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  1. J

    Has anyone’s testicles ever NOT recovered? It’s been over 2 years, and mine are still atrophied. They’re still smaller than before. What can I do?

    2 years ago I came off TRT. For recovery, I took Toremifene at 60mg for 2 weeks, then 30mg for 4 weeks. Leading up to that I took HCG and also HMG. Clomid always messes me up…I did it 8 years ago and it gave me permanent eye floaters that I still have today. My testicles are still atrophied...
  2. G

    INDIA PHARMA HCG ~1/10 under dosed.

    eh guys, found a current list of a seller who is selling india pharma HCG.. I know we had discussed previously but here is larger list as i know alot of you guys refuse to belive this. ESP when the forum owner is getting payed by haucking underdosed HCG. hopefully this is enough HARD evidence...
  3. L

    Test cyp plus HCG - high estradiol

    I am on the old Dr Crisler protocol: I do .25cc of HCG on day 1 and 2, and 0.5cc (100mg) injection of Test cypionate on day 3. It works well for me. The problem is on day 7 my T level is 580 which is OK for me, but my estradiol is 42. Any suggestions greatly appreciated. Many thanks for...
  4. M

    Absolute minimum dose of HCG for fertility?

    Is there any data on what the minimal dosage of hcg is to keep 'the guys' working while on TRT? I'm asking this because hcg seems to rise estrogen and I'd like to keep that to a minimum. Also, I might want to have kids later but not exactly now, so I'm looking for a guideline for the minimal...
  5. H

    HCG Triggered severe hyperthyroidism on TRT

    So I had been cruising on TRT with no issues for about 8 years. Starting at .25 ml twice a week from 200mg/ml vials of cypionate. Reducing this down to .14ml over the course of about 2 years. I wanted to improve my fertility, and began hcg protocol. I was taking between 600iu to 800iu of hcg...
  6. M

    You're past fertility concerns; do you take T alone or add HCG?

    I'm 68, don't want kids anymore, on T monotherapy and nothing else. But should I also be on HCG? I've read that HCG is not just helpful for fertility and the prevention of testicular atrophy, but for a host of other hormonal benefits. Should everyone who starts TTH also take HCG? How many of...
  7. J

    How Delicate is Reconstituted HCG?

    How delicate is reconstituted HCG? I know this question has been answered with respect to HCG powder. And supposedly reconstituted peptides such as GLP-1s and HGH are not as delicate as widely thought. But is this true for reconstituted HCG?
  8. J

    Anyone have experience using Natesto?

    Been having low T symptoms now for a while and I want to maintain fertility. Have used HCG monotherapy which raised my bloods but no symptom improvement. My baseline T is always around 500-570. I am using Natesto now for 3 days with no symptom improvement. How long does this take to work?
  9. J

    Switching from Test Prop to Test Cyp

    Hello everyone, I'm considering changing my regimen from Test Propionate, which I take at 84mg per week with daily injections, combined with 250iu of HCG every other day, to Test Cypionate at 84mg per week with injections every other day, while maintaining the same HCG dosage. I'd like to know...
  10. phalloguy100

    Best brand of hCG? Vote on what has worked well for you!

    For those of you who have ordered hCG from other countries, especially from India, what brands do you recommend? Have you found anything comparable to Pregnyl? Corion Fertigyn Hucog Lupi-HCG Novarel Ovidag Ovunal Pregnyl Puretrig Sifasi ZyHCG
  11. S

    PCT Log (27 Y/O, 3 years on TRT)

    Hi all. Have used this forum for info before, but thought I'd make a log here to document my attempt at restarting natural production. Will use nmol/L and mmol/L measurements here for total/free testosterone in the format of total/free. To convert to ng/dl, multiply these numbers by 28.85 for...
  12. G

    HCG increasing thyroid.. low T or just High thyroid?

    hi there, I did try HCG however it gave me palpatations (and slight agitated energy, perhaps partially from increase T or estrogen within 30-40 min of first use) even at low 100iu doses. it was a less used brand that was suppost to last for 60 days vs pregnyl 30.. and i wonder if it is slightly...
  13. W

    Can't get it up... Ferritin that is. Blood issues after 5 years. HCG related question. Labs attached.

    I have been on TC for over 5 years with varying results, mostly positive until the last year. I have had to do a few blood donations within the last 3 years due to rising HCT. It dropped my ferritin levels to 10, range 30 - 400. I can't get my ferritin levels up. My Mayo PCP said that if I take...
  14. J

    How bad is a hCG lapse for Fertility?

    I'm on TRT + hCG (Pregnyl) + FSH (urofollitropin). How bad is a lapse in hCG for fertility? About 2 weeks. My Pregnyl Rx got messed up so I ran out. Maybe the urofollitropin has some LH in it??
  15. S

    HCG Timeline and Dosage

    Hello, I've searched the forums here, various facebook groups and Reddit on about anything I could on HCG. So I firmly understand that HCG is quite variable in its effects depending on the person. With that said, I am curious on anecdotadotal expreriences on timeline of changes folks have...
  16. B

    Tramadol & HCG

    Hello all. I’ve read about tramadol decreasing testosterone and LH by up to 40% in chronic users. No mention of dose in the studies however. Does anyone know if this would affect an HCG user? I’m on doctor prescribed HCG but also need tramadol every other day to manage severe back pain (100mg...
  17. F

    Low T and other hormones.

    Good afternoon, Im from the Netherlands, in my country TRT is allmost treated as taboo. In the past year my testosterone has been tested multiple times. Multiple doctors have concluded that there is noting wrong with me. Their advise has been to work out more and lose weight. I sure have...
  18. W

    HCG - Time to start working?

    I’m restarting 500 iu x 2 weekly in addition to my twice weekly t shots. I’ve been on trt for 5 years but the libido is gone. Shbg is only 35, and T numbers are good as well as e2. For those of you who added or started hcg, how long did it take before you noticed anything changing/starting to...
  19. M

    HCG and nasal congestion

    Ok, has anyone noticed the same, i was struggling with stuffed nose especially during the night recently, i was using hcg, ovitrelle to be specific, took a break for a while. I connected the dots as yesterday i took a dose after weeks off, lo and behold last night i woke up during the night as a...
  20. phalloguy100

    Could hCG or LH spikes cause blood sugar drops??

    OK, so this is totally based on my own experience… I’ve noticed that I have huge, sudden drops in blood sugar (as much as 140 mg/dL) a few minutes after each hcg sub-q shot. The drops don’t last long though so they’re not a big concern- my glucose stabilizes within an hour or so on its own. But...
  21. D

    Cost for HCG from Compounding Pharmacy

    I am paying $360 for what they say is a 20 week supply of HCG (given twice weekly). Is this a decent price or can it be had for less money via a different provider than I am using?
  22. J

    Does HCG suppress to the same extent as exogenous testosterone? I want to take HCG for fertility reasons, but when I come off, will have low T levels?

    I want to run HCG in order to improve my fertility numbers. I’ve got 3 10,000iu bottles of HCG that my doctor prescribed for me, but I’m concerned that taking this will suppress my own testosterone production…leaving me low T or a need for a “PCT” once I stop the HCG injections. Am I off base...
  23. A

    Can sterile water be used to reconstitute HCG?

    Bacteriostatic water is not available here, nobody knows what bacteriostatic water is. And there are few available online but not reputed source and it can contain anything and I don't want to risk the HCG. So, my question is can I use sterile water to reconstitute HCG, is there a way to keep...
  24. E

    TRT and Pregnenolone

    Hello, What is the general opinion here on the forum about supplementing Pregnenolone while on trt. Especially if one is not using HCG. I cannot currently afford HCG, it is very expensive in my area. I will add that I feel pretty good on my current protocol of just Test cyp. But wondering if...
  25. phalloguy100

    Getting sleepy after T-cyp injections?

    I was on Androgel until last year, when it seemingly stopped absorbing so i was switched to compounded cream. Well, it worked great for two weeks, but then it wouldn't absorb consistently either. So the doctor switched me to T-Cyp in grapeseed oil, which I started last week. I'm now doing T-cyp...
  26. Gianluca

    Pregnyl vs ReliableRX HCG?

    HI guys, since the latest Pregnyl price increase, I see allot of us have moved to ReliableRX HCG. I'm wondering if anyone has seen any noticeable difference in potency. Optum Pharmacy still carry the Pregnyl for $118
  27. Y

    Hcg and headaches

    Hey guys, Ive went on hcg with my trt. The hcg is from reliablerx and is the brand ‘zyhcg’. I started developing a regular/consistent headache and my doctor is stumped. My bloods are good but I still donated blood just in case red blood cell increase was the cause. I stopped taking all...
  28. R

    Enlarged Prostate with Symptoms

    I'll try to make this brief. 46 y/o I was on HCG + minor anastrozole therapy for 10 years. Never an issue. It started to grow ineffective. I started T Cyp slowly alongside HCG + anastrozole. Did this for about 4 months. Never felt quite right. I was having other issues related to a kidney...
  29. C

    A treatment candidate to reduce HPTA suppression under TRT. Possible hCG alternative?

    TL;DR: Some research suggests that echinacoside may complement a SERM in reducing TRT-induced negative HPT-axis feedback at the hypothalamus. Background: In testosterone replacement therapy, elevated levels of testosterone and estradiol apply negative feedback to the hypothalamus. This...
  30. W

    From 200mg test to 150mg but....

    Hey guys, I was doing 4x per week 50 mg test cyp and 500 iu hcg split over those days. I decided I wanted to try lowering dose due to bloating and what Ive read about 200mg being a little cookie cutter and overprescribed. I feel better at 3x per week 50 mg keeping 500 iu hcg split over 4x, but...
  31. L

    TRT vs Clomid

    Had my urologist just recommend clomid for low T. A couple months ago when I saw my labs and PCP, we both agreed that some sort of TRT would be appropriate. I made appt with urologist but he couldn't see me for over 6 weeks. I did not want to wait. So I started looking into clinics. I was so...
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