Bloodwork - Considering TRT, Advice Truly Appreciated

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Hello all, I would really appreciate some advice from you experienced folks here on if my hormone levels could be contributing to my poor quality of life as they are low T-matching symptoms right now (depression, lack of drive, fatigue, ED and still hold good amount of fat on a good diet and workout routine). I have been going back and forth on if I am going to go with a telemedicine TRT clinic to start hcg and trt.

For some background I am a 27 year old male who unwisely used some prohormones/sarms in my past and then finally a higher dose testosterone/anavar cycle a couple years ago which stopped short due to a horrible health outcome/reaction taking tamoxifen and exemstane to reverse gynocomastia. I then started low dose trt for a few more months where I eventually evened out and was actually feeling pretty good and happy. I stopped trt as I was dealing with high rbc/low ferritin and some morning anxiety (maybe cortisol related?), along with the long-term concern of fertility and being done with PEDs, I wanted to see if I could restore my natural testosterone so I got off TRT. I have had labwork a few times since then, and it appears I have normal total T and SHBG, though low-normal LH and FSH and free and bioavailable T levels are near the bottom of the range.

PCP and endocrinologist say since my total T is normal, testosterone can't be the cause of my symptoms, but I am skeptical because Peter Attia and others say Free/Bio T are by far the most important markers for symptoms. I no longer live at high elevation and have found a protocol (vorck) to combat the high rbc issue along with using HCG for fertility I am more confident this go around if I decide to do so. I am hoping for another opinion looking at my labs here documenting my natural hormone levels now, do you think my low range free/bio T could these be causing the low t symptoms and TRT may be wise to revisit? Any input helps, thank you!

Test 1: A Couple Weeks Ago (Afternoon, bad sleep) -

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Test 2: A Few Months Ago (Morning with good sleep)-
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Test 3: 1 Year Ago (Morning, Good Sleep):
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