Very High Testosterone Levels -

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This is my first post but i have been lurking for quite a few months and have been learning as much as I can. Despite this I haven't seen a question come up that would answer this for me.
Some stats on me;
44 yrs
Long history of weight training, sports and good nutrition
Never used any form of test or performance drugs in the past
Seemingly in good health until a few years ago i started to feel very tired. Eventually got my GP to do blood test and we found I was anemic. Hemoglobin levels we down to 88 on scale of 129-165.
Many tests later and after working with a Hematologist and several treatment protocols later we removed my spleen due to a autoimmune response that was driving down my hemoglobin.
This has worked well as far as Hemoglobin but it was determined I have a form of Leukemia. It is chronic but treatable and I have recovered well.
I was on prednisone for about 2 years and I feel if affected my testosterone levels and it never fully recovered. I started TRT in April of this year.
I have been feeling very good and have no negative side effects in how I feel.
My program is very basic, 110 MG of Enanthate/week split in 2 doses
Also taking desiccated thyroid, 1 tablet per day.
Here is the issue, i just did my first blood test and my testosterone is the highest I have ever heard of from such a small amount of test. Here are lab results;
Total test - 46.5 nmol/l range 7.6-31.4
Estradiol - 149 pmol/l - range anything less than 159 - Not feeling any side effects at all.
Hemoglobin - 166 - range 129-165
Hematocrit - .49 - range .39-.49

Has anyone seen such a high level of testosterone with such a low amount injected per week.
I haven't spoken to my doctor about this yet since I'm not sure he has even looked at it yet.

I am mostly curious about what can cause such high levels.
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
So that's about 1341 ng/DL total T.
Definitely on the higher end but not unreasonable.
Big question is how are you feeling?
If your symptoms are completely resolved I'd be hesitant to touch anything.
The number is what it is......
Thank you for joining the forum!

Everyone reacts differently so why you are getting higher than many would at that level of testosterone dose, it is not unheard of. Actually , most of us would love to get testosterone levels on a lower dose like that. How is your Free testosterone? That is more important that your Total Testosterone. Do you know what your SHBG is?

Very glad to hear that you are feeling very good.
When did you to labs in relationship to when you injected testosterone?
I did the test on Saturday morning right before I was due to take my next shot, so technically this would have been at my trough. I do Tuesday night and Saturday morning shots.
Thank you for joining the forum!

Everyone reacts differently so why you are getting higher than many would at that level of testosterone dose, it is not unheard of. Actually , most of us would love to get testosterone levels on a lower dose like that. How is your Free testosterone? That is more important that your Total Testosterone. Do you know what your SHBG is?

Very glad to hear that you are feeling very good.
I don't know my SHBG or Free test. My doctor never tested for it. I suspect its because i am in Canada and this doctor works through the provincial health care system. They likely only cover certain things to be tested. Plus he is focused much more on symptoms rather than numbers.
So that's about 1341 ng/DL total T.
Definitely on the higher end but not unreasonable.
Big question is how are you feeling?
If your symptoms are completely resolved I'd be hesitant to touch anything.
The number is what it is......
No negative symptoms at all. If I felt this way the rest of my life I would be very happy about that. More muscle mass, less body fat, better recovery, more energy, mood is better.
I don't know my SHBG or Free test. My doctor never tested for it. I suspect its because i am in Canada and this doctor works through the provincial health care system. They likely only cover certain things to be tested. Plus he is focused much more on symptoms rather than numbers.
With all due respect, if you think knowing what your Free T and SHBG are, are "just numbers" then........ okay. Total Testosterone is typically meaningless and it is the Free T, that you are unaware of, that is helping you feel so good. The SHBG binds to the majority of your testosterone making it inactive so while only 2% or 3% of your Total Testosterone is Free, it is that small fraction which is helping you feel better.

I'm glad you feel so good. I hope it remains that way for you. One day, if you stay on TRT, you will want to know what your Free T and SHBG are.
This is my present protocol,16 mg of testosterone cypionate daily, 500 iu of HCG twice a week, 25 mg of DHEA and no AI.

testosterone serum 1117 ng/dL range 264 - 916
Free T 30.3 pg/mL range 6.6 - 18.1
DHEA - Sulfate 347.3 range 48.9 - 344.2
Estradiol, Sensitive 29.5 range 8.0 - 35.0
SHBG 48.8 range 19.3 - 76.4
HCT 47.9 range 37.5 - 51.0

This is the one I had before my present one, and I did feel awesome. I lowered my dose because I thought my levels were too high.

20mg of testosterone cypionate daily, 500iu of HCG every 3 1/2 days and 25mg of dhea daily'

T serum >1500 range 264-916
FT 39.4 range 6.6-18.1
dhea 228.6 range 48.9-344.2
estradiol 43.7 range 8.0-35.0
shbg 74.9 range 19.4-76.4
This is my present protocol,16 mg of testosterone cypionate daily, 500 iu of HCG twice a week, 25 mg of DHEA and no AI.

testosterone serum 1117 ng/dL range 264 - 916
Free T 30.3 pg/mL range 6.6 - 18.1
DHEA - Sulfate 347.3 range 48.9 - 344.2
Estradiol, Sensitive 29.5 range 8.0 - 35.0
SHBG 48.8 range 19.3 - 76.4
HCT 47.9 range 37.5 - 51.0

This is the one I had before my present one, and I did feel awesome. I lowered my dose because I thought my levels were too high.

20mg of testosterone cypionate daily, 500iu of HCG every 3 1/2 days and 25mg of dhea daily'

T serum >1500 range 264-916
FT 39.4 range 6.6-18.1
dhea 228.6 range 48.9-344.2
estradiol 43.7 range 8.0-35.0
shbg 74.9 range 19.4-76.4

That’s interesting, you have quite high numbers on a small dosage as well. It would be interesting to know why everyone has such a wide range of results. What is the mechanism that causes someone to metabolize it so quickly and others so much more slowly?
It all boils down to shot frequency and how your body metabolizes the drug. If you have higher shbg (I would bet good money you do) then it would over state your Total Testosterone and your Free Testosterone will be lower. Probably within range I'd imagine but still it's probably not as impressive as your Total. If you were injecting once weekly I bet that number would be lower but your probably on the right track.
This is my present protocol,16 mg of testosterone cypionate daily, 500 iu of HCG twice a week, 25 mg of DHEA and no AI.

testosterone serum 1117 ng/dL range 264 - 916
Free T 30.3 pg/mL range 6.6 - 18.1
DHEA - Sulfate 347.3 range 48.9 - 344.2
Estradiol, Sensitive 29.5 range 8.0 - 35.0
SHBG 48.8 range 19.3 - 76.4
HCT 47.9 range 37.5 - 51.0

This is the one I had before my present one, and I did feel awesome. I lowered my dose because I thought my levels were too high.

20mg of testosterone cypionate daily, 500iu of HCG every 3 1/2 days and 25mg of dhea daily'

T serum >1500 range 264-916
FT 39.4 range 6.6-18.1
dhea 228.6 range 48.9-344.2
estradiol 43.7 range 8.0-35.0
shbg 74.9 range 19.4-76.4
Vince, thinking on going to daily from twice weekly to control estrogen as I was at total T 995 and Estradiol 49. ANy idea what your estrogen was when you were twice weekly with no AI?
Vince, thinking on going to daily from twice weekly to control estrogen as I was at total T 995 and Estradiol 49. ANy idea what your estrogen was when you were twice weekly with no AI?
I didn't go on a daily injection to control my estradiol levels, they were already good. I did it in hopes of controlling my HCT, which did stabilize after I started daily injection. up to that point I was donating blood every 8 weeks, after starting daily's I haven't donated at all. I don't know if my HCT stabilized because of the injection or just because of long-term trt.
I didn't go on a daily injection to control my estradiol levels, they were already good. I did it in hopes of controlling my HCT, which did stabilize after I started daily injection. up to that point I was donating blood every 8 weeks, after starting daily's I haven't donated at all. I don't know if my HCT stabilized because of the injection or just because of long-term trt.
What did your HCT go from to and stabilize at? good to know. what point on the syringe do you measure 16 mg (200 T vial) I am using a 1 ml 26ga. Thanks
This is my first post but i have been lurking for quite a few months and have been learning as much as I can. Despite this I haven't seen a question come up that would answer this for me.
Some stats on me;
44 yrs
Long history of weight training, sports and good nutrition
Never used any form of test or performance drugs in the past
Seemingly in good health until a few years ago i started to feel very tired. Eventually got my GP to do blood test and we found I was anemic. Hemoglobin levels we down to 88 on scale of 129-165.
Many tests later and after working with a Hematologist and several treatment protocols later we removed my spleen due to a autoimmune response that was driving down my hemoglobin.
This has worked well as far as Hemoglobin but it was determined I have a form of Leukemia. It is chronic but treatable and I have recovered well.
I was on prednisone for about 2 years and I feel if affected my testosterone levels and it never fully recovered. I started TRT in April of this year.
I have been feeling very good and have no negative side effects in how I feel.
My program is very basic, 110 MG of Enanthate/week split in 2 doses
Also taking desiccated thyroid, 1 tablet per day.
Here is the issue, i just did my first blood test and my testosterone is the highest I have ever heard of from such a small amount of test. Here are lab results;
Total test - 46.5 nmol/l range 7.6-31.4
Estradiol - 149 pmol/l - range anything less than 159 - Not feeling any side effects at all.
Hemoglobin - 166 - range 129-165
Hematocrit - .49 - range .39-.49

Has anyone seen such a high level of testosterone with such a low amount injected per week.
I haven't spoken to my doctor about this yet since I'm not sure he has even looked at it yet.

I am mostly curious about what can cause such high levels.
This is my first post but i have been lurking for quite a few months and have been learning as much as I can. Despite this I haven't seen a question come up that would answer this for me.
Some stats on me;
44 yrs
Long history of weight training, sports and good nutrition
Never used any form of test or performance drugs in the past
Seemingly in good health until a few years ago i started to feel very tired. Eventually got my GP to do blood test and we found I was anemic. Hemoglobin levels we down to 88 on scale of 129-165.
Many tests later and after working with a Hematologist and several treatment protocols later we removed my spleen due to a autoimmune response that was driving down my hemoglobin.
This has worked well as far as Hemoglobin but it was determined I have a form of Leukemia. It is chronic but treatable and I have recovered well.
I was on prednisone for about 2 years and I feel if affected my testosterone levels and it never fully recovered. I started TRT in April of this year.
I have been feeling very good and have no negative side effects in how I feel.
My program is very basic, 110 MG of Enanthate/week split in 2 doses
Also taking desiccated thyroid, 1 tablet per day.
Here is the issue, i just did my first blood test and my testosterone is the highest I have ever heard of from such a small amount of test. Here are lab results;
Total test - 46.5 nmol/l range 7.6-31.4
Estradiol - 149 pmol/l - range anything less than 159 - Not feeling any side effects at all.
Hemoglobin - 166 - range 129-165
Hematocrit - .49 - range .39-.49

Has anyone seen such a high level of testosterone with such a low amount injected per week.
I haven't spoken to my doctor about this yet since I'm not sure he has even looked at it yet.

I am mostly curious about what can cause such high levels.

If the reported value reflects your average T level from a blood draw at the mid-point between injections, I'd say the value was high for TRT. Even if your value reflects a post-injection spike, given your injection frequency, it sounds like you would be at or above the normal upper bound T levels. I would keep an eye on your hematocrit so you can address blood thickening issues if it keeps rising. Periodic blood donations could be a self-help way to manage that, unless your past history of leukemia is a permanent deferral.
If the reported value reflects your average T level from a blood draw at the mid-point between injections, I'd say the value was high for TRT. Even if your value reflects a post-injection spike, given your injection frequency, it sounds like you would be at or above the normal upper bound T levels. I would keep an eye on your hematocrit so you can address blood thickening issues if it keeps rising. Periodic blood donations could be a self-help way to manage that, unless your past history of leukemia is a permanent deferral.
My hematologist has told me I can’t donate blood due to my leukaemia diagnosis so I would have to go the route of phlebotomy.
Just as way of experimentation for the past couple weeks I dropped my dosage down to 80mg/week. I still feel fine but I would say my libido is a bit lower. I will go back to full dosage for a couple of weeks and see if I feel any positive or negative changes.
FYI, my blood test results were at trough, just before next injection.
Beyond Testosterone Book by Nelson Vergel
Your really flying blind in my opinion. You state that you changed dosage a few weeks ago and you will go back to full dosage for a few weeks.You have the wrong Estradiol test and you never tested your Free Testosterone nor your SHBG. Changing you protocol for a few weeks at a time is not enough time to reach a steady state, which takes a minimum of 6 weeks, to actually see how you might feel on a specific dosage.
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