I started taking Leo/Livo thyroid meds, DHEA, Test-Cyp and HCG on Saturday. These are my first impressions:
For the first time in a very long time, I have managed to go the whole day without taking a nap.
My sleep is deeper and I am not waking up very much if at all in the middle of the night to pee. Being on a CPAP machine, this is priceless.
I have a great deal more energy.
The dark circles under my eyes are starting to change and fade.
I had a morning erection the other day for the first time in a very long time.
Granted, I'm not on a very big dose (10mg ED) of testosterone and HCG (100 IU ED) but I think together with the thyroid meds, it's making an impact on the quality of my life.
Two side effects:
I'm able to push myself a hell of a lot of harder and further on my daily swims resulting in a lot more stiffness/aches/soreness. That, however, will pass if I am able to stick to going to the pool every day.
My appetite has greatly increased. As I'm obese, I'm going to have to come up with a plan for that.
Reading through this forum, I've read about the honeymoon period of TRT. I wouldn't say that I'm on a honeymoon quite yet, but I certainly feel better, however, small, than I have in a very long time. It may have been as long as 35 years since I've felt this good emotionally.
For the first time in a very long time, I have managed to go the whole day without taking a nap.
My sleep is deeper and I am not waking up very much if at all in the middle of the night to pee. Being on a CPAP machine, this is priceless.
I have a great deal more energy.
The dark circles under my eyes are starting to change and fade.
I had a morning erection the other day for the first time in a very long time.
Granted, I'm not on a very big dose (10mg ED) of testosterone and HCG (100 IU ED) but I think together with the thyroid meds, it's making an impact on the quality of my life.
Two side effects:
I'm able to push myself a hell of a lot of harder and further on my daily swims resulting in a lot more stiffness/aches/soreness. That, however, will pass if I am able to stick to going to the pool every day.
My appetite has greatly increased. As I'm obese, I'm going to have to come up with a plan for that.
Reading through this forum, I've read about the honeymoon period of TRT. I wouldn't say that I'm on a honeymoon quite yet, but I certainly feel better, however, small, than I have in a very long time. It may have been as long as 35 years since I've felt this good emotionally.
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