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  1. B

    Choline associated hypersexuality in a 79-year-old man Choline associated hypersexuality in a 79-year-old man Hypersexuality, also referred to as sexually inappropriate behavior and sexual disinhibition, involves persistent, uninhibited sexual behaviors directed at oneself or at others, sometimes...
  2. A

    How long did it take you to notice any effects from TRT?

    TRT help In short: Today is my second day on testosterone gel (50 mg). I know gel isn’t the best option. I don’t feel any difference mood-wise or libido-wise yet. I know some people say it can take 3 weeks or more to notice the effects of testosterone. The problem is, there’s a detail from a...
  3. R

    TRT - whats normal

    Tried multiple protocols and high libido only lasts a couple of weeks. Tried Nebido, gel and test e. Nebido and gel did not work well in regards to all symptoms and doctors will not prescibe test e, so I did it myself. Started 125mg test e EW 9 weeks ago. Felt normal by day 3 and libido was...
  4. jacb

    Free Testosterone targets for the best Libido

    In the Anabolic Doc’s Video (minute 1:50) he says that a Free Testosterone target of 155 pg/ml is optimum for Libido (“Trough value” – Ie Just before your next testosterone shot). FT - 155 pg/mL = FT - 16 ng/dl. Using the Free Testosterone Calculator and my last test SHBG and Albumin...
  5. E

    Post-SSRI Sexual Dysfunction, Post-Finasteride Syndrome, Post-Accutane Syndrome Possible Cruise

    Hey everyone, I'm gonna need a long preamble here to fully explain my situation and make an earnest, last-ditch request for help. TLDR at the bottom. I've taken SSRIs (literally every one that exists at months-long minimum for the one I took least--I'm talking Paxil, zoloft, prozac, celexa...
  6. T

    Surprising Blood Work - Attempting to restore non existent libido

    I have battled with libido for years and it has been suggested that my E2 is too low and I am probably running my test too high. Despite only running 140mg my Free test was sky high, very high androgen index and low SHBG. So in order to attempt a more favorable test/androgen to E2 Ratio I...
  7. J

    Libido Issues

    Hey Guys, Hoping for some insight. 35yrs Started TRT 6 months ago, feeling good except suffered low libido and erection quality is not great. Protocol: 75mg test cyp every 3.5 days 500iu HCG every 3.5 days 12.5g emexestane twice weekly Recent Blood day after pinning: Test 43.4 nmol Free...
  8. T

    low SHBG. Zero libido - help please

    Hi all, I am hoping for some guidance around libido and addressing low SHBG. I have struggled for years on TRT in terms of Libido - I have zero. I wake up with morning wood most days but when it comes to sex I get ED a lot because I’m never actually horny. I have really poor sensitivity as...
  9. M

    Libido issue

    Hi im looking for advice on getting libido back. So I’ve been on trt for about 7 years. Up until about 4 months I’d been doing it myself and then I decided to go to a clinic hoping for better results. So they wanted me to stay off the shot for about 2-3 weeks so that my level would come back...
  10. E

    Would it be a mistake to try TRT? Attached bloodwork. 30 YO disappointing libido

    30 YO. 5’11” 150 lbs. workout 4x/week. Married with 2 kids. Experiencing a disappointingly low libido. I’ve been using Gene’s NO stack (Citrulline, Tadalafil) daily for the last few years to combat this successfully for the most part, but recently libido has been declining to a disappointing...
  11. J

    Stanozolol for Sexual Function?

    I have post-finasteride sexual issues. I put them in 3 categories: 1. ED, 2. loss of libido, and 3. loss of sensitivity/increased refractory period/anorgasmia. The ED resolved on its own with time but the other 2 issues persisted. My doc suggested Stanozolol 2% Cream applied to the scrotum...
  12. L

    Mysterious libido issue after starting TRT

    Hi everyone, Curious to get some input as to what may be going on here. 28 male prior to TRT mostly very low energy and libido. Was at 270 total and 41 free test. Estrogen was fine. Started at 100 mg weekly spread across two doses. In weeks 4-5 I noticed a decent improvement in libido. I...
  13. K

    Permanent ED from tamoxifen?

    Hello. So my doctor gave me tamoxifen for low t and I only took 5 pills (20mg) eod. Didn’t help with the symptoms only gave me severe loss of libido, ed and anhedonia. Then we changed to sustanon 250mg every 10 days. My doctor said symptoms of tamoxifen will go away in “couple of weeks” And I...
  14. L

    Why TRT are ruining my libido? Need help

    Hi, my name is Juan 35yo (M). I don't know if anybody can relate to me and my problem but everything started around 8 months ago when suddently, after three years on testosterone replacement, I lost my libido. It did never happened for three years till it happened. So for 8 months I've been...
  15. G

    Salt, Blood Pressure, and Libido: Highlights from the book The Salt Fix

    I just finished reading the book The Salt Fix, and it addresses many topics which have come up in various threads here so I am posting some highlights, along with a few other items not covered in the book. The book has been out about ten years and I have heard many podcasts with the author, but...
  16. FunkOdyssey

    Does hCG boost libido by stimulating 5-alpha-reductase?

    I started a previous thread to unravel the mystery of why hCG improves libido in some men, which generated some good discussion but didn't reach any firm conclusions: Now comes a youtube video from Cortex Labs that claims...
  17. J

    Addyi Experience

    I have post-finasteride sexual issues. I put them in 3 categories: ED, loss of libido, and loss of sensitivity/increased refractory period/anorgasmia. The ED resolved on its own with time but the other 2 issues persisted. I started Addyi and it's working very well for libido. I'd highly...
  18. A

    DHEA cures my libido but bloats me like crazy

    Basically title. DHEA levels came back low and started supplementing 25 mg nightly ( DEFY empower pharmacy ). Noticed a huge improvement in libido, but currently look like a bloated slob and confidence is shot. Gained 10 lbs in the two weeks since starting trt. 150 mg cyp/ week and .125 adex 2x...
  19. D

    HELP! Adjusting TRT Protocol-Acne, Libido, Low Free T

    Hello, I am 35 175lbs 5’11 and have been on TRT for 2 years. I have been trying to find my sweet spot and get dialed in the majority of the 2 years. I work out 6 days a week and eat very healthy etc…My current issues are: Back acne Oily face Low libido Testes and penis always feel cold and have...
  20. B

    6 months into TRT - minimal effects - no libido - thinking of stopping?

    So I'm going to preface this. Now that I know what I know from researching myself rather than just listening to doctors- I don't think I should have ever been put on TRT. About 4 years ago I started having massive fatigue, loss of motivation, couldnt bring myself to the gym, couldnt lose...
  21. B

    Having a rough time since I lowered my Test dose....

    I lowered my dose from 120mg (was on for over a year) slowly down to 90mg a week over a few months, just recently (2 weeks ago) split it into 3 times a week MWF 30 mgs per. SInce then I feel more emotional, depressed, anxious, my nipples are really sore, I am more TIRED and ACHY all over...
  22. Abonicex

    Can you give me feedback on my lab results? Why is my libido zero?

    You may have seen my other thread where I explained how I was feeling. These tests are pre TRT. I still don-t have post TRT results... I will get them soon. But maybe these can hint at what-s wrong with me? I have taken 3 shots by now. it's supposed to be 1 ml 250mg enanthate every 3 weeks...
  23. S

    Low Libido, crap erections

    I've spent two years on TRT. My numbers are dialed in at around 1000 T and about 38 E. I pin twice a week, sub-q, adding in HCG as well. No AI. I work out 4x a week, and take lots of walks. I sleep well. I still have very little sex drive anymore, and my ability to get an erection, which I...
  24. Y

    Low LH and Libido

    Long story short..I was on TRT for about a year with virtually no positive results. My primary goal was to increase my libido which it did not. I'm 55, about 180 pounds and generally in good health. I'm recently divorced and have been dating a very attractive young woman for about a year. For...
  25. T

    Dead dick , started TRT, help!

    So i’ve been having to use viagra pretty much every time I have sex, hide it from my girlfriend , as it’s pretty embarrassing to have to rely on. lately tho i’ve taken up to 100mg and it does diddly shit but give me wicked heart palps and high heart rate . I’ve also had no motivation and low...
  26. FunkOdyssey

    Kisspeptin Dosage

    Kisspeptin is looking increasingly promising for improving libido and sexual function. Check out this new study: Can anyone (@readalot ?) help me figure out what 1 nmol/kg of kisspeptin translates to in micrograms? That is the dose per...
  27. N

    Fsh and libido

    Hi all. My doc says fsh plays a major role in libido. Now I'm in trt and as we know the fsh drops to very low figures. Can having low fsh effect some guys on trt to have no libido like me. I've tried everything and u mean everything over the last few years and since starting trt my libido has...
  28. J

    Reducing Testosterone Dosage

    I was on 70mg of Testosterone Cypionate twice weekly + 750IU of hCG twice weekly. I was getting a lot of hair shedding and acne. I tried finasteride and got pretty bad ED that persisted after I stopped. I eventually recovered mostly but never fully. I don't need Viagra or anything but never...
  29. O

    How can I drop TT and DHT by a lot and E2 by a little?

    Hey guys, I got some alarming labs back a few weeks ago and am trying to make the right adjustments to my dosing protocol. This is a long post, so I hope it doesn't get ignored. I would really appreciate some help and I'm trying to give you any info that you might need without forcing you to...
  30. A

    New here: erections and libido lagging, high BP and lipids

    Hi- Just wanted to thank everyone who shares information here, it's been great to learn, and I thought I would share my story in case it's helpful to anyone. I'm 43 and married. We have a great sex life even with a young child, having sex about twice a week. Together for 12 years, all is good...
  31. T

    Need libido/dysautonomia help please read entirely!

    Was on trt and a super low dose of proviron 12.5 mg a day sometimes 2 x a day. About 120mg test. Felt great for 5 years. Then all of a sudden I got heart racing headaches ect. Symptoms of autonomic dysfunction. So they tried taking me off the test but the lowest I can get to is 20mg a week in a...
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