Old Age and HCG Treatment

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I have had one doctor state that HCG is not effective for anyone who has already entered or is past Andropause and that it would be a waste of time and money. I would like to hear any comments on HCG effectiveness being age dependent. Are there any studies to disprove this theory?

The answer to that would depend on if the reason for andropause was primary or secondary.
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
Okay, Weasel. Can you elaborate further please. I was diagnosed with Primary Hypogonadism in my mid-sixties and commenced TRT late last year with good results. How would that prevent HCG from being effective in backfilling the pathways and from having the TRT experience even more effective and healthy?
Okay, Weasel. Can you elaborate further please. I was diagnosed with Primary Hypogonadism in my mid-sixties and commenced TRT late last year with good results. How would that prevent HCG from being effective in backfilling the pathways and from having the TRT experience even more effective and healthy?

In that regard, it would/should backfill those pathways just fine. I was saying it in the context of whether or not it would help T levels by getting your testicles to produce Testosterone themselves.
Thanks. I agree that it would have no/little help on increasing my T levels especially as I try to keep my levels high normal so that would tend to suppress any natural production from my testicles. Also, since I have had a vasectomy 25 years ago increasing sperm production isn't a factor. The reason I had spoken to the doctor about HCG was to backfill the hormone pathways and perhaps decrease any potential testicular shrinkage that might occur over time. The doctor indicated that it wouldn't help prevent shrinkage because of my age (post andropause).
I don't know, Nelson. The insinuation was that it came from discussions and presentations "at a conference". I will see if I can pump for more information when next we meet. I have never seen a paper presented that would support the theory.
While it may not help as good as someone on their 30s or 40s, it should still help as most likely your tested arecapable of producing something rather than nothing.
Even then, it is still good for mood and libidio for many.
It really wouldn't take too long to see if it works anyway. Tell him you understand what he is saying but you feel that your testes are work the potential small waste of money.
Or just go to someone like defy and give it a month.
Yes, I have read that study but it is quite a stretch from there to assume that HCG would not be beneficial for post andropause males on TRT.
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