Would like to get some thoughts/opinions on my new protocol. I will start by listing previous protocol and the labs from latest blood work. I felt pretty good here, injections were e3.5d, I wanted to move to a Mon-Wed-Fri injections rather than raise my AI as E2 was slightly high.
Test CYP 70mg e3.5d
HCG 400ui e3.5d
AI .22 mg Mon-Wed-Fri
DHEA 25mg nightly
on this my blood work was...
Total T 840 348-1197 ng/dL
Free T 18 6.8-21.5 pg/mL
Estradiol Sensitive 35.5 8.0-35.0 pg/mL
SHBG 26.9 16.5-55.9 nmol/L
new protocol is...
Test CYP 48mg on Mon-Wed-Fri
HCG 300ui on Mon-Wed-Fri
AI .22mg on Mon-Wed-Fri
DHEA 25 mg nightly
DIM 100mg daily (have not started this yet)
My worries are...
Every time I see someone going to a more freq injection the total mg of Testosterone taken weekly seems to decrease. In my case I will be adding 4mg per week. My goal of the move was to take less Test CYP more often in hopes of reducing my AI. I am a converter, no denying that. But if at all possible I would not like to increase the AI. Anyway, just wanted to get some thoughts on the new protocol. I started it this morning, all but the DIM as I do not have any yet.
Test CYP 70mg e3.5d
HCG 400ui e3.5d
AI .22 mg Mon-Wed-Fri
DHEA 25mg nightly
on this my blood work was...
Total T 840 348-1197 ng/dL
Free T 18 6.8-21.5 pg/mL
Estradiol Sensitive 35.5 8.0-35.0 pg/mL
SHBG 26.9 16.5-55.9 nmol/L
new protocol is...
Test CYP 48mg on Mon-Wed-Fri
HCG 300ui on Mon-Wed-Fri
AI .22mg on Mon-Wed-Fri
DHEA 25 mg nightly
DIM 100mg daily (have not started this yet)
My worries are...
Every time I see someone going to a more freq injection the total mg of Testosterone taken weekly seems to decrease. In my case I will be adding 4mg per week. My goal of the move was to take less Test CYP more often in hopes of reducing my AI. I am a converter, no denying that. But if at all possible I would not like to increase the AI. Anyway, just wanted to get some thoughts on the new protocol. I started it this morning, all but the DIM as I do not have any yet.
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