New to TRT. Trying to decide if I should continue

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Hello all,

I am 31 years old and I have been on TRT for about 3 weeks, but I am wondering if I should discontinue, due to side effects (or if I should have even started). I only considered TRT because I didn't feel well, and was wondering if my hormones were out of wack. My main complaints before starting were being excessively exhausted doing almost nothing, and the inability to workout without feeling crippled. After getting labs done, and online doctor said I should go on TRT and prescribed the below protocol. I have included my initial labs in this post as well.

cypionate 200mg once per week
Stanozolol 25MG per day
HCG 500IU twice a week
anastrozole 1MG twice a week

I have been on this regime for 3 weeks, and other than packing on some quality weight and strength gains, I have not felt any better. In fact, I would say I feel more tired than usual, and a little bit down emotionally. My main side effects are below.

1. Crazy hair shedding. It happen almost immediately, and is really concerning for me, as hair loss was never something I feared. This is probably my biggest complaint.

2. Bowel movements are not great. I used to have perfect bowel movements where I almost never had to wipe, and I have had random bouts of urgency, and haven't had a perfect poop since I started.

3. Ridiculous irritability. In my past, I had some temper issues, but it has got petty severe. I just feel like I am ready to snap at any moment, and this is something I am not really used to feeling.

4. Increased acne.

At this point, I am not sure what to do, and am looking for some second opinions. After looking at my labs, do you guys think I should have went on TRT? I am starting to this that it should not have been the first thing to try, but I am curious on some other opinions. Any input would be greatly appreciated!


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Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
You did the right thing by going on TRT, SHBG is super high binding up a huge potion of your FT and the only way to deal with it is large doses of testosterone. It take 6 weeks to reach a stable state and your pituitary gland is shutting down and now you must wait a couple of weeks before you start coming out of the woods.

Everyone goes through what you are in the beginning. I prefer TRT in isolation with no other drugs when starting out, not everyone tolerates HCG and now there are too many variables to consider. Is testosterone dosage too high, are you responding negatively to HCG, is the anastrozole dosage too high.

There's no way to make any sense of it. Dial in your TRT protocol and get to a place where you're feeling good, than add HCG and see how it makes you feel. If you start feeling bad then you know to stop the HCG. As it stands now you don't know what's doing what.
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Your protocol is designed to lower SHBG, large infrequent doses, my SHBG is low and I will do better injecting 8-10mg everyday.
If SHBG is my issue, wouldn’t that lower rather quickly? Shouldn’t I feel some benefits, if high SHBG levels are causing me issues?
Look your in a dark place right now where you're questioning everything, lots of doubts about whether TRT is going to work, we all go through this stage and it's only been 3 weeks which isn't nearly enough time to see any results in some men.

SHBG will be changing for the next couple of months. When I first started TRT my SHBG after 4 weeks was 18, then months later was lower. Depending on your SHBG levels, you may need more testosterone to push down SHBG far enough to increase Free T.
What would you say is a better option than TRT?
Without trt here total testosterone is 716 but because of your high shbg your free testosterone is low 8.3, your DHT is high 91. You need to find ways who lower your shbg, study it and do whatever you need to do to lower it. But I definitely would not go on testosterone, I really don't believe it would help you feel better.
I do wonder about your thyroid because of your low free T3. It makes you wonder if you should get a complete thyroid panel with reverse T3 and check both antibodies. Since I started improving my thyroid levels my energy has increased tremendously.
I wouldn't think TRT was needed with your TT level.

I would test for Vit D levels, supplement with up to 10 mg boron, at least 500 mg of an absorbable magnesium as needed and Vit D if your levels are below 50 ng/mL.

If you can afford it, the spectracell micronutrient report is a good investment and will tell you more exactly if you need anything. I think the cost is around $390, not sure if consumers can order it or you need a doctor.

EDIT< Wanted to add the note I have never used spectracell, it seems like a very thorough report but I have no idea how accurate it is.
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If I do wind up stopping, should I just stop cold turkey? (it seems that the majority of people think I should stop).

I will ask my doctor his opinion, but I was curious to think what you guys think.
If i were you i would ask the doctor about just dumping the stanozolol.

I don’t know how you’re gonna lower shbg significantly naturally. I am high shbg and nothing i tried helped.
I would bet that the winny is contributing significantly to your hair, acne, and agression issues.

Edit: you are halfway to 8 weeks though...
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I would bet that the winny is contributing significantly to your hair, acne, and agression issues.

Edit: you are halfway to 8 weeks though...
I am just having trouble seeing light at the end of the tunnel. As it stands, the only real benefit I have had has been increased libido and easy muscle gains, but that wasn't really my reason for going on TRT
I wouldn't think TRT was needed with your TT level.

I would test for Vit D levels, supplement with up to 10 mg boron, at least 500 mg of an absorbable magnesium as needed and Vit D if your levels are below 50 ng/mL.

If you can afford it, the spectracell micronutrient report is a good investment and will tell you more exactly if you need anything. I think the cost is around $390, not sure if consumers can order it or you need a doctor.

SpectraCell Laboratories | MNT

EDIT< Wanted to add the note I have never used spectracell, it seems like a very thorough report but I have no idea how accurate it is.
Thanks! I had my vitamin D levels tested a few months ago, and they were at 22.3. Oddly enough, my doctor didn’t seem concerned. My vitamin D leaves are always on the low side, if I don’t supplement. I’ve taken vitamin D in the past, and can’t say I ever felt different, but the lab numbers were better, hah
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