Workout and Muscle Soreness Recovery

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I went to workout last Saturday after a long period of time. Today is Tuesday and my muscle still sore for some reason.

I took pre-workout suplement, Beta-Alanine, L-glutamine, creatinine to reduce workout recovery time. I took Whey protein after workout. My body never sore like this before. I worked out only for one hour.

I want to know if anyone can give me suggestion so that I can recover from workout faster. What supplement can I use to recover faster. I know after workout lot of lactic acid buildup in muscle that causes the soreness/ache. Usually when I regularly workout my muscle get used to it and I recover fast without soreness. Why this time taking so long to recover. Just wondering.
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
Hang in there. Went on TRT just after my 50th BD this year. Began lifting weights after a long lapse. I liken my recovery period and gains to what I experienced in my mid 30s. I work same body parts MWF with no issues. I take creatine.
I went to workout last Saturday after a long period of time. Today is Tuesday and my muscle still sore for some reason.

I took pre-workout suplement, Beta-Alanine, L-glutamine, creatinine to reduce workout recovery time. I took Whey protein after workout. My body never sore like this before. I worked out only for one hour.

I want to know if anyone can give me suggestion so that I can recover from workout faster. What supplement can I use to recover faster. I know after workout lot of lactic acid buildup in muscle that causes the soreness/ache.
Usually when I regularly workout my muscle get used to it and I recover fast without soreness. Why this time taking so long to recover. Just wondering.

This would be normal for most when taking a long break.

Regardless once you get back into the swing of things the body will adapt quickly as long as diet/rest is on par.

Whey protein pre/post workout can enhance recovery especially EAA/BCAAs.

Restoring glycogen can also help.

Cardiovascular training is one of the best ways to flush out excess lactic acid and can improve recovery.

Creatine/beta-alanine a great combo (work synergistically).
normal after a long layoff, the key is starting slow and gradual. train 3 days a week and increase intensity and volume.
I am back to normal. I have been doing every other day/three days a week and no more soreness after first week. You guys are absolutely right . I had been through this before but forgot. Even lifting heavy weight, does not ache my body anymore.I feel great again!!! Workout is integral part of out life.
I take whey protein, pre-workout supplement , BCAA, Creatine, beta-alanine

How do I restore glycogen? What supplement or food I need to consume to restore Glycogen?
I eat sweet potatoes to replenish my Glygen and as fiel for workout. I take pre-workout supplement also before workout. The strange problem is my body does not sore anymore next day even though I lift higher weight. I know no pain no gain. Is it still possible to gain muscle without being sore next day?
soreness is not a indicator of muscle growth. delayed onset soreness is caused by change, more reps, more weight, change in tempo, etc.
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I went to workout last Saturday after a long period of time. Today is Tuesday and my muscle still sore for some reason.

I took pre-workout suplement, Beta-Alanine, L-glutamine, creatinine to reduce workout recovery time. I took Whey protein after workout. My body never sore like this before. I worked out only for one hour.

I want to know if anyone can give me suggestion so that I can recover from workout faster. What supplement can I use to recover faster. I know after workout lot of lactic acid buildup in muscle that causes the soreness/ache. Usually when I regularly workout my muscle get used to it and I recover fast without soreness. Why this time taking so long to recover. Just wondering.
If DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) bothers me enough to interfere with sleep, I take ibuprofen. It works pretty well for this. You can also take ibuprofen 4 hours before weight lifting, though I have never tried that. Studies have indicated ibuprofen does not hurt muscle growth.

Massage after workout also reduces DOMS, though I have not tried that.

Eccentric type exercise causes more DOMS.

Lactic acid isn't the problem, lactic acid is removed in a few hours, a day at most. The problem is microdamage to muscles which causes inflammation, swelling from fluids, etc.

As you have discovered, if you regularly weight lift / exercise, DOMS tends to be minimal, though you can still get it.
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