Why did you stop? I assume it wasn't doing enough of anything useful to warrant the injection hassles?
Nah it had nothing to do with the injections. Injections don’t bother me a bit, especially subQ injections. I currently take ipa and CJC, as well as GHK-Cu. Take them both in the AM and PM. So two injections AM, 2 injections PM. And for a bit I was doing daily IM injections for my test, deca and primo. Which I split into 2 syringes. Test in one, deca and primo in the other. So for a while i was doing 2 IM injections everyday. So overall injecting something would never prevent me from using it, if it was the best method of administration, and there were benefits to taking it
I stopped because I just wasnt sure if it was helping anything or not. It’s hard to notice subjective benefits from things sometimes. There’s just so many things that can affect how we feel and function on a daily basis. So it’s just hard to tell if say injectable prog is helping or hurting energy, or helping or hurting sexual function, or helping or hurting sleep. Just cuz there’s so many other things on a daily basis that can affect these things. Sometimes I would think it would be helping my mood, or sexual function, or sleep, but then when my mood would be slightly less than what I like, or energy wasn’t great, or my brain fog was slightly worse, during the time I was taking it, it’s hard to not think “well maybe it’s the prog making me not feel ideal today”. Overall, I just felt like I didn’t notice any consistent and discernible benefits from it, and sometimes I felt like maybe it could be making me feel worse. But again, it’s so hard to know what’s making u feel certain ways, especially when the changes are very subtle.
now I have the opposite problem, I can’t get my prog levels down for the life of me. They keep coming back around 1.4-1.6. Not taking anything that should be increasing prog levels this high. At least nothing that I’m aware of. I stopped taking HCG, and stopped taking lugols iodine, and hoping that it’s one of those that was elevating it. I’ve pretty much ruled out anything else that could possibly be doing it