Hello everyone, I am posting this simply to share my experience and would love for anyone to share theirs. I have been on clomid for almost 2.5 years now straight. I take 100 mg a week so 50 mg every 3 days. I have used 0 anabolics and I am 27 years old. My numbers have been fantastic. 1200 total and I am at the upper range for free t (every lab ranges are different). My estrogen is right where it needs to be and these numbers have been consistent. I am frustrated because this has changed my life for the better however my anxiety and ocd has been terrible. Energy great, libido great, sleep on point but it is the anxiety and weird thoughts that are frustrating. I do not want to take anything to lower my estrogen because it is right in range. My IGF-1 was on the lower end but still within range so I am wondering if optimizing gh may enhance my sense of well-being. Right now I do not feel I need TRT given my age. Of course nothing beats injections. I have looked into enclomiphene but not many compounding pharmacies make it. I get my clomid compounded. I know there is amino asylum and what not, but I still prefer to get enclomiphene compounded. Any thoughts/experiences are welcome! People talk about this night and day difference from clomid to enclomiphen but not sure if its significant. I am wondering if this is the zooclomiphen build up.