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  1. C

    Super lower ferratin & low E2 after introducing anastrozole

    Hi everybody, I thought I would share something a bit interesting for me as I got advanced labs finally. Of note, my E2 which had been very high is now LOW after taking 0.40mg of anastrozole in the past week. From 300 to only 22 (81 pg/ml to 6 pg/ml). Meanwhile, my testosterone is excellent at...
  2. B

    Anastrozole dosing on Propionate

    Does anyone have any experience with dosing Anastrozole while on daily injections of Propionate? On Cypionate I was already taking such a low dose of Anastrozole of .0625 mg every 3.5 days. Since anastrzole’s half life is around 48 hours I could see every other day? Daily could also be used...
  3. K

    Anastrazole timings - twice a week or each time I inject?

    Hi there I posted a few months ago and took the advice to lower my dosages - thanks to those who advised. Currently on Sustanon, HCG and Anastrazole. This message isn't to have a debate on whether or not AIs are good or bad - we're all different and I understand that @Nelson Vergel doesn't want...
  4. K

    How long does it take for HCG to kick in, or am I being impatient?

    Hello. Newbie here, based in the UK. Excuse long post. I’ve been on TRT for a decade now, for secondary hypogonadism, with many ups and downs. That darn pituitary gland! I’ll cover my full story another day, in case it helps others, but only in the past two years have I had treatment that has...
  5. Pacman

    Very basic question regarding how to adjust AI dosages based on T dosages

    I been on TRT for 10 years at this point. I find that my current default "sweet spot" (as far feeling good and having a fairly high sex drive and function) revolves around the 100-130 mg T cyp every 3 days with no AI. Occasionally though I like to experiment with different dosages (in both...
  6. J

    Answering some questions, new to forum. Much appreciated!

    Hi, if anyone can help me out that would be great and much appreciated! I’ve been seeing a Dr. for about five years regarding my T levels and have been on the following regiment, I’m 39 yr old male. - 1x 1ml syringe of Testosterone Cypionate out of a (5ml) 200 mg/ml vial every Wednesday (once a...
  7. S

    Off antidepressant- question re anastrozole

    Through Defy Medical, I take testosterone injections twice per week. I also take anastrozole twice per week which ends up working for me. Recently, I ran out of my antidepressant citalopram (Celexa) before I realized it. I had been wanting to try and get off it any way, so I didn’t refill it...
  8. M

    Recovering from an E2 Crash

    I seem to have crashed my E2 earlier this month after being prescribed too much anastrozole by a doctor. My E2 was <5.0 on 11/8, but has since bounced back to 30.7 on 11/16. So I am no longer in a crashed state. However, I'm still not feeling much relief, specifically from the ed and low libido...
  9. M

    E2 Crash Recovery

    I seem to have crashed my E2 earlier this month after anastrozole overuse. My E2 was <5.0 on 11/8, but has since bounced back to 30.7 on 11/16. However, I'm still not feeling much relief, specifically from the ed and low libido. I have been taking clomid and HCG since the crashed however (for...
  10. M

    Recovery from E2 crash

    Hi everyone, I'm brand new here but have been picking up some great information here. Everyone seems very knowledgeable, so hopefully I can get some good advice. I seem to have crashed my estradiol and I feel miserable. I'm coming off my latest 12- week cycle of 300 mg testosterone and 150 mg...
  11. S

    How much arimidex should I use in this situation to keep my E2 in the 20s?

    At 160mg test cyp per week (80mg e3.5d + .25mg adex + 300iu HCG) I consistently get to 1000 total test, 30 free T and 15-25 E2. No adex and I am 30-40 E2. If I wanted to boost my test dose for awhile to 300mg, how much Adex would I need to stay there 15-25 E2? Should I start by doubling the...
  12. J

    Anastrozole effects in the brain

    (Moving this to a new thread since it is a different topic) I am harping on this as I was doing pretty well on TRT with less than 100mg Testosterone Cypionate once a week plus 250IU HCG twice a week. Strong libido, good erections, etc. At that time, if I took 5mg cialis I could feel the effect...
  13. T

    4 weeks off TRT - still needing AI to combat E2 anxiety

    Hey guys, Looking to get some input. I am 34 years old, low SHBG (17-19), 160lb, athletic build. I've spent the last year experimenting different protocols to find one where I feel good/normal. Surprisingly, the closest I can get to feeling fine is on a single injection frequency, with AI every...
  14. W

    High T and ED...and too much AI?

    I'm having a bizarre issue...My libido is somewhat strong, but I can't get an erection with a woman unless I take 5mg of Cialis. I get erections while I sleep (needing to urinate) and in the morning before I get out of bed. I'm injecting 10mcg every day of Cypionate and was taking 1mg of...
  15. P

    Enclomiphene: Did you use anastrozole with it?

    Hi all, I'm about to start enclomiphene (in 9 days) and I'm still trying to figure out if I should start anastrozole at the same time. I am confused because in various posts and studies there seems to be conflicting information about whether EN raises or lower E. In some studies it says it...
  16. N

    I messed everything up.

    I haven’t been able to get HCG for 3 months now due to a shortage at my insurance pharmacy. things were GREAT about two weeks after I discontinued the HCG and I was HYPER-sexual like an 18 year old… it lasted about a month. then I started losing libido, sensitivity, and getting ED…. where I...
  17. Pacman

    I think I may have found a method of controlling sex drive on TRT.

    This is merely my inconclusive hypothesis based on my experience in the last month when I started increasing AI doses to find my "sweet spot". If I could actually control my sex drive in such a predictable manner, that would be insanely amazing!! I have found that my sex drive largely depends...
  18. T

    Testosterone 1326 ng/dl at trough - 100mg cypionate, 1.75mg anastrozole (weekly)

    Isn't this weirdly much? What confuses me is when I switched to this dose at first it went significantly lower. Should I try 80mg/wk?
  19. V

    Anastrozole timing of doses and labs

    Is there a standard dosing protocol for anastrozole? I've seen ED, EOD, twice a week, once a week and even once every two weeks. How long does anastrozole stay in your system? Is there a point at which your E2 troughs relative to when you take a dose? Is there a certain time relative to dosing...
  20. T

    Those taking AI, what is your dose? Is there such a thing as anastrozole resistance?

    I've been taking testosterone cypionate for 4 weeks. 40mg EOD, along with 1.5mg anastrozole weekly. I was afraid that with this anastrozole dose I might be driving my estradiol down too low, but recently I measured it at 81 pg/ml. Maybe this is due to the testosterone dosage being way too...
  21. T

    AI and brain fog, morning wood

    I'm wondering if any of you have found the same. When I go without AI, libido is dead, there is no morning wood, and erections need to be forced. Brain fog also increases. Taking .75mg - 1mg anastrozole remedies that by next morning (dramatically). Easily measurable. Brain fog also...
  22. T

    Moving from gel to cypionate - do you guys feel better on injectables?

    I'm going to ask a questions that have been asked a bunch of times before. I'm moving from gel to cypionate, even though my levels on the gel are reasonable. A few things: * I seem to be very sensitive to medium-high levels of E2 * I have high levels of SHBG. 1. Have any of you felt that...
  23. T

    High levels on testosterone gel with AI

    I did a morning test where my total testosterone was 880 ng/dl. I'm on 75mg of testosterone gel, with 0.5mg anastrozole every other day. I took the test BEFORE applying the gel for that day. Does anyone have an explanation for why the levels would be this high? Is it just because the...
  24. T

    Your experiences with increasing testosterone dosage?

    This is a re-post to an extent. But what I want to hear is some of your stories on increasing testosterone. Here is mine (without much facts, just how I experienced and read it): I was taking 50mg testosterone gel and had levels at 24nmol/l or almost 700ng/dl. I increased to 100mg and...
  25. T

    Testogel - increased dosage and libido went down

    I'd been on 50mg/daily for 2 months. Morning wood was present every day. Did at most 0.5mg anasrozole. Bumped to 100mg/daily for 5 days, libido seems down, no morning wood, dry eyes.. I started by increasing anastrozole as well but dropped it for the last 2 of the 5 days. Has anyone...
  26. T

    Dry eyes on testogel?

    Hi guys, Has anyone experienced dry eyes with Testogel? I have been doing a bit of anastrozole as well but quit recently to see if this has to do with low E2. I experienced this after doubling the dose of the gel.
  27. M

    Anastrozole Sensitivity Changing After Taking it Successfully for Many Years

    Hi, I’m new to this forum, but a long term (7 years) TRT patient. I participated in an online forum similar to this one years ago and it was very helpful for me. Now I’m having some new issues and I again need the support of a community of knowledgeable TRT guys. During my first year or...
  28. J

    Testosterone and Anastrozole combined

    I've been using Defy for my TRT and taking 0.4 T, 0.5 HCG and 1 pill of Anastrozole 2x per week. A local place combines Anastrozole and TRT into a compound and recommends taking it only 1x per week and HCG 3 days later. They said that taking T and HCG at the same time is ineffective. Any...
  29. D

    Nandrolone (Deca Durabolin): Effect on Lab Tests

    PARTICIPATION NEEDED! Of those EM members that have taken nandrolone or are currently taking nandrolone alongside their TRT, we are conducting a small ExcelMale study to help determine the effect that nandrolone has on Total Testosterone, E2, Prolactin, SHBG, free T, and DHT while taking TRT...
  30. B

    How long does it take for AI to work?

    Hello, how are you guys doing? How long does it take for anastrozol to work? I was in 33,79 pg/ml e2 and started anastrozol 0.5mg EOD and tested again now and im in 30pg/ml e2, and considering in that period I started daily injections which is supposed to lower e2. How long does it take in...
  31. Crom_is_good

    TRT and AI

    Hello again, So I began my treatment of testosterone therapy on October 3rd. Currently taking 160 mg a week; planing on going to two injections a week. My estrogen levels were at 30 and I thought that was pretty good. However, my doctor has told me to take 1/2 mg Anastrozole...
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