Progesterone Dose for Men

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For me there may be some correlation between progesterone use and the quality and frequency of nocturnal erections. Effects on libido seem transitory. The most obvious positive effects are on mood and sleep. More subtly, there's the reduction in estrogenic activity, which can be good or bad, depending on the circumstances. I think supplementation is worth trying for anyone who has low levels. As with all hormones, too much is going to be a problem; without better knowledge it seems prudent to target mid-range serum levels.

Libido is obviously a complex phenomenon. A lot of things need to be working right to have it. I've speculated previously that the complexity of generating erections acts as a genetic fitness test of sorts. The concept might be extended to libido: Is it a test for properly functioning hormones and neurotransmitters? In any case, TRT disrupts several upstream hormones, and I've found that at least for me the loss of LH and GnRH contributes to reduced libido.

I appreciate the post. Is there a company you trust in regards to HCG overseas?? The name that I used was "ZyhCGHP" Marketed by "German Remedies" Orange lettering and packaging on vial. Is there a way to tell if it's potent or working?? My doctor refuses to write a prescription for HCG.

I can't tell if it's working or not? When I stopped using it about 5 months ago. I noticed fatigue... no desire to really do anything. I haven't even been going to the gym as consistent. As in sexual function... I don't feel my libido changed much while using it? Thanks for your previous post! You're a big help! Much appreciated!
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
A number of guys have reported good results ordering hCG through or If you search the forum you'll find some of the particular brands mentioned, which include Zyhcg, Ovidac and Fertigyn.

Interestingly, with the right kind of pregnancy test you can get an idea of the potency of your hCG. It's discussed in this thread:
What’s everyone’s thoughts on timing of prog? It seems to be common that people take prog at night because of its conversion into allopregnenolone, and allopregnenolone being a positive modulator of GABA, but prog can also convert into cortisol. Is there an argument to possibly use prog in the morning, due to its possible conversion into cortisol? @Cataceous @Gianluca

Seems like quite a few guys say that pregnenolone gives them energy, and therefore they take in in the am. I wonder if this increase in energy has anything to do with preg converting into prog, and then prog increasing their cortisol levels
What’s everyone’s thoughts on timing of prog? It seems to be common that people take prog at night because of its conversion into allopregnenolone, and allopregnenolone being a positive modulator of GABA, but prog can also convert into cortisol. Is there an argument to possibly use prog in the morning, due to its possible conversion into cortisol? @Cataceous @Gianluca
Probably an individual thing. I always find progesterone to be sedating, meaning bedtime dosing makes sense.
What’s everyone’s thoughts on timing of prog? It seems to be common that people take prog at night because of its conversion into allopregnenolone, and allopregnenolone being a positive modulator of GABA, but prog can also convert into cortisol. Is there an argument to possibly use prog in the morning, due to its possible conversion into cortisol? @Cataceous @Gianluca

Seems like quite a few guys say that pregnenolone gives them energy, and therefore they take in in the am. I wonder if this increase in energy has anything to do with preg converting into prog, and then prog increasing their cortisol levels
I don’t think it works that way, generally cortisol peaks in the am and goes down at night, it doesn’t mean that if you take Prog at night it will convert into cortisol immediately, in order words, I believe circadian rhythm is what dictates the production of cortisol. However, taking Pregnenolone at night, for my self can be a hit or miss, it is ether calming or it does feel like producing a energy similar to cortisol.

I now do well with the Progesterone cream 12.5mg at night, I actually felt last week I lost some benefits on sleep and calmness during the day I noticed in the beginning, I may try to go up in dose. My Progesterone serum in the am came back at .4 on the Labcorp scale
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I don’t think it works that way, generally cortisol peaks in the am and goes down at night, it doesn’t mean that if you take Prog at night it will convert into cortisol immediately, in order words, I believe circadian rhythm is what dictates the production of cortisol. However, for myself taking Pregnenolone at night can be a hit or miss, it is ether calming or it does feel like producing a energy similar to cortisol.

I now do well with the Progesterone cream 12.5mg at night, I actually felt last week I lost some benefits on sleep and calmness during the day I noticed in the beginning, I may try to go up in dose. My Progesterone serum in the am came back at .4 on the Labcorp scale
Can you remind me of your full protocol?
.13 daily IM test CYP, but need to go to .15
Just lowered my NP thyroid to 1/4 from half grain
50mg Pregnenolone cream
12.5mg Progesterone cream
1-3mg melatonin

this is just the HRT stuff
I am curious how .25 of a grain does anything. I am trying to go by my FT3 and RT3. when I am on 2 grains and have 3.1 FT3 and 8 RT3 with TSH around 0.06 and FT4 of .7 I wonder if I need to cut back given I notice a bump in heart rate. What do you manage your dose to? FT3? TSH? symptoms? Thank you!
I am curious how .25 of a grain does anything. I am trying to go by my FT3 and RT3. when I am on 2 grains and have 3.1 FT3 and 8 RT3 with TSH around 0.06 and FT4 of .7 I wonder if I need to cut back given I notice a bump in heart rate. What do you manage your dose to? FT3? TSH? symptoms? Thank you!
What is the heart rate?
What is the heart rate?
Kind of confusing. I had been on 50mg of Metoprolol for 6 months. I am 59 wanted a cardiologist relationship so my first meeting he said Bystolic is the best for heart rate control. I went to 5mg Bystolic but not quite enough so I added back 25mg of Metoprolol for now until I meet with him this week to go up to 10mg Bystolic. I am 59 with a slight high HR can run 80 on nothing and 150-80 on BP. I have lowered my T dose to 12mg per day and trying to figure out thyroid of 2 grains per day. I cannot tell if I get much benefit with 2 vs 1. I highly recommend the Bystolic over anything else. I think there is some Sildenifil in it for vasodilation. My doctor said only down side is the price of $170 per month. I think a generic is about $40 however. My HR runs 60-70, BP 120-70 now on this. Feels very smooth.
Kind of confusing. I had been on 50mg of Metoprolol for 6 months. I am 59 wanted a cardiologist relationship so my first meeting he said Bystolic is the best for heart rate control. I went to 5mg Bystolic but not quite enough so I added back 25mg of Metoprolol for now until I meet with him this week to go up to 10mg Bystolic. I am 59 with a slight high HR can run 80 on nothing and 150-80 on BP. I have lowered my T dose to 12mg per day and trying to figure out thyroid of 2 grains per day. I cannot tell if I get much benefit with 2 vs 1. I highly recommend the Bystolic over anything else. I think there is some Sildenifil in it for vasodilation. My doctor said only down side is the price of $170 per month. I think a generic is about $40 however. My HR runs 60-70, BP 120-70 now on this. Feels very smooth.
Do you notice immediate erectile quality changes from manipulating hr and blood pressure?
I am curious how .25 of a grain does anything. I am trying to go by my FT3 and RT3. when I am on 2 grains and have 3.1 FT3 and 8 RT3 with TSH around 0.06 and FT4 of .7 I wonder if I need to cut back given I notice a bump in heart rate. What do you manage your dose to? FT3? TSH? symptoms? Thank you!
Sorry I have been busy traveling. I manage my dose based on FT3 level and symptoms. I used to use 1 grain to bring my FT3 to 4.0, but since starting using Lugols Iodine, I obtained same FT3 level with only half grain. During the last consult with provider we decided to cut a 1/4 and see how am I doing. With out NP thyroid my FT3 seats are 3.0, so I assume a 1/4 grain would take it to 3.5, in the low optimal.
Sorry I have been busy traveling. I manage my dose based on FT3 level and symptoms. I used to use 1 grain to bring my FT3 to 4.0, but since starting using Lugols Iodine, I obtained same FT3 level with only half grain. During the last consult with provider we decided to cut a 1/4 and see how am I doing. With out NP thyroid my FT3 seats are 3.0, so I assume a 1/4 grain would take it to 3.5, in the low optimal.

How much lugol’s u using per day? U using 2% or 5%?
I love that this thread has gotten so huge. What a great resource for progesterone discussion.

I still find that the days I use progesterone cream, my Fitbit sleep score is much higher and I feel .much more rested the next day.
I love that this thread has gotten so huge. What a great resource for progesterone discussion.

I still find that the days I use progesterone cream, my Fitbit sleep score is much higher and I feel .much more rested the next day.
I remember you tried hydrogel. Are you still on hydrogel? What’s full protocol? How often do
You use progesterone? What is its impact on sexual function
I love that this thread has gotten so huge. What a great resource for progesterone discussion.

I still find that the days I use progesterone cream, my Fitbit sleep score is much higher and I feel .much more rested the next day.

I’m really loving using progesterone this time around. I feel like it definitely added something that my body needed and was missing. Can’t wait to get labs done and dial in my dose more. Haven’t had labs yet while using this brand of inj prog. But so far 1mg/ night seems to be working well
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I remember you tried hydrogel. Are you still on hydrogel? What’s full protocol? How often do
You use progesterone? What is its impact on sexual function
No I am not on hydrogel anymore. Feeling quite depressed at the moment actually. Anhedonia is getting pretty real. Despite all the anabolics in my system my gym gains are probably worse that if had less because my mind isn't right and my workouts are somewhat lame. I am currently on an EOD protocol. I enjoy the feeling progesterone gives me and allows me to sleep though.

200 TC weekly
100 ND Weekly
500iu HCG on Monday

I would have bailed on this protocol by now but I will be getting bloodwork any day now and didn't want to tinker. I'll most likely try something with a much lower TC dose probably around 70mg a week.
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