Can You Restart Solely & only with Nolvadex (Tamoxifen)?

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Hi there guys been on TRT for 1 year now exactly & member here a while 2months on Testosterone cream twice daily morning & night, and 10 months of that on Sustanon Injections
I am drained quite financially monthly for TRT and i decided to give a full 8 weeks 2 months restart a shot, just simple question, HCG provides alot of Aromatization effects of (E2) Estrogen, i never used it much during my 1 year T.R.T journey. can i use purely NOLVADEX (Tamoxifen) high doses 40mg all the time for a 2 month reset? will that give sufficent Testosterone levels to feel okay during the restart process. Also is by increasing Nolvadex dose gonna burden the Liver too much more or not.

Or is it IMPOSSIBLE to impliment a HPTA restart, and complete natural production without HCG involved? I don’t mind using it, if mandatory part of the process. I will have to keep an A.I on board.
Wish me Luck attempting this, i have zero idea of the outcome, it’s all an unknown mission. But i am going to need the luck/support that hopefully i can feel normal again, without having to Inject anymore. But if push comes to shove" and it didn’t produce desirable natural Testosterone levels then i will have no complaints getting a good supplier for Enanthate in continuation with the journey.

I haven’t brought this up with my Hormone Doctor yet, but i will do Immediately when he returns back to his Office.

Aiming for mid 600’s naturally all by my self daily. I didn’t have too much testicle atrophy round 25% out of 100 and quite youngish 34.

Also has any male here not a Hypo sufferer, but Anabolics user who did steroids for over 2+ years ever got 100% back to his normal levels has it ever been achieved by someone here with a good story ?
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One man from the T Nation website (T replacement section) give his supposed opinion and states this.

It would be positively retarded to try and implement a restart while using HCG. So, let’s just start there. Nolvadex signals your pituitary to produce more LH by deceiving it into believing that your E2 is low (more or less). Men make E2 by aromatizing it from testosterone, so the LH is expressed to boost test production and thereby have raw materials (testosterone) to produce estradiol. Adding HCG to your system at the same time would negate this, as it mimics LH and would therefore serve to suppress production of LH, defeating the purpose of taking the nolvadex. And before you ask - yes, it works the same way with Clomid as it does with Nolvadex. HCG is used when you’re suppressed (like taking exogynous test) to maintain function of the testes.
Clear enough?
And a standard restart would be 40/40/20/20/20 (mg per day per per week). Google PCT.

He says clear enough to me? so is he spot on does HCG cancel out what Tamoxifen Nolva is helping to achieve in the BRAIN signals? and is that why lots of men have failed on HCG/Nolva obviously..

Sooner i know this, then i get enough Nolvadex tablets.
Yes you can do a restart by only using nolvadex, most members here use low dose clomid. I don't know the proper dose of nolvadex. Keep us posted and let us know how it works out for you.
Your body will restart on its own. Never seen a case ever of someone not going back at least close to baseline. Might take 6 weeks might take a year. There is no set time and we all recover and react differently.
Hello again Vince brother, did you ever hear from Guys who were irritated by the Peanut Oil in Sustanon 250? i had taken that fine without problems for 5 months but after 5 months, it Irriated me and caused BONE flare ups with my Arthritis condition?

Enanthate contains Castor oil which much better for me personally overall. I can't imagine guys using Sustanon for over 2 years on T.R.T and can tolerate that Oil fine? @Vince
Might take 1 year? is that even after 1 year of T.R.T So you're telling me @sh1973 i might have to keep taking Nolvadex (Tamoxifen) for 1 year on and off? to see if i am Producing naturally good levels?
No I’m telling you that no two people recover the same. Could take a month or so or even a year. Your body will recover without taking anything. Once your t level falls to a certain threshold along with estrogen the body with start producing LH to signal the testes to start producing testosterone. It does this through the feedback of estrogen levels, that’s why clomid and nolva expedite the process. These two drugs block the estrogen signal at the hypothalamic region of the brain. Thing is both of these can cause side effects worse than just recovering naturally in some men and I’m one of them. All I’m trying to say is if you’re short on funds which you state you are, then just recover naturally and forgo the serms and hcg. The end result will be the same.
Hello again Vince brother, did you ever hear from Guys who were irritated by the Peanut Oil in Sustanon 250? i had taken that fine without problems for 5 months but after 5 months, it Irriated me and caused BONE flare ups with my Arthritis condition?

Enanthate contains Castor oil which much better for me personally overall. I can't imagine guys using Sustanon for over 2 years on T.R.T and can tolerate that Oil fine? @Vince
As you may already know, many people have allergic reactions to peanut and peanut oil. In my five years of trt, I've only used grapeseed oil.
There really is no cold turkey with the long esters such as cypionate or enanthate. It will gradually disperse out of the depot over a few weeks. Most men don’t hit rock bottom until 3-4 weeks. This is why defy and others wait two weeks before even beginning hcg then another two weeks before starting a serm. Stopping Topical testosterone is the closest you’ll ever get to cold turkey.
so you say stop Injecting TESTOSTERONE completely nothing just stop and let the body go COLD turkey you mean right???? @antelopers just wondered if that's what you meant.

Yeah the long ester will naturally taper off and once you're really low your body will attempt to kick back on. Some people think that this process can be sped up with PCT drugs, some choose to not take anything and let their body kick back in naturally. Even though these drugs produce 'endogenous' testosterone, if you're taking clomid or nolvadex, you're still artificially stimulating it's release. You have to go through another period of recovery after removing these drugs for your body to release the T without the stimulation from the exogenous drugs.
If i been on T.R.T for 1 whole Year straight which i did..... without hardly any HCG do you think it's a BRIGHT idea, to try restarting without NOLVADEX. just stop last injection, Feel like HELL for 2 weeks praying my body switches it self back on after 2 weeks COLD turkey, even though it won't take 2 weeks to kick it self back online LH producing TEST by it self. Sounds like washing to go early GRAVE. Super low test for 2 long stress the heart can do.

Guys who do that complete COLD turkey especially who were diagnosed with hypogonadism, and they don't take either HCG or Nolvadex. and stop injecting praying they body repair it self. is kinda RISKY dangerous you think dude?
It be better to use a DRUG artifically to speed up Natural restart process, by HIGH dosing Nolvadex 40mg every other day, then 20mg, rinse and repeat, at least like that Nolvadex will keep test levels up. Could use CLOMID too with a good A.I. then taper off the both.
There really is no cold turkey with the long esters such as cypionate or enanthate. It will gradually disperse out of the depot over a few weeks. Most men don’t hit rock bottom until 3-4 weeks. This is why defy and others wait two weeks before even beginning hcg then another two weeks before starting a serm. Stopping Topical testosterone is the closest you’ll ever get to cold turkey.

I am using Sustanon 250, so i am better off with even Longer esters than Cypionate? i am pretty sure testosterone Decaonate lasts 15 days to 21.
I was on TRT for a year and stopped TRT cold turkey. Had no crash. I actually felt pretty good at about the 3-4 week mark. Better than when I was one TRT.

Started TRT again, and am making some adjustments, but looks like I might give it up again due to The unwanted side effects TRT causes for me.
I was on TRT for a year and stopped TRT cold turkey. Had no crash. I actually felt pretty good at about the 3-4 week mark. Better than when I was one TRT.

Started TRT again, and am making some adjustments, but looks like I might give it up again due to The unwanted side effects TRT causes for me.
When you restarted, how soon did you feel better (ED, libido, mood etc)?
When you restarted, how soon did you feel better (ED, libido, mood etc)?

Pretty quickly. Within two weeks I started feeling better.

I have never had ED issues. Libido always high. When I am not on TRT I volume and force are VERY star loads.

When I am on TRT I still get rock hard erections but it is very hard for me to finish. And when I do, my load is very small and pretty much just dribbles out.

Very unsatisfying.

I recently lowered my dose to see if less is more for me. If not, I will be stopping again.
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Do not expect an alleged restart to get you higher then baseline unless you actually fix what caused low t in the first place.

IMO No way if you started trt cause your levels were 200 can it be expect that using a serm will some how correct your “illness”. IMO it was a misconception because body builders were doing it. But let’s not forget most roid users had normal t to begin with so when they do pct they go back to there natural 600-700 levels.

I’ve gone of trt about 5 times. I also used clomid monotherepy as trt. My levels got as high as 900 on clomid but once I stop taking it went back down to my 250-350 natural levels.

I’ve also felt no difference in recover using clomid or going cold turkey. I’ve used clomid twice and cold turkey 3 times both same results. No real crash. Maybe a week where I felt a little worse off. But I had so many sides on trt being off is way better for me
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