Having trouble alleviating symptoms, even with good numbers. How do I "dial in?" (long post)

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Apologies in advance for the long post, and thank you for helping/reading - I'm just going to try and provide as much information as possible to address any potential questions from leaving out key information.

I'm a secondary hypo patient - I've been on TRT for many years now and can never seem to stay dialed in.

I did self TRT initially because my local doctor wouldnt treat me. I was on 75mg of enanthate twice a week, and 6.25mg aromasin twice a week. I felt really good, full of energy, strong, decent libido, and could usually get an erection. The aromasin was too much however, and I started getting irritability, extremely dry skin, and joint problems. I called up a T clinic.

My first T clinic had me on 100mg 2x per week, 500iu HCG 2x per week, and 1mg Anastrozole 2x per week. My levels were basically all outside of normal range, and I felt like crap, so I changed my doctor.

I used a very high profile well known TRT specialist doctor next. He put me on 40mg of cypionate e3d. He had me taking 25mg of clomid e3d as well. Also, even though my DHEA and cortisol levels were normal, he had me taking pregnenolone and DHEA. I got terrible side effects, my facial skin was constantly very red, oily, broken out in painful cystic acne. I had no morning wood ever, and could only perform sexually once a week - it took that long between orgasms to have libido or be able to achieve another erection.

My numbers on that protocol were:

Total T: 673
Free T: 13.5
Estradiol: 30 (STANDARD TEST, the lab the doctor uses does not have sensitive)
SHBG: 35
DHT: 60
DHEA-s: 403
Prolactin: 14

I had symptoms consistent with low e2, even though the standard test said I was normal. The doctor told me "my numbers are fine, I won't adjust your protocol, 99% of my patient population is on this protocol and they are fine so its just in your head." So I quit using him and did TRT on my own again for a while.

While doing it on my own, I felt pretty damn good on 60mg e3d...for about 3 weeks. I had morning erections every day, felt strong and confident, full of energy. Then I started getting kind of tired, no more morning wood, could still usually perform sexually but not always. The worst part was my skin - very oily, and acne prone, though not nearly as bad as when on DHEA.

My next experience was with a very popular low T clinic. I said I didn't want to use Anastrozole - they put me on a dose of 60mg cyp e3d, 300iu HCG e3d. I felt great for a few weeks, but then started feeling gyno symptoms, being very tired, bloated, gaining love handle/stomach fat (which is rare for me, I'm normally around 12% body fat). I got labs done after 4 weeks on that protocol:

Total T: 880
Free T: 22
Estradiol Sensitive: 31
SHBG: 22.5
DHT: 51
DHEA-s: 376
Prolactin: 11.5

The T clinic, although I am sure were trying to be helpful, after seeing that latest bloodwork, asked me to do daily injections of both T and HCG at very high doses (26mg Test daily, and 125iu HCG daily). This seemed to me like it would drastically raise not just my T numbers but my E2 as well, and I was already having some high E2 sides.

Also why is my DHT so much lower on more hormones?

These numbers look great on paper, but I didn't feel good. The mystery continues. So I experimented a bit. Here is what I noticed:

- On an E3D injection schedule, I generally only got morning wood 2 out of the 3 days after a shot.

- When using HCG (even with e2 in range)
Pros - remarkably clear skin, not oily at all, although slightly pink or red. mood is generally much better.
Cons - no morning wood, difficulty or inability to achieve erection. horrible sleep, waking up multiple times a night. fat gain and water retention.

- When not using HCG
Pros - good morning erections, can usually achieve erection for sex but only if abstaining from masturbation. better sleep, more "alpha" mindset.
Cons - oily skin, acne prone. more prone to getting angry, less sensitive penis.

I am at a total loss for what to do here. I have been on for six years and in my mid/late 30s. Pre TRT test was 237. There is no way I can come off at this point, but I need to find a way to dail in. It seems like I can't get what I want out of TRT with just test, but that I introduce all other types of problems with HCG added in. I need to stay consistent, I can't keep changing protocols chasing symptoms.

Thyroid function is normal, I'm in good shape, pretty low body fat, not depressed or anxious, and eat a very clean diet.

Does HCG do something else, to progesterone, or some other pathway, that could be negatively affecting me even though my normal labs are in range?

Most importantly: where do I go from here and what protocol do I use? I'll go high or low dose, any injection frequency, I just need some guidance.
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Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
The biggest problem it sounds like to me is that you haven't been able to find a good doctor.
They have you all over the map it seems.
Let's go back a little bit.............what was THE best protocol you were ever on, the one where you felt the best with complete symptom resolution?
Any chance you have labs from that protocol as well?
If not, your latest labs would do.
The biggest problem it sounds like to me is that you haven't been able to find a good doctor.
They have you all over the map it seems.
Let's go back a little bit.............what was THE best protocol you were ever on, the one where you felt the best with complete symptom resolution?
Any chance you have labs from that protocol as well?
If not, your latest labs would do.

I tend to do a little better when I am on T only. The only issue I have there is that my skin gets bad compared to when I'm on HCG and that kills my confidence. I figure there has to be some way to get the right balance so that even if I'm on T only, my skin won't go nuts.

I heard daily injections cut down on the DHT and e2 spike, would that help at all, especially with libido and skin?
Can you post your thyroid numbers. Would be interesting to see them. TSH, free T4, free T3, reverse T3 and both antibodies.
I tend to do a little better when I am on T only. The only issue I have there is that my skin gets bad compared to when I'm on HCG and that kills my confidence. I figure there has to be some way to get the right balance so that even if I'm on T only, my skin won't go nuts.

I heard daily injections cut down on the DHT and e2 spike, would that help at all, especially with libido and skin?

Now you're talking, I felt the best on daily injections and believe some people just don't do very well on large or even moderate doses twice weekly. Also you should know the first 6 weeks after changing the dosages, all your levels will be fluctuating wildly during this 6 week period and after 6 weeks your levels will stabilize and these fluctuations will level out.

I'm 3 weeks into a new protocol and am currently experiencing fluctuations and is normal anytime you change the dosage or increase injection frequencies. I fully expect my nipples to start becoming sensitive and very hot in about 2 more weeks and know full well it will pass after 6 weeks as it always does after these fluctuations will level out.

HCG can cause mood problems and isn't for everyone, it can also increase estrogen. I'm not a fan of adding all these extra chemicals to my TRT protocol, it often ruins the good feeling TRT brings.

TRT will not work well if you are having thyroid problems, a thyroid panel recommended.
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Now you're talking, I felt the best on daily injections and believe some people just don't do very well on large or even moderate doses twice weekly. Also you should know the first 6 weeks after changing the dosages, all your levels will be fluctuating wildly during this 6 week period and after 6 weeks your levels will stabilize and these fluctuations will level out.

I'm 3 weeks into a new protocol and am currently experiencing fluctuations and is normal anytime you change the dosage or increase injection frequencies. HCG can cause mood problems and isn't for everyone, it can also increase estrogen. I'm not a fan of adding all these extra chemicals to my TRT protocol, it often ruins the good feeling TRT brings.

TRT will not work well if you are having thyroid problems, a thyroid panel recommended.

Thanks for the reply. My thyroid is normal, I just posted my numbers in a reply to someone else. I may think about daily injections if its a good route. What is a good daily injection dose? I imagine the 26mg my doctor is recommending is way too high.
Thanks for the reply. My thyroid is normal, I just posted my numbers in a reply to someone else. I may think about daily injections if its a good route. What is a good daily injection dose? I imagine the 26mg my doctor is recommending is way too high.
I do daily injections, inject 16 mg daily and HCG IU twice a week.
Ditto what's been said above.
My TRT went to different level once I got thyroid optimized.
Don't underestimate the value of optimizing any and all hormones completely.
Why not identify the doc who told you it was "all in your head"? How about the clinic that put you on a crazy protocol? I don't understand why folks want to cover up for a bad doc, or clinic, by keeping them anonymous. Rant off.
Now you're talking, I felt the best on daily injections and believe some people just don't do very well on large or even moderate doses twice weekly. Also you should know the first 6 weeks after changing the dosages, all your levels will be fluctuating wildly during this 6 week period and after 6 weeks your levels will stabilize and these fluctuations will level out.

I'm 3 weeks into a new protocol and am currently experiencing fluctuations and is normal anytime you change the dosage or increase injection frequencies. I fully expect my nipples to start becoming sensitive and very hot in about 2 more weeks and know full well it will pass after 6 weeks as it always does after these fluctuations will level out.

HCG can cause mood problems and isn't for everyone, it can also increase estrogen. I'm not a fan of adding all these extra chemicals to my TRT protocol, it often ruins the good feeling TRT brings.

TRT will not work well if you are having thyroid problems, a thyroid panel recommended.

Are you on testosterone monotherapy? I thought you were pretty much dialed in awhile ago?
Why not identify the doc who told you it was "all in your head"? How about the clinic that put you on a crazy protocol? I don't understand why folks want to cover up for a bad doc, or clinic, by keeping them anonymous. Rant off.

I just don't want to turn it into a thread where I am bashing a doctor or clinic, or into a discussion about that, because I'm seeking help for myself, and trying to stay on topic.
Ditto what's been said above.
My TRT went to different level once I got thyroid optimized.
Don't underestimate the value of optimizing any and all hormones completely.

My thyroid is in range apparently.

TSH: 1.2mcu/mL (range: <2.5)
T4 Free: 1.3 ng/mL (range: >1.5)
T3 Free: 3.3 pg/mL (range: >2.5)
Reverse T3: 131 pg/mL (range: 80-250)
I really can't say. I didn't know how I would handle it, injecting everyday. But now is just part of my morning routine. The only way you know is by trying.

I'm not concerned about the mental aspect of injecting daily, it wouldn't bother me. I guess I was just looking for advice on a new working protocol.
You have experience with all these protocols. You know what you “think” is going to work. Just try it. Daily injections make it easiest to narrow down where problem side effects may be coming from imo. No ups and downs there.

As far as sides like acne as such, I’d ignore them if I was feeling well. Address that issue separately once you feel great.

This is basically what got me to my most successful protocol.

I know what you're saying - I know that these protocols feel different - but none of them felt "dialed in".
I'm not concerned about the mental aspect of injecting daily, it wouldn't bother me. I guess I was just looking for advice on a new working protocol.
Here's my labs and protocol, 16 mg of testosterone cypionate daily, 500 iu of HCG twice a week, 25 mg of DHEA, 10mg of pregnenolone and no AI.

Testosterone serum 1117 ng/dL range 264 - 916
Free T 30.3 pg/mL range 6.6 - 18.1
DHEA - Sulfate 347.3 range 48.9 - 344.2
Estradiol, Sensitive 29.5 range 8.0 - 35.0
SHBG 48.8 range 19.3 - 76.4
HCT 47.9 range 37.5 - 51.0
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