Side effects: Acne and restless sleep

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I'm seeking out advice for back and shoulder acne and some mild sleep issues (have lessened with nightly pregnenolone and occasional melatonin). I'm currently 28 years old, I've had the acne the entire time I've been on TRT which is about 4 years with a brief period in between with no treatment. My latest labs are attached.

I'm on:
40 mg test cypionate 2x weekly
370 iu hcg 3x per week

I'm taking these supplements:
pregnenolone 30 mg (introduced after the labs below to help with sleep)
zing 30 mg/copper 3 mg
boron 3 mg
magnesium 400 mg
vitamin D 5000 iu
fish oil

Lately I've noticed much darker circles under my eyes but not sure if sleep or allergy related.

My latest labs:
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
For me HCG is Back Acne-In-A-Bottle. Drop HCG completely for a month. See if your situation resolves itself. Then slowly reintroduce HCG if you feel the need, but start low. Like twice per week at 100 iu each, 200 iu per week.
For me HCG is Back Acne-In-A-Bottle. Drop HCG completely for a month. See if your situation resolves itself. Then slowly reintroduce HCG if you feel the need, but start low. Like twice per week at 100 iu each, 200 iu per week.
This is good, simple advice to try.

For me, body acne has been an Estrogen problem. When my E is reasonable I have dramatically less body acne.
This is good, simple advice to try.

For me, body acne has been an Estrogen problem. When my E is reasonable I have dramatically less body acne.
I thought maybe it was e2 related but I feel like an e2 of 24 and shbg of 53 means I prob don’t have too much free e2 floating around.

I would assume it could also be elevated dht?

I’m going to try being better about washing my back with soap and maybe showering more often
Awesome. Yeah I’ve actually been taking that brand of melatonin but just about .5 - 1 mg.

I just bought extended release melatonin so will see how helpful that is.

I am taking pregnenolone to essentially lower cortisol spikes at night. This helped initially but has been less effective as time has gone on.

I will say I feel more grounded/calm since I began taking pregnenolone
I'm seeking out advice for back and shoulder acne and some mild sleep issues (have lessened with nightly pregnenolone and occasional melatonin). I'm currently 28 years old, I've had the acne the entire time I've been on TRT which is about 4 years with a brief period in between with no treatment. My latest labs are attached.

I'm on:
40 mg test cypionate 2x weekly
370 iu hcg 3x per week

I'm taking these supplements:
pregnenolone 30 mg (introduced after the labs below to help with sleep)
zing 30 mg/copper 3 mg
boron 3 mg
magnesium 400 mg
vitamin D 5000 iu
fish oil

Lately I've noticed much darker circles under my eyes but not sure if sleep or allergy related.

My latest labs:
View attachment 7819
Weren’t your levels 700 and 11 off trt?
Another thing to mention is I have a pineal cyst. It’s monitored by MRI to ensure it hasn’t grown although I haven’t had an MRI in quite a long time.

I know that the pineal gland is responsible for melatonin production and circadian rhythm management. This may also play a role in my insomnia. Anyone else ever seen any mention of something like that?
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Defy Medical TRT clinic


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