Starting TRT on a Cut?

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I've received endocrinology treatment for about 9 months now, but just started TRT 1 month ago. I'm going on my honeymoon (viva la Mexico!) in March, so I've been cutting for that. This may be in my head, but it's seemed a lot harder to drop weight since introducing exogenous testosterone.

I've stalled at 12.5% BF, and my goal was to get down to 9% by early March.

Of course, I may just be eating too much (always the key thing to consider), but I've been tracking/measuring pretty diligently, and based on past experiences, I should be dropping fat more rapidly.

My question is: Is it realistic -- or foolish -- to begin TRT on a cut? Am I wasting the potential for "newbie gains"? If that is the case, then it's certainly worth it to have a little extra padding around my midsection on the beach. Muscle is hard to come by.
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
Hypertrophy is much easier to achieve with more T in your system. Of course you may be holding more water if you have elevated E2. You basically have 3 choices:

1. Cut calories back further.
2. Maintain calories combined with a training regime (cardio & weights).
3. Cut calories combined with a training regime (cardio & weights).

It should be noted, most bodybuilders will come off testosterone when cutting for a competition though they usually get stupidly shredded to the point which is not sustainable. It's not too difficult getting low body fat levels on low levels of exogenous test.
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Beyond Testosterone Book by Nelson Vergel
It should be noted, most bodybuilders will come off testosterone when cutting for a competition though they usually get stupidly shredded to the point which is not sustainable. It's not too difficult getting low body fat levels on low levels of exogenous test.

Interesting point. I should have noted that I am on a training regimen, lifting 4 days a week, and make sure I hit at least 10K steps a day.
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