Ricardo Salta
New Member
Hi all, I'm Ricardo. I just arrived, via the FB group. Thanks for the chance of posting here!
After much crippling procrastination, here they are finally, my lab results (below, after the fold).
If you don't care about context right now, please scroll down for the results already.
So, some context:
Since I can remember I've had trouble concentrating, unless it's something I'm really excited about, and then I hyperconcentrate, to the point I won't eat, drink.... I've eventually been officially diagnosed with ADHD when I was around 20. I'm 33 now. Also been diagnosed Borderline Personality Disorder. Medications never really helped much. I'm taking none since a long time.
But I'm struggling to get anything worth done with my life. I have ambitions that I am not delivering on, simply because I'm lacking the drive, the resilience, etc.... I guess you know what I'm talking about. And I want to change things now and forever. I want to be at my best, period.
I don't have health insurance, but back in my home country my mom is a doctor (gyn/ob) and she can send me the meds as necessary. I was asking her to send me injectable T, hCG and Arimidex. Though for her tranquility she decided to first put me in contact with a urologist colleague.
The phone conversation with the urologist lasted 25 minutes and was extremely friendly, but he definitely likes to play it safe, and he said two things:
- He believes from my symptom descriptions, I have a "masked depression"; googling this, makes me wonder, because "masked depression" seems to even have been dropped as a serious diagnosis. He says he could refer me to a psychiatrist that almost never used drugs and that usually sorts people out in two sessions. But I've been to a few mental health practitioners. Results were almost close to none....
- He also insists that if I really want to give testosterone a try, that I try the gel first. Then he also mentioned that if I really would want the injectable form, that then I should simply go with Nebido.
I much look forward to all the wisdom you can share with me, about how I should proceed.
Thanks in advance for all your comments.
Ricardo Salta’s blood tests
February/March 2016
With suspicions of hormonal problems (testosterone, thyroid, cortisol...) being able to explain my variety of health struggles (from the head down to my feet....)
These tests were made privately at the BioScientia laboratory in Berlin, Germany
I compiled the desired tests from various websites I had been studying for a long time about Testosterone dysfunction and therapy, and did as many tests as I could believing that in this case, more is more (sometimes, less is more.....)
I believe I could still do a few more (e.g. SHBG) and expect to get some feedback and feedforward from the online community when I share this
Since the results were delivered to me in German, I did my best with Google Translate, to produce, on the side of the German words/phrases, the equivalent in English. Please consider that the English version is not supposed to be professional.
[You can also download the PDF, which I attach to this post! I recommend the PDF I made based on the results the lab gave me (I did my best to translate it to English, in smaller text next to the German words). ALL that's below is also in the PDF but the PDF also contains more information (comments from the laboratory) which I also translated]
Personal stats:
- Born March 7 1983 (33 years in 2016)
- 90 kg, 1m77cm (198 pounds / 5.8 feet)
Primary Materials
- Complete Blood
- EDTA-Blood
- NaF-Blood
- Heparin Blood
Clinical Chemistry
- Uric Acid: 6.2 mg/dl
- Cholesterol, total: 203+ mg/dl
- Tryglycerides: 108 mg/dl
- LDL-Cholesterol: 132 mg/dl
- HDL-Cholesterol: 57 mg/dl
- Atherosclerosis Index (LDL/HDL): 2.3
- Hb (for HbA1c) (EB): DELETE
- HbA1c (NGSP) (Immunoturbidimetric) (EB): 5.5%
- HbA1c (IFCC) (EB): 36 nmol/mol
- Glucose (Sodium Fluoride): 92 mg/dl
Hematopoietic, small
- Leokocytes: 11.3+ /nl
- Erythrocytes: 5.4 /pl
- Hemoglobin: 16.1 g/dl
- Hematocrit/PCV: 0.46 l/l
- MCV: 85 fl
- MCH: 30 pg
- MCHC: 35 g/dl
- Thrombocytes: 249 /nl
Differential hematopoietic / blood picture
- Basophils: 1%
- Basophils absolute: 57 /µl
- Eosinophiles: 6%
- Eosinophiles absolute: 668+ /µl
- Neutrophiles: 69%
- Neutrophiles absolute: 7822+ /µl
- Lymphocytes: 13- %
- Lymphocytes absolute: 1472 /µl
- Monocytes: 12%
- Monocytes absolute: 1302+ /µl
- TSH basal: 3.22 µU/ml
- FT4 (Thyroxine, free): 1.20 ng/dl
- FT3 (Trijodthyronin, free): 3.8 pg/ml
- Cortisol: 14.2 µg/dl
- Insulin (fasting): 15.9 µU/ml --- NOTE: I had already drank a Chai Latte this day and don't remember if I had eaten something, 50/50 chance I had eaten something small.
- HOMA-Index: 3.6+ (insulin resistance likely)
- Dehydropiandro testosterone sulfate (DHEA-S): 230 µg/dl
- Dihydrotestosteron (S): 13.3 µg/dl
- Testosterone, total: 3.14- ng/ml (314ng/dl)
- Testosterone, free: 9.0 pg/ml
- Prolactin (ECLIA, Fa. Roche): 10.4 µg/l
- FSH: 1.4- mIU/ml
- Estradiol (E2): 19 pg/ml
Tumor marker
- PSA, total: 0.367 ng/ml
Method: ECLIA, (Fa. Roche)
Heparin blood specialised for metal analysis
Again, thanks!
After much crippling procrastination, here they are finally, my lab results (below, after the fold).
If you don't care about context right now, please scroll down for the results already.
So, some context:
Since I can remember I've had trouble concentrating, unless it's something I'm really excited about, and then I hyperconcentrate, to the point I won't eat, drink.... I've eventually been officially diagnosed with ADHD when I was around 20. I'm 33 now. Also been diagnosed Borderline Personality Disorder. Medications never really helped much. I'm taking none since a long time.
But I'm struggling to get anything worth done with my life. I have ambitions that I am not delivering on, simply because I'm lacking the drive, the resilience, etc.... I guess you know what I'm talking about. And I want to change things now and forever. I want to be at my best, period.
I don't have health insurance, but back in my home country my mom is a doctor (gyn/ob) and she can send me the meds as necessary. I was asking her to send me injectable T, hCG and Arimidex. Though for her tranquility she decided to first put me in contact with a urologist colleague.
The phone conversation with the urologist lasted 25 minutes and was extremely friendly, but he definitely likes to play it safe, and he said two things:
- He believes from my symptom descriptions, I have a "masked depression"; googling this, makes me wonder, because "masked depression" seems to even have been dropped as a serious diagnosis. He says he could refer me to a psychiatrist that almost never used drugs and that usually sorts people out in two sessions. But I've been to a few mental health practitioners. Results were almost close to none....
- He also insists that if I really want to give testosterone a try, that I try the gel first. Then he also mentioned that if I really would want the injectable form, that then I should simply go with Nebido.
I much look forward to all the wisdom you can share with me, about how I should proceed.
Thanks in advance for all your comments.
Ricardo Salta’s blood tests
February/March 2016
With suspicions of hormonal problems (testosterone, thyroid, cortisol...) being able to explain my variety of health struggles (from the head down to my feet....)
These tests were made privately at the BioScientia laboratory in Berlin, Germany
I compiled the desired tests from various websites I had been studying for a long time about Testosterone dysfunction and therapy, and did as many tests as I could believing that in this case, more is more (sometimes, less is more.....)
I believe I could still do a few more (e.g. SHBG) and expect to get some feedback and feedforward from the online community when I share this
Since the results were delivered to me in German, I did my best with Google Translate, to produce, on the side of the German words/phrases, the equivalent in English. Please consider that the English version is not supposed to be professional.
[You can also download the PDF, which I attach to this post! I recommend the PDF I made based on the results the lab gave me (I did my best to translate it to English, in smaller text next to the German words). ALL that's below is also in the PDF but the PDF also contains more information (comments from the laboratory) which I also translated]
Personal stats:
- Born March 7 1983 (33 years in 2016)
- 90 kg, 1m77cm (198 pounds / 5.8 feet)
Primary Materials
- Complete Blood
- EDTA-Blood
- NaF-Blood
- Heparin Blood
Clinical Chemistry
- Uric Acid: 6.2 mg/dl
- Cholesterol, total: 203+ mg/dl
- Tryglycerides: 108 mg/dl
- LDL-Cholesterol: 132 mg/dl
- HDL-Cholesterol: 57 mg/dl
- Atherosclerosis Index (LDL/HDL): 2.3
- Hb (for HbA1c) (EB): DELETE
- HbA1c (NGSP) (Immunoturbidimetric) (EB): 5.5%
- HbA1c (IFCC) (EB): 36 nmol/mol
- Glucose (Sodium Fluoride): 92 mg/dl
Hematopoietic, small
- Leokocytes: 11.3+ /nl
- Erythrocytes: 5.4 /pl
- Hemoglobin: 16.1 g/dl
- Hematocrit/PCV: 0.46 l/l
- MCV: 85 fl
- MCH: 30 pg
- MCHC: 35 g/dl
- Thrombocytes: 249 /nl
Differential hematopoietic / blood picture
- Basophils: 1%
- Basophils absolute: 57 /µl
- Eosinophiles: 6%
- Eosinophiles absolute: 668+ /µl
- Neutrophiles: 69%
- Neutrophiles absolute: 7822+ /µl
- Lymphocytes: 13- %
- Lymphocytes absolute: 1472 /µl
- Monocytes: 12%
- Monocytes absolute: 1302+ /µl
- TSH basal: 3.22 µU/ml
- FT4 (Thyroxine, free): 1.20 ng/dl
- FT3 (Trijodthyronin, free): 3.8 pg/ml
- Cortisol: 14.2 µg/dl
- Insulin (fasting): 15.9 µU/ml --- NOTE: I had already drank a Chai Latte this day and don't remember if I had eaten something, 50/50 chance I had eaten something small.
- HOMA-Index: 3.6+ (insulin resistance likely)
- Dehydropiandro testosterone sulfate (DHEA-S): 230 µg/dl
- Dihydrotestosteron (S): 13.3 µg/dl
- Testosterone, total: 3.14- ng/ml (314ng/dl)
- Testosterone, free: 9.0 pg/ml
- Prolactin (ECLIA, Fa. Roche): 10.4 µg/l
- FSH: 1.4- mIU/ml
- Estradiol (E2): 19 pg/ml
Tumor marker
- PSA, total: 0.367 ng/ml
Method: ECLIA, (Fa. Roche)
Heparin blood specialised for metal analysis
Again, thanks!