As a guy who just started. 2 days ago. I’m curious why some guys do well and others don’t. Luck, race, genetics, shooting for numbers to high? Because this shit scares the hell out of me
Without giving it a ton of thought and based purely on anecdotes:
Guys who do well tend to be:
-Older guys (50+) who likely have no real hormonal issues other than age-related decline
-Guys who start TRT for a specific reason - i.e. libido, etc. They are able to focus on that one issue til they see symptom resolution vs constantly evaluating every little detail
-Guys who are already fit physically and stable mentally who actually have sub 350 or so T levels.
-Guys who are patient and truly committed to giving a protocol a chance before mixing things up.
Guys who struggle seem to be:
-Guys who go on TRT that have low T because they are overweight
-Guys who had mental health or physical health issues prior to TRT which continue to affect them on TRT - TRT was not the panacea they thought it would be
-Guys who go on TRT because they just generally "didn't feel right" and they're looking to "feel better"
-Guys who go on TRT even though their T levels are fine, thinking the small boost in T levels will turn them into Arnold or some sort of sexual superman (it doesn't)
-Guys who live unhealthy lifestyles (heavy drinking, no exercise, poor diet, etc) and go on TRT thinking it will be some sort of short cut to well-being
-Guys that "obsess" for lack of better words and are constantly tweaking their protocols in hopes of finding the magic recipe
Nothing to be scared of though - if you give it an honest try and don't like it, just quit.