I understand the value of therapeutic estradiol for men, but oral estradiol therapy is a poor choice for women and for men. I'm always surprised how little interaction there is between hrt for men and hrt for women. Best practice in hrt for women is bioidentical estradiol in an transdermal application, I see no reason why a inferior method should be used for men needing estradiol therapy. However, I'm just a husband of a wife on hrt herself, not a doctor or an expert.
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The bloods were taken two hours before my next injection was due , so early first thing on the morning . I inject 3 times a week for test and hcg when I was on it , hcg made me feel crap , aggressive and moody .. so e2 cream would be better? can you recommend anything else that I may look at to give me a libido? I feel good in general but just no sexual desire ,,, I wake every night feeling so warm where i have to throw the covers off .. thanks for your reply I really appreciate it .. really ..
I had the same issue since starting TRT over 3 years ago. My libido had never felt the same. I lost that visceral feeling of needing to release myself. I’ve tried all sorts of protocols and none of the made me feel like I did libido wise before TRT. I read somewhere about a guy using progesterone cream on his scrotum to boost his libido. So I ordered some off of Amazon and I’ve been doing it nightly for the past 3 weeks. All I can say is this is the closest I felt before TRT. I have been having the desire and need now to release, my penile sensitivity is quite better, and my orgasms are much more intense. It might be worth a shot. I started noticing an improvement after the third day or so.
I had the same issue since starting TRT over 3 years ago. My libido had never felt the same. I lost that visceral feeling of needing to release myself. I’ve tried all sorts of protocols and none of the made me feel like I did libido wise before TRT. I read somewhere about a guy using progesterone cream on his scrotum to boost his libido. So I ordered some off of Amazon and I’ve been doing it nightly for the past 3 weeks. All I can say is this is the closest I felt before TRT. I have been having the desire and need now to release, my penile sensitivity is quite better, and my orgasms are much more intense. It might be worth a shot. I started noticing an improvement after the third day or so.
Do u mind linking the product ur using? And how much u applying to ur scrotum each night?
Hi Nippy,

Just curious to know which private UK doctors you have used? I too am in the UK... I see you replied to one of my posts recently... I know exactly how you feel m8... I am with Dr Stevens at the mens health clinic... He has done absolutely f**k all for me...
Hi Nippy,

Just curious to know which private UK doctors you have used? I too am in the UK... I see you replied to one of my posts recently... I know exactly how you feel m8... I am with Dr Stevens at the mens health clinic... He has done absolutely f**k all for me...
Private message me mate for email then we can WhatsApp or just stay in email.... That man charged me a fortune for what .. nothing.... he can't help people who don't respond to hCG..
Transdermal progesterone converts into hypnotic substances - can make you feel drowsy. I tried it for sleep on neck but it was too much drowsiness next morning.

Applied on scrotum, it may have other local effects, but I doubt it.

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