High hematocrit, low ferritin and thyroid.
Does taking 15 mg of ferrous sulfate increase ferritin?
Hello everybody. I will attach my exams below and I would like your opinion. Thank you very much.
In early January of this year I had a phlebotomy due to an increase in hematocrit. I only did this once. My triglycerides and cholesterol are always high and I have to be very attentive to my diet. My thyroid needs to be optimized and when I did that the serum iron and ferritin levels went down but the hematocrit is very high.
Some days I have woken up very weak and the desire is to continue to lie down. 30 days ago I started supplementing 25 mcg T4 + 1 mcg T3. I also take 2 drops of lugol in the morning + 200 mcg of chelated selenium + 30 mg of zinc to try to improve the thyroid. Is it because of this supplementation that my ferritin has decreased since the thyroid consumes a lot of iron? And the problem is the hematocrit that is high 53 and at this level I cannot do a phlebotomy and if supplemented with iron, that hematocrit tends to get higher. I had a covid in October 2020. Will it be a sequel to the covid and my blood oxygen is low and the hematocrit increases because of that? Will I have to stop Trt to try to stabilize all of this?
I have been lowering Trt doses due to hematocrit and side effects that increase my blood pressure. I am currently injecting 15 Mg E3D enanthate + 250 ui Hcg twice a week + 24 Mg Dhea ED. Low shbg. 12.7.
Does taking 15 mg of ferrous sulfate increase ferritin?
Hello everybody. I will attach my exams below and I would like your opinion. Thank you very much.
In early January of this year I had a phlebotomy due to an increase in hematocrit. I only did this once. My triglycerides and cholesterol are always high and I have to be very attentive to my diet. My thyroid needs to be optimized and when I did that the serum iron and ferritin levels went down but the hematocrit is very high.
Some days I have woken up very weak and the desire is to continue to lie down. 30 days ago I started supplementing 25 mcg T4 + 1 mcg T3. I also take 2 drops of lugol in the morning + 200 mcg of chelated selenium + 30 mg of zinc to try to improve the thyroid. Is it because of this supplementation that my ferritin has decreased since the thyroid consumes a lot of iron? And the problem is the hematocrit that is high 53 and at this level I cannot do a phlebotomy and if supplemented with iron, that hematocrit tends to get higher. I had a covid in October 2020. Will it be a sequel to the covid and my blood oxygen is low and the hematocrit increases because of that? Will I have to stop Trt to try to stabilize all of this?
I have been lowering Trt doses due to hematocrit and side effects that increase my blood pressure. I am currently injecting 15 Mg E3D enanthate + 250 ui Hcg twice a week + 24 Mg Dhea ED. Low shbg. 12.7.
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