High SHBG Low Free T

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Hey guys, I'm new to excel and I'm glad to be here. I've been feeling like crap(no energy or sex drive) for 6 months now. My GP tested my testosterone and it came back at 774 but my free testosterone came back low. My Urologist tested my SHBG and it was 150. I saw an Endo and we tried clomid for a month and my total raised to 1010 but my free was still low.
My question is does anyone know what could cause my SHBG to be so high? According to my Urologist I'm not on any medications that are known to increase SHBG. Side note-I was on pain management for back pain at the time and opiates are known to suppress testosterone but not known to raise SHBG. The Endo has since started me on 100mg of test a week but I don't feel much better. I'm lost because I'm producing plenty of testosterone but evidently most of it is bound. Does anyone have any advice on whether or not I should be on TRT. I'm considering trying specialist such as Defy but wanted to get input from you guys first. Thanks!
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
Welcome to Excelmale. Can you provide a bit more information? What was your SHBG following Clomid therapy? What medications are you on? You mentioned your doctor believed none of what you're taking are known to raise SHBG, but a list, including supplements, would be helpful. How old are you? Finally, what other lab values do you have? DHEA by any chance?
The SHBG of 150 was post clomid. It didn't get measured prior to clomid. I'm 41. I take Concerta, Soma, and occasionally Hydrocodone.
Supplements are Juice plus, vitamin D, ZMA, GABA, and theanine. I was taking Kratom at the time to combat the low energy I had.
T3 2.5
T4 1.13
TSH 2.0

My testosterone numbers from the year before at my physical was 550 and free was 13.5%. My Free prior to clomid was 6.8% and 7.5%post clomid.

I also use Flonase nasal spray and Afrin nasal spray. Thanks
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