TRT & Libido


New Member
I just had my doctor (3rd doctor i have seen) put me on testosterone cypionate 1.5ml every two weeks and HCG twice a week. My T levels came back in the low 300s. I feel horrible some days and my fiancé (god bless her) tells me I have horrible mood swings. One day I am on top of the world and the next day I want to sleep for a week. I was reading that the cocktail my doctor put me on might kill my sex drive and my give me ED is this true? I thought this therapy was supposed to help me feel better? I am now thinking about trashing everything and just hope for the best. I love sex with my fiancé and I don't want to stop. What should I do? Oh and since i started feeling bad my workouts are bad and I even stopped wrestling and boxing. I have no drive. I used to train wrestling 9 times a week and hit the gym 5 days a week. I am 33 years old. I am also having 2nd thoughts about getting married in April because of this. Is there hope? Is my sex life going to go in the trash after I start?
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If I had a dollar for every time I had to write this I wouldn't have to pay a bar tab for the next year!

First off 1.5 ml is equal to 300 mg which is a huge single dose of Testosterone for TRT purposes.

Also, you are injecting this huge dose only once every two weeks which is all wrong!

Testosterone has a half life of about 6 days when injected so your Doctor has seated you on a hormonal roller coaster and WHY you feel good some days and like shit on others; your Testosterone serum levels are spiking and then tanking before your next injection.

This plays havoc on your endocrine system and probably has raised your Estrogen levels to a very high level which could be expected based on this injection protocol. Some of the symptoms of elevated Estrogen in men is no to little libido and ED...just like you present.

You need to talk to your Doctor about doing weekly injections (better yet, twice a week) of 100 mg (or two 50 mg) injections.

This will go a long way to make you feel normal as you serum levels stabilize.

You need to get blood work done to see where you are at and look for another Doctor who really understands Testosterone Replacement for men.

Read the stickies on the Testosterone forum and start to educate yourself as well; the educated man is a wise man in this game.
Thank you for your response. 8 months ago my T levels where at 320. My doctor put me on Clomid for 6 months. I went back to my doctor and got retested because my fiancé said i was getting bad mood swings she thought the Clomid stopped working. My T levels came back at 397. I have been to 3 doctors and one Low T center. I wanted to punch the people at the Low T center. [/FONT]

I have not started my TRT (i have everything just sitting in my bathroom) because i was reading in some forums that it could kill my sex drive. I still wake up with morning wood. But I am scared to kill my sex drive. More so because the fiancé wants to have a baby ASAP..
My doctor said he only wants to put me on TRT for 6 months then start PCT and Clomid.
I like the idea of splitting the injections up.
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Milladog, have you been using the testosterone yet or not? I'm confused by your first post and the following one. Take heed of Gene's advice. ;)
I have not started anything. I got everything but I have not started it yet. I wanted to read more about everything I was going to take first before starting.
Reading first was a great idea, Doing what Gene said would be a better one. Twice a week injections are the best approach. It's called the law of small numbers.. What goes up a little comes down a little. The other approach goes up BIG and comes down BIG! Those swings aren't fun!
Get on Gene's stack also! One of the biggest swings I've seen was when I started on Icariin 60 !!! I hope it last but that product rocks!!!
Reading first was a great idea, Doing what Gene said would be a better one. Twice a week injections are the best approach. It's called the law of small numbers.. What goes up a little comes down a little. The other approach goes up BIG and comes down BIG! Those swings aren't fun!
Get on Gene's stack also! One of the biggest swings I've seen was when I started on Icariin 60 !!! I hope it last but that product rocks!!!

Icariin 60 included in my stack is fantastic!!!

Icarrin is a natural PDE5i just like Cialis and Viagra.
It's not that critical. Pick two days that work best for you fairly evenly spread apart. Ie Monday and Thursday. Due to the Half-Life you will have steady levels .
Agree with Gene high dose infrequently is recipe for failure. Also it speaks volumes as to the competency of your Doc. Personally I would find another.

Knowing your body and your labs is key what's your SHBG etc.

I inject EOD sub-q as I have low SHBG and that's what works for me.

Trt is and art and you don't hit the mark immediately. Each of us is different

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