muscle damage

  1. W

    Advice for short term Oxandrolone use

    Hi. It seems like this site is helpful and informative, so I'll give this a shot. First, my info: Part 1) I've never been a bodybuilder because I have no desire to be buffed. I have lifted weights for health reasons, but about 6 years ago I nearly destroyed my left elbow doing curls, and it was...
  2. R

    Workout and Muscle Soreness Recovery

    I went to workout last Saturday after a long period of time. Today is Tuesday and my muscle still sore for some reason. I took pre-workout suplement, Beta-Alanine, L-glutamine, creatinine to reduce workout recovery time. I took Whey protein after workout. My body never sore like this before. I...
  3. T

    Understanding Test Levels and Muscle Retention/Gains

    Thanks in advance for reading a rather lengthy post. o_O I am 90% happy with my TRT protocol, which I've been on for 5 years or so. So I'm not looking for advice on adjustments, but to better understand some specific questions. As an aside, my testosterone levels are on the higher side (900...
  4. Nelson Vergel

    Estradiol blunts muscle damage induced by exercise

    The influence of estradiol on muscle damage and leg strength after intense eccentric exercise. Minahan C, et al. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2015. Abstract PURPOSE: To examine the influence of estradiol on muscle damage and leg strength after intense eccentric exercise. METHODS: Eight men...
  5. Nelson Vergel

    Muscle Damage From Statins May Evade Blood Test

    Statin users with prolonged statin-related muscle pain may also experience muscle damage, even when a blood test used to identify muscle injury is normal, new research shows. Studies suggest that between 10% and 15% of patients who take cholesterol-lowering statin drugs like Crestor, Lipitor...