Xyosted Question

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Booker Oso

New Member
Hello fellas,

My primary retired and I started up with a new PCP. She was okay with my TRT protocol. I didn’t know this before I left her office but she refilled my testosterone script with Xyosted. I did a search on this forum but didn’t find too much on it.

It’s expensive. With insurance, it was going to cost me $585. With GoodRx, I got my regular test syp for $36/month.

Anyone have experience with Xyosted?
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
Hello fellas,

My primary retired and I started up with a new PCP. She was okay with my TRT protocol. I didn’t know this before I left her office but she refilled my testosterone script with Xyosted. I did a search on this forum but didn’t find too much on it.

It’s expensive. With insurance, it was going to cost me $585. With GoodRx, I got my regular test syp for $36/month.

Anyone have experience with Xyosted?

We have a few members on here that were on Xyosted.

You must have been on once-weekly injections using 100 mg TC/week if your new doctor decided for whatever reason to push the Xyosted TE auto-injector on you.

Not sure if you were already injecting sub-q when using the TC as most men on trt are using TC/TE and injecting IM (shallow/deep) or strictly sub-q.

Xyosted auto-injector comes in three doses .5 mL (50/75/100mg T) which uses testosterone enanthate pre-loaded into an auto-injector and is meant to be injected subcutaneously.

The recommended starting dose is 75mg T/week but most men end up moving on to the 100mg T/week dose to achieve a higher-end TT/FT level.

Rare anyone would be on the 50mg T/week dose as it would have your trough TT/FT level too low.

Even then many jump on the 100mg T/week dose when starting.

To be honest it would be much more sensible and cost-effective to stick with your old protocol using a 10 mL vial 200 mg/mL strength of TC and inject strictly IM or sub-q using an LDS fixed insulin syringe 27-31G various needle lengths than the Xyosted auto-injector.

The downfall with Xyosted is you are stuck with a set dose (50/75/100 mg T) let alone are forced into the once-weekly injection protocol.

It may be convenient for some but the majority of men on trt are using a 10 mL vial (200 mg/mL strength) of TC/TE and injecting anywhere from 100-200 mg T/week and even then some men are using <100 mg T whether once-weekly, twice-weekly (every 3.5 days), M/W/F special, EOD or daily.

Not only is it more cost-effective but more importantly you have the freedom needed to tweak your protocol (dose T/injection frequency) which is critical when trying to find what works best for you let alone the freedom to run a much higher TT/FT level if needed.

Unless your insurance covered it and you were content with the 100 mg TE/week protocol then do what you feel is best but even then personally I would not waste my time.

Much more sensible using the standard 10 mL vials (200 mg/mL) strength and drawing/injecting using an LDS fixed insulin syringe.....easy peezy!

I would be calling up your doctor and demanding your 10 mL vial.

Good chance she is getting a kickback pushing Xyosted on you! Testosterone Injection | XYOSTED® (testosterone enanthate)

Look over some of the threads when you have time:

Hello fellas,

My primary retired and I started up with a new PCP. She was okay with my TRT protocol. I didn’t know this before I left her office but she refilled my testosterone script with Xyosted. I did a search on this forum but didn’t find too much on it.

It’s expensive. With insurance, it was going to cost me $585. With GoodRx, I got my regular test syp for $36/month.

Anyone have experience with Xyosted?
I have a somewhat unusual perspective on Xyosted.

I would agree with @madman - it is much cheaper to buy enanthate in a multi-use vial, and Xyosted gives you limited options. That said, for unknown reasons, Xyosted is about the only injectable form of TRT that I tolerate. All others trigger headaches. I suspect it may be due to the lack of alcohol, but I am honestly not sure. Even Xyosted has given me some issues, but I am currently trialing it (again) and seem to be doing well.

Many medications that are expensive have affordability programs that make the drug cheaper. You can ask a local pharmacist about it. Meanwhile, under the supervision of my doc, I have been using Xyosted 50mg twice a week. It is not offered this way, and you can't really get insurance to cover it this way, but this dosing schedule makes better sense than 100mg once a week. Supposedly, the half life is different than the half life of enanthate in a vial, so some if this is trial and error.

My doc and I figured out a way to get insurance to cover one Rx/month (I use a coupon and get a discount, but it's still somewhat pricey) and I use another online pharmacy to pay cash for a second prescription. Overall, the price is still much higher than what you'd pay for a simple vial of enanthate, but it seems to be working for me. Eventually, I will meet my deductible, and the Rx will be 100% covered.

Anyhow, just thought I'd share my experience for perspective.
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