Just got my 6 weeks labs back after switching to Defy for HCG.
Initial labs at consult were:
Total T 1117 ng/dl range 264-916
Free T 29.7 pg/ml range 7.2-24.0
Estradiol sens 45.3pg/ml range 8.0-35
Shbg 46.2 nmol/l range 19.3-76.4
DHEA-s 116 ug/dl range 71.6-375.4
Progesterone .4g/dL range 0-.5
After adding DHEA 25mg daily, HCG 500 iu E3.5d, anastrozole .125 E3.5d, lowering my T dose to 40mg E3.5d from 50mg my results now are:
Total T 863
Free T 33.7
Estradiol 24.4
DHEA 468.2
Shbg 38.0
Progesterone .4
The obvious I need to lower the daily dose of DHEA. Larger question is Total testosterone to Free ratio. If you go by labcorp standards I am 33pg/ml. If I evaluate based on SHBG and Albumin through the calculator it is closer to 19pg/ml. What are your thoughts on proper method to evaluate free T? My doc that manages my Hemotology covers my T prescription to allow insurance reimbursement. He gets a little cautious when I am over top of range, but I feel better closer to 1000 total T. Thoughts?
Initial labs at consult were:
Total T 1117 ng/dl range 264-916
Free T 29.7 pg/ml range 7.2-24.0
Estradiol sens 45.3pg/ml range 8.0-35
Shbg 46.2 nmol/l range 19.3-76.4
DHEA-s 116 ug/dl range 71.6-375.4
Progesterone .4g/dL range 0-.5
After adding DHEA 25mg daily, HCG 500 iu E3.5d, anastrozole .125 E3.5d, lowering my T dose to 40mg E3.5d from 50mg my results now are:
Total T 863
Free T 33.7
Estradiol 24.4
DHEA 468.2
Shbg 38.0
Progesterone .4
The obvious I need to lower the daily dose of DHEA. Larger question is Total testosterone to Free ratio. If you go by labcorp standards I am 33pg/ml. If I evaluate based on SHBG and Albumin through the calculator it is closer to 19pg/ml. What are your thoughts on proper method to evaluate free T? My doc that manages my Hemotology covers my T prescription to allow insurance reimbursement. He gets a little cautious when I am over top of range, but I feel better closer to 1000 total T. Thoughts?