Testosterone propionate for TRT

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Hey guys,

I just want to report my experience with testosterone Propionate. I would love to hear anyone else’s experience.

I had been on TRT for two years. I was on Test Cyp for 2 years. I felt better on than of first it but I would get flu like symptoms with it, fatigue, no recovery for exercise, didn’t get the “zest” for life that others experienced..... Enter the world of Testostetone Propionate... I went on Testosterone Propionate two months ago and it greatly improved my previous suffering symptoms. It gave me the zest for life. It greatly improved my physical and mental energy. I can recover from workouts easily, I still ofcourse get pain from strength training but the severity of the pain and the recovering time is close to 1/10th. Flu symptoms went away. I read that people called this “testosterone flu.”

I also have hypothyroidism and have been thyroid medication for two years. I should mention that I thought I was low cortisol but my tests came in at top range. So, if you are TRT, have fatigue and your thyroid and cortisol is optimal, please consider testosterone Propionate, it may work wonders for you!
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
What are/were your injection frequencies? One hypothesis is that there may be benefits in restoring some kind of diurnal variation to hormone levels.
What are/were your injection frequencies? One hypothesis is that there may be benefits in restoring some kind of diurnal variation to hormone levels.
When I was testosterone Cyp I injected 22mg, everyday. With testosterone Propionate I inject 20mg everyday.

I read that at one point. I think it may have to do with that. Having those highs and low, less conversion to estrogen.

I forgot to mention that my estrogen levels have decreased as well. My doctor lowered my arimidex to .5 twice a week.
Hey guys,

I just want to report my experience with testosterone Propionate. I would love to hear anyone else’s experience.

I had been on TRT for two years. I was on Test Cyp for 2 years. I felt better on than of first it but I would get flu like symptoms with it, fatigue, no recovery for exercise, didn’t get the “zest” for life that others experienced..... Enter the world of Testostetone Propionate... I went on Testosterone Propionate two months ago and it greatly improved my previous suffering symptoms. It gave me the zest for life. It greatly improved my physical and mental energy. I can recover from workouts easily, I still ofcourse get pain from strength training but the severity of the pain and the recovering time is close to 1/10th. Flu symptoms went away. I read that people called this “testosterone flu.”

I also have hypothyroidism and have been thyroid medication for two years. I should mention that I thought I was low cortisol but my tests came in at top range. So, if you are TRT, have fatigue and your thyroid and cortisol is optimal, please consider testosterone Propionate, it may work wonders for you!
Thank you for this thread, I too haven’t necessarily felt that great on testosterone cypionate myself and I’m also on thyroid medication. I felt amazing at first but after a while I felt just like how I did before I got on TRT but just better performance in the gym.

With test cyp I’ve noticed a little bit of hair shedding and a little bit of acne, I’m hoping that switching might help.
That's interesting.
So the only variable you changed was the type of Testosterone, Cypionate to Propionate and that resolved your symptoms?
When I made a trial run with Prop it wasn't good and I couldn't do it with some sides after like 2-3 weeks it was intolerable. But reflecting back on it they had me I'll say 25-28mg per day which was A LOT all things considered.

Going to try Enanthate now for the same reasons, some guys report they do better on it in a general sense and I'm hoping it may aromatase a little less for me.
Thanks for sharing Vince.
So you had to lower your Prop dose when compared with Cypionate or Enanthate?
And by how much?
For example, say I'm doing 25mg of Enanthate daily right now, would you equate that to 20mg of Prop daily?
Thanks for sharing Vince.
So you had to lower your Prop dose when compared with Cypionate or Enanthate?
And by how much?
For example, say I'm doing 25mg of Enanthate daily right now, would you equate that to 20mg of Prop daily?
25 mg TE * 72% T_in_TE = 18 mg T
20 mg TP * 83.7% T_in_TP = 16.7 mg T
Pretty close, but it actually takes about 21.5 mg TP to equal 25 mg of TE.
Thanks for sharing Vince.
So you had to lower your Prop dose when compared with Cypionate or Enanthate?
And by how much?
For example, say I'm doing 25mg of Enanthate daily right now, would you equate that to 20mg of Prop daily?

I know switching to Prop we dropped the dose a few milligrams but now switching to Enanthate we kept the same daily dose, 16mg. If you switched to Prop I think a change from 25-20 would be a good start point.
Been reading a bit on test prop today, and I'm surprised it's not more commonly suggested. Seems like guys spend a lot of time trying to get dialed in on Cypionate, a lot of them with no success.

Test prop offers the ability to mimic some degree of dinural variation, with less E2 conversion. I'll have to talk with Dr. Says about it.
Test prop offers the ability to mimic some degree of dinural variation, with less E2 conversion. ...
Is there any hard evidence for reduced estradiol creation? I've been playing around with some simulations based on a published model. So far they are not pointing to changes in average estradiol, but they do suggest that higher injection frequency results in lower peaks and shallower troughs.
Is there any hard evidence for reduced estradiol creation? I've been playing around with some simulations based on a published model. So far they are not pointing to changes in average estradiol, but they do suggest that higher injection frequency results in lower peaks and shallower troughs.

I've only had time to read some anecdotal reports stating this. More frequent injections will almost always result in smoother serum levels, but that's not what I'm after. I want more daily variation, and not to have constant high normal test levels. I've been there and done that.
When I was testosterone Cyp I injected 22mg, everyday. With testosterone Propionate I inject 20mg everyday.

I read that at one point. I think it may have to do with that. Having those highs and low, less conversion to estrogen.

I forgot to mention that my estrogen levels have decreased as well. My doctor lowered my arimidex to .5 twice a week.

What was your ai dose before? So your doctor lowered you ai dose, and your E2 actually went DOWN?
Does Test Prop have to be injected everyday, or can it be injected EOD? I just did a good amount of research on prop, and I’m surprised more guys don’t use it for TRT. Seems like guys are having great experiences on prop. I read a lot of reports about guys feeling better going from a long esther testosterone to prop as well. And it would drastically shorten up the time needed to get bloodwork done, which would be convenient, and would decrease drastically the time it would take to get dialed in. I also figured out the answer to my own question. If SHBG is moderate to high, you can inject EOD, although ED would still most likely be optimal.
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Beyond Testosterone Book by Nelson Vergel
When I made a trial run with Prop it wasn't good and I couldn't do it with some sides after like 2-3 weeks it was intolerable. But reflecting back on it they had me I'll say 25-28mg per day which was A LOT all things considered.

Going to try Enanthate now for the same reasons, some guys report they do better on it in a general sense and I'm hoping it may aromatase a little less for me.

So on prop you were doing 175mg-196mg/ week? Aren’t you on a much lower dose now and doing well? Do you think you would of done better on prop if you tried the dose that you’re on now?
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