I supposedly crashed my E2, never took labs initially during that time though. I used arimidex monoteraphy for about 3-4 months with varying dosages of like 0.25-0.5mg ed or eod. I quit cold turkey. I never had E2 issues before and what I can remember my baseline E2 before this was quite low actually around ~15pg/ml. I can't remember if it began right before I quit or after I quit but I started feeling really shitty. Hot flashes/sweating almost 24/7. Itchy skin, scalp, stomach, breast area. Hair thinning. Severe, severe fatigue with tired eyes. Shortness of breath etc. etc. It has been ~2 years since the initial teraphy, I've made the mistake of taking some AI in between mistakenly (probably) thinking my issues was due to high E2. In blood, there seems to be no issue. E2 (sensitive) is/has been about 25-30 pg/ml and recently measured my E1, it was little under middle of the range but I am not sure what is the optimal E1 levels in male. I feel horrible like dead inside. I struggled with depression before this but this whole situation made it like 10x worse. I am now working with a doctor who theorized we could try to bring up my aromatase with something like hcg or testosterone to see if it would help my symptoms. I don't get this at all, I've given it plenty of time. I also get chest pains from time to time which have led me to E.R several times but nothing serious was ever found. Only thing that comforts me is that when I go for a walk, if it would be cardiac source one would assume that exercise would make the chest pain appear/make it worse but I've never get chest pain while walking. But my cardio tolerance is shit, I get out of breath very easily. I've read that low estrogen could lead to microvascular disease of heart.. This is just a nightmare and I am hoping that I can get to the bottom of this issue soon. I feel like 80 year old man. Only theory I have is that this is some type of receptor issue, upregulation.. whatever. My blood does not show anything grossly abnormal unfourtunately.