Nandrolone and hematocrit?

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I've been on 200mg nd/100mg test a week for a while as an attempt to help with my chronic joint issues. It seems to be working but I'm concerned the nd dose is too high, after a few months my hematocrit has jumped to the upper 50s and I'm generally feeling very crappy

Would 50-100mg of ND be equally effective for the joint issues without the hct spike?

I'm also concerned about the potential cardiac effects of ND although the studies I've seen used a much higher dose on rats, and my HIV+ friend tells me he has been prescribed it for years with no real issues
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I've been on 200mg nd/100mg test a week for a while as an attempt to help with my chronic joint issues. It seems to be working but I'm concerned the nd dose is too high, after a few months my hematocrit has jumped to the upper 50s and I'm generally feeling very crappy

Would 50-100mg of ND be equally effective for the joint issues without the hct spike?

I'm also concerned about the potential cardiac effects of ND although the studies I've seen used a much higher dose on rats, and my HIV+ friend tells me he has been prescribed it for years with no real issue.



Absolutely no need for such a dose (200 mg ND) for joint pain.
Hct was back to 52 this morning after a couple weeks on 100mg , pretty big drop, I wonder if it could have been hydration issues compounding things

I'm sticking with 100mg from now on
ND has a long half life, doubtful cutting the dose to 100 mg over a 2 week period would result in a meaningful drop in Hb/HCT and RBC lifespan is about 120 days and as MM stated, no need for 200 mg/wk for joints. 50 - 100 mg should be plenty. ND is a real driver of erythrocytosis, only inj androgen that is probably worse is boldenone. I'd suggest a blood donation even at 52. That is my upper limit before a phlebo.
Yeah I had another blood test 2 days after that 52 and it was back up to 57 (after 2 donations in 2 weeks)

I don't really understand what's happening so stopped ND completely,can hydration explain a 5 point loss then gain in days??
Yeah I had another blood test 2 days after that 52 and it was back up to 57 (after 2 donations in 2 weeks)

I don't really understand what's happening so stopped ND completely,can hydration explain a 5 point loss then gain in days??
Hi B, been on 45 mg ND/week for almost a year. No joint pain. Nice muscle gains. Your 200 dose sounded crazy. I'm 205lbs, 6 feet. 64 years. Benching 365. ND I think helped me progress from 300 to 365. But only 45/week. Consult another MD!
Hi B, been on 45 mg ND/week for almost a year. No joint pain. Nice muscle gains. Your 200 dose sounded crazy. I'm 205lbs, 6 feet. 64 years. Benching 365. ND I think helped me progress from 300 to 365. But only 45/week. Consult another MD!
Jack have you seen any muscle gains out of the 45 mg/ND a week?? Along with the joint pain management


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Hi B, been on 45 mg ND/week for almost a year. No joint pain. Nice muscle gains. Your 200 dose sounded crazy. I'm 205lbs, 6 feet. 64 years. Benching 365. ND I think helped me progress from 300 to 365. But only 45/week. Consult another MD!
What’s ur testosterone dose along with the 45mg of nandrolone?
I'm very close to what you're doing. Currently on 80mg/wk of T and 50mg/wk of Nandrolone. I'm 53 (about to turn 54) 5'9" 190lbs and benching 315.
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Yeah I had another blood test 2 days after that 52 and it was back up to 57 (after 2 donations in 2 weeks)

I don't really understand what's happening so stopped ND completely,can hydration explain a 5 point loss then gain in days??
80mg of nandrolone a week added to my TRT protocol increased my HCT 6 points. I guess some of us are really sensitive to nandrolone when it comes to RBC production
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