weekly injections?

So my Insurance made me change Dr's this one is letting me self inject which is ok with me. I'm on 200mg of depo test a week,around day 5-7 I feel like crap i'm moody noticable lack of energy. (Dr says this is because my test levels are peaking) I want to do 100mg twice a week think that would be ok?

this new Dr feels that 200mg a week is way to high a dose. and would like to see me at 100mg twice a month to once a month. that has me a little worried since he thinks once my levels are about 400 total test I can come off TRT. to me this doesn't sound like good TRT to me but my insurance made this guy my primary care i have an HMO. but on the good side it covering my Depo test.
Sorry, but that doctor just doesn't understand how it works. If you come off TRT you will be suppressed and unable to produce endogenous testosterone. Thus, you will crash.

Heck, 100mg/wk might be a decent protocol (split 2x in the week), but this 2x or 1x per month is just complete lack of understanding on his end.

I'd like to say you could help with his improvement by getting him involved with a place like this, but more times than not they won't give that any consideration. If so, your best bet will be to get with a physician/clinic that can specialize in this practice. We can possibly help point you in a few directions if needed.
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Your new Doctor does not understand the half life of Testosterone injections...at all!

After each injection serum levels peak at about 72 hours or so with half of the drug metabolized within about 6 days or so...do the math if you do an injection every two weeks!

I agree, 200 mg per week is generally the maximum dosage we see in TRT with 100 mg being more of the norm.

You would be better served, in my personal opinion, injecting 50 mg twice a week.

This will insure more stable serum levels eliminating the peak and valley you feel at the end of the week.

Chirs' points needed to be heeded as well.

Your Doctor doesn't know what he's doing I am sorry to say and you need to educate yourself on TRT.

This is precisely why we created ExcelMale.com, everything you need to know to arm yourself with knowledge is here for you as well as this great forum of ours.
It has been my experience that docs don't read the same things I do .. they certainly are too arrogant to read Nelson's ''Testosterone.." Inquiring about HCG, my doc told me .. ''oh that's used primarily for cosmetic reasons'' .. yep, that's what he said. Now I have to go and convince him to allow me to self inject HCG .. I do use 200mg of testosterone per week .. and also find I crash out toward the end of the week .. I read up there a suggestion of 50mg twice a week .. I am thinking the same about my situation. I have no libido, a weak erection .. and low ejaculate .. ER meds make me violently ill .. so perhaps HCG can help. What is your experience guys?
It has been my experience that docs don't read the same things I do .. they certainly are too arrogant to read Nelson's ''Testosterone.." Inquiring about HCG, my doc told me .. ''oh that's used primarily for cosmetic reasons'' .. yep, that's what he said. Now I have to go and convince him to allow me to self inject HCG .. I do use 200mg of testosterone per week .. and also find I crash out toward the end of the week .. I read up there a suggestion of 50mg twice a week .. I am thinking the same about my situation. I have no libido, a weak erection .. and low ejaculate .. ER meds make me violently ill .. so perhaps HCG can help. What is your experience guys?

What's your E2 serum levels?

At 200 mg per week and depending upon how much body fat you are carrying you may well have elevated E2 levels...which would not surprise me to be honest.

HCG won't effect these symptoms and may make them worse if your E2 levels are elevated.
ok got my latest blood tests back total is 809 and free is 21.9 doctor changed my dosage to 200mg twice a month since my total test is too high he says. the test was taken one week from my last 200mg shot. I told him I feel great after my shots for about 4days then it goes down from there.

I have my Test cyp I self inject I gave myself 100mg today Friday--going to do 100mg tuesday. going to do this for two weeks then drop to 50mg twice a week does this sound ok to slowly bring myself down to this level? since I still feel run down and short tempered all day its is like the 100mg had no effect. or is this just my body getting used to a lower dose?
A total testosterone blood level of 809 ng/dL is not too high unless you have dramatic increases in hematocrit (which can be managed with blood donations) or estradiol (which can be managed with anastrozole) or rapid heart beat/ edema (which cannot be easily managed).

I am glad that at least you know that your doctor's recommendation of having you inject 200 mg twice a month does not provide less variable blood levels than the ones provided by the protocol you chose to use yourself.

If you feel run down and short tempered you need to look closely at:

1- Your sleep habits (going to be late? Less than 7 hours of sleep? are you snoring more?)

2- Your stress coping mechanism (are you easily overwhelmed? are you taking breaks for yourself? are you not being able to vent via exercise and sex?)

3- Other issues (read: https://www.excelmale.com/forum/threads/10-Fatigue-When-Testosterone-Is-Not-Enough)

We are here to help, Michael. So keep us updated, buddy.
sleeping habits are good expect fridays..for some reason I have a hard time feeling asleep could be i work in the morning and the stress of that keeps me up. I'm normal very good at dealing with stress good and bad stress, I take about 1 hour a day just to chill and do something for me, hit the range, read for fun, video games (sometimes it goes over an hour but not often) I exercise 5 days a week carido and weights.
now the sex part thats not happening i get it once a month if that. sometimes the well is dry for 3 months. sadly my wife has hit early menopause doctor put her on estrogen 1mg and progesterone 50mg helped her hot flashes, but her depression and anxiety is out of control and she has no sex drive, I have told her doctor that i feel that she would benefit with testosterone added since her blood work came back so low it is not coming up on the tests, but her doctor told me that adding testosterone would make everything worst. so that is our battle right now getting her doctor to add testosterone. but that is for another forum i'm sure.

and thank you everyone for the tips and help, I been reading testosterone a man's guide very helpful.
sleeping habits are good expect fridays..for some reason I have a hard time feeling asleep could be i work in the morning and the stress of that keeps me up. I'm normal very good at dealing with stress good and bad stress, I take about 1 hour a day just to chill and do something for me, hit the range, read for fun, video games (sometimes it goes over an hour but not often) I exercise 5 days a week carido and weights.
now the sex part thats not happening i get it once a month if that. sometimes the well is dry for 3 months. sadly my wife has hit early menopause doctor put her on estrogen 1mg and progesterone 50mg helped her hot flashes, but her depression and anxiety is out of control and she has no sex drive, I have told her doctor that i feel that she would benefit with testosterone added since her blood work came back so low it is not coming up on the tests, but her doctor told me that adding testosterone would make everything worst. so that is our battle right now getting her doctor to add testosterone. but that is for another forum i'm sure.

and thank you everyone for the tips and help, I been reading testosterone a man's guide very helpful.


Have your wife watch this and contact the folks from Defy Medical (email [email protected])

E2 levels I haven't a clue .. sorry

What's your E2 serum levels?

At 200 mg per week and depending upon how much body fat you are carrying you may well have elevated E2 levels...which would not surprise me to be honest.

HCG won't effect these symptoms and may make them worse if your E2 levels are elevated.


I haven't been back to the doc for blood work so next visit I will get this cleared up. I am not holding a lot of fat, I am very lean .. I am now giving myself 1cc of test cyp per week, and was asking about cutting that down to half that twice a week. I was wondering if the HCG would help with ED and libido? I am on blood pressure med and anti-depressant.

I haven't been back to the doc for blood work so next visit I will get this cleared up. I am not holding a lot of fat, I am very lean .. I am now giving myself 1cc of test cyp per week, and was asking about cutting that down to half that twice a week. I was wondering if the HCG would help with ED and libido? I am on blood pressure med and anti-depressant.

1cc is 200 mg which in TRT is at the top of the dosage scale for what we normally see.

In TRT it's best when dosages are at their lowest but where you get the optimal return...it's a balance and an important one.

High Testosterone dosages can provide for negative side effects like serum levels being in the supraphysiological range, elevated estrogen and DHT levels all of which can provide for things like ED and low/no libido among other things.

Make sure to get your estrogen levels tested and make sure the Doctor uses the "Sensitive" lab not the standard lab as it's designed for women.

Once you know where your Testosterone and estrogen serum levels are your Doctor should know how to make the proper adjustments.

When you get your blood work post it all here complete with ranges and the guys will chime in!

Jonathamb - you mentioned low libido and poor quality erections, and that you take meds for both blood pressure and depression. I was on Azor for BP and Lexapro for depression, it just destroyed the quality of my erections and libido. Through diet/exercise, I lost 110 pounds and got off the BP meds, and my 160 mg weekly cypionate did far more for my depression than depression meds ever did. My point is, it's possible those meds aren't helping your sex life...at least that was the case with me, but I understand there's likely good reason why you're on them.
Well thanks guys .. I really appreciate your feedback. I'm on my way to the doc today .. and will definitely try and get my requests in .. pertaining to estrogen levels. I would love to get off the depression meds. However, the withdraw off of Cymbalta is terrible .. we're talking straight jacket here. I think I get more depressed thinking I will never have sex again .. simply because of non- spontaneity and ED. I work out about 4 times a week and sometimes more. I'm in great physical shape .. but the pluming doesn't work. Thanks again.
Well thanks guys .. I really appreciate your feedback. I'm on my way to the doc today .. and will definitely try and get my requests in .. pertaining to estrogen levels. I would love to get off the depression meds. However, the withdraw off of Cymbalta is terrible .. we're talking straight jacket here. I think I get more depressed thinking I will never have sex again .. simply because of non- spontaneity and ED. I work out about 4 times a week and sometimes more. I'm in great physical shape .. but the pluming doesn't work. Thanks again.

Do you have a libido but ED or both?
I don't know how one measures libido ... but arousal is infrequent. (ED) I am not obtaining a fully erect penis .. viagra, cialis side effects, for me are just not worth the trouble, so I stay away from those medications.
I measured my libido by the fact before TRT no interest in porn,my wife even looking at other woman aka noticing a nice ass.. I didn't care wife and i went three months no sex didn't care. now I have whiplash from noticing all the nice bodies, looking at porn again, and hoping that the wife will want to have sex more then once a month. (she hit early menopause and the doctor has her on Anti-depressents).
I agree with Michael. I noticed my libido is high when I am attracted to hot people I see at the gym and other places. I also have more sex dreams and I need to "release". My mood is usually better when I am hornier.

By the way, this is the Sexual Desire Inventory questionnaire used in research studies: http://www.chip.uconn.edu/chipweb/documents/research/Sexual desire inventory (SDI).pdf

Hell, I just took this questionnaire and scored 7 and 8 on everything but it doesn't tell you what it means other than what I know...my libido is crazy high!!!
Ok, saw my new Dr. No blood tests, changed me to 100mg a week. will do blood in 2 months wants my Total test between 400-600 as it is dangerous to go an higher. And then he listed all the dangers of steroids (hate to says it but I tune him out but I did call him out on the heart attack risk studies. boy he didn't like that) told him I feel like shit at 100mg a week I feel on top of the world at 200mg a week. "it not about how you feel its about safety" nothing for losing my erections mid intercourse or mid masterbation (deal with it basically what he said it the price you pay for TRT). so I ether have to suck it up and stick with this dr till I can afford to pay cash to a TRT dr. (which is what I think I'm going to do). what really alarmed him was my PSA before TRT it was 0.7ng and it jumped to 1.32 which he said this is not good at all to have a large jump in 4 weeks. still in normal range to me. but thats the update.

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